January 2015

AS level Science, Mathematics, Geography and Computer Science Students
STEM Conference at Cardiff University - Friday 19June 2015

Dear parent

Your son/daughter will be attending a STEM Conference at Cardiff University on Friday 19 June 2015. This will be an extremely valuable experience for all A Level students studying Sciences, Mathematics, Geography and Computer Science. The day is organised around a series of presentations, speakers, practical workshops and exhibitions representing all fields of science, mathematics, astronomy, earth sciences, engineering and computing.

The College has been working very closely with the Mathematics, Engineering and Science Departments at Cardiff University to enhance the curriculum for our students and to provide additional support in these areas. We are extremely fortunate that a STEM Conference is now being organised by the University exclusively for St David’s College students.

There is no cost attached to attending the conference. However students will have to make their own way to Cardiff University and must also find their own way home. We will arrange a meeting and registration point at the start of the day, at lunch time and a final registration at the end of the day.

Please would you complete the enclosed consent form. We also ask that students complete the student’s agreement form and hand both these forms into reception by Friday 30 January 2015 or send by post to Rebecca Clyde, Head of Science. By signing the consent form you are also agreeing to your son/daughter being largely unsupervised on this trip. However, college staff will be attending the sessions and will be available on site throughout the day

The exact time and location for meeting and registration will be given to the students directly before the trip; however the conference is due to run from approximately 8.45 am until 4.30pm. If you have any queries in relation to the conference, please do not hesitate to contact the college number or by email ;, ,

Yours faithfully,

Hilary Griffiths (Assistant Principal)

Please retain this page for your reference.

AS level Science, Mathematics, Geography and Computing Science Students
STEM Conference at Cardiff University
Friday 19June 2015

I give permission for ______to attend the STEM Conference at Cardiff University on Friday 19 June 2015 and. I understand that ______will be largely unsupervised during the day.

I understand that, whilst College staff in charge of the party will take all reasonable care of the students, they cannot necessarily be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by «Student_First_Name» arising during, or out of, the visit.

I consent to any medical treatment being given to my son/daughter in the event of an emergency. I also consent to photographs being taken by the university which may be used for publicity purposes.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______

Parents/Guardian’s Name: ______Date: ______

Student name:


Emergency contact telephone number of parent/guardian:

Student’s Date of Birth:

Age of Student on 01/06/2015:


Medical Details (Allergies, conditions or medication etc.):

Student Declaration of Intent

During college trips we will aim for an informal atmosphere within the group, but we do require

co-operation with College expectations. The key requirements from you are set out below and we would ask you to read them before signing the Declaration of Intent.

As a student of St David’s College you agree to:

1. Have an acceptance of your personal responsibility as a young adult and as a representative of St. David's College.

2. NO SMOKING wherever it is deemed to be unacceptable, unless otherwise indicated.


There is absolutely no alcohol consumption during this or any college trip. If you are found to be in the possession of alcohol then it will be confiscated and you could be asked to return to College. You will then not be invited on any further subject related trips and it may jeopardise your future on the course.

These rules are framed for everyone's benefit and are aimed at maximising the opportunities for everyone during the conference.

I, ………………………………………………….., agree to co-operate with the overall expectations and agree to adhere to the guidelines laid out above.

Name (Print)……………………………………………….(Student)

Signed………………………………………………….. (Student)
