Dear Friends,

As I think about what to write on this front page I look at what is to come on the calendar and go – “OH MY GOSH!” this summer is coming to an end and new, “fall” things begin again. I can’t believe it. Are we ready? YES! The Lord is good and will guide us in all things. Right?! 

August itself is full of ministry: Back to School Fiesta, Costa Rica Mission Experience, Milestone Ministry Celebrations, Backpack Blessings (with a new twist), and Confirmation to begin. Then September comes crashing in with the culmination of our Summer Acts Bible Study series and Transformational Event to take place at LCR. Not to forget gearing up for Education Hour to begin again following Rally Sunday, September 12th. And I hear that our church isn’t full of life --- hmm? 

As I have journeyed through Acts in conversation with others this summer I have discovered some great things. First and foremost is God’s determination to make His Word known and lived. No matter if it takes healing, conversion, prison stays, speeches, or secret meetings --- He was and is single-minded in his purpose to have all people in relationship with Him. Praise God!

And in that purpose our role is made known: to be disciples sharing Christ’s love, one person at a time. How might we do this? What does it look like? How can we accomplish this mission and ministry with our resources, strengths and abilities? To help us discern our mission, our purpose, our ministry; two opportunities are at our feet in September: ARE Workshop with Kelly Fryer and Transformational Event @ LCR with Living Word in Buda.

The ARE (A Renewing Enterprise) Workshop on Saturday, September 11th in Austin is an event led by Kelly Fryer. She will be in our midst to help us begin the renewing conversation as we look at the way we do ministry. This workshop will help us to approach church and life by looking at three principles: be who you are, see what you have, and do what matters.

Right after that we are hosting the Transformational Event which piggybacks off of our Acts Bible Study Series. This day will be full of discovery and development. Folks from Living Word in Buda will journey to Wimberley as together we discover what God has in store for our churches. Be watching for more information, but for now mark your calendars for Saturday, September 18th. We do need YOU (yes, all of us!) at this event to hear what we’ve learned and see where we go from here in the work of Christ.

I invite you to be a part of reshaping and relearning our life together in Christ. Mark your calendars and see the newsletter content for more information. Please continue to be in prayer for the ministry teams at work planning ministry opportunities to share Christ with all we meet.

Pastor Jennifer 

"I do not understand the mystery of grace; only that it finds us where we are but will not leave us there."

Anne Lamott

On-call Pastor

During the week of August 8th – August 16th Pastor Jennifer will be with the youth at the Costa Rica Mission Experience. The office will be open its normal hours. Information for the pastor on call will be made available through the church office.

Worship survey

What is your opinion regarding the Summer Worship schedule? Any thoughts for the fall? As we plan ahead, we’d like to hear from you because the worship team and council could use your input. On Sunday, August 1st & 8th we will be conducting a worship survey regarding the future schedule. If you will not be able to attend worship either of these two weeks, please see the questions below and send your answers and comments to the church office via email or USPS (PO Box 1087). Thanks for your help.

Beginning September 19th what should LCR’s worship schedule be?

  1. 2 worship services: 8:30am (traditional) – 9:50 Education Hour – 11:00 (contemporary)
  2. 1 worship service
  3. 9:00 (Education Hour) - 10:00am Worship
  4. 9:30 (Education Hour) – 10:30am Worship
  5. Comments for the leadership teams:

Milestone Ministry

Honoring an Anniversary--- On Sunday, August 8thwe will honor and celebrate with Emily & Brandon Merkord and their family on their 15th Wedding Anniversary. Please join us for fellowship after worship.

Backpack Blessing – Sunday, August 22nd. Children and youth, be sure to bring your backpack, lunch bag/pail, computer or notebook. Adults, you are invited to participate this year as well. See the note below.

NEW LIFE blessing at LCR

Yes, it is that time again when school starts and new life transitions begin in our lives as well as in those around us. On Sunday, August 22ndwe will honor this milestone in the lives of our young people as well as adults in our midst. Those attending school are asked to bring their backpacks, lunch pails, binders, or whatever it is they carry to school each day. Adults are asked to bring whatever they need for their daily vocation – laptop, briefcase, Blackberry, iphone, bag of quilting or knitting materials, work/tool belt, bag of books to read, your favorite pen, etc. This vocational blessing is for everyone! After all, Jesus goes with us to school, our workplace, our home, our neighborhood – anywhere we go.

We will ask God to use our supplies, our equipment, our hands and feet to help the world, and that we would keep God in the center of all that we do and learn.

Acts Bible study

How is it going? Studying on your own or with a group? Has God placed any insights on your heart? If you haven’t had an opportunity to study the chapters we’ve read in June or you want to hear what others are saying, mark your calendars for Sunday, August 22nd! After worship anyone that is interested in learning or discussing Acts is invited to attend an Open Conversation. Be sure to bring your Bible.

Just a reminder: (chapters to have read by the following dates)

August 1 – 15, 16August 8 – 17, 18, 19August 15 – 20, 21, 22

August 22 – 23, 24August 29 – 25, 26September 5 – 27, 28

Costa Rica Mission Experience

You are invited to be in prayer for Carlie Tise, Holley Hickman, Parker Tise, Tripp Temoney and Pastor Jennifer (along with the other team members from Cross Trails Ministry and other Texas congregations) as they embark on this mission experience. Prayers for their families while they are away are needed as well! May Christ be shared and experienced in and through the life of others.

ordination invitation

We praise God with and for Jason Chesnut who has received his first call as Associate Pastor of Central Lutheran Church in Edgerton, Wisconsin. Jason will be ordained into the ministry of Word and Sacrament during a celebration of Holy Communion on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 10:00am at the Chapel of the Abiding Presence of Texas Lutheran University (1000 West Court St.) in Seguin, TX. As a part of the priesthood of all believers, everyone is invited to wear red to symbolize the Holy Spirit.

See the “Thank You Section” for a note from Jason as well as the narthex at church for more information regarding the invitation. Let each other know if you want to go ---- let’s car pool and represent LCR well as we support Jason in the ministry!

confirmation to begin!

Parents and Youth be sure to mark your calendars for the beginning of confirmation class. Parent/Youth orientation (all of the family is invited) is on Sunday, August 29th from 2-4pm at Holy Cross in Austin. Youth – please be sure to bring your notebook so we make sure you have all the current supplies. There are some new things happening in confirmation this year, so please be sure to make every effort to attend.

Regular class begins on Sunday, September 12th from 2-5pm at New Life in Dripping Springs.


Thank you to……

Dirk and Carol Dierking for organizing and supplying the watermelon festivities on the 4th of July.

Bunky Layton and Dorcy Rhea for leading Deer Creek Devotions on the 4th of July. And thanks to Dirk & Carol Dierking, Al Strobel and JoAnne Mille for your attendance and support.

Everyone for helping to reach our goal of donating $400 to the Back to School Fiesta on August 14th. We were able to exceed that goal with donations of $445. (Remember, if you’d like to volunteer please contact Dianne Kilpatrick.)

Bunky Layton, Dorcy Rhea and Al Strobel for cutting down and cleaning up the tree (as well as other trimming). And thanks to anyone else who helps keep the yard clean.

The ladies that spent the day tying, sewing and laying out quilts at the Sew-In: Bunky Layton, Dorcy Rhea, Jenny, Jan Erlandson, Jo Anne Miller, Angie Rose, Colleen Kaye and Pastor Jennifer. As well as Felicia Neigut and Paula Johnson ---- the behind the scenes ladies. We are off to a great start!

Our tech folks: Brandon Merkord for website updates and Roger Pearson for the behind the scenes updating and maintaining of the computer in the office.

Dear Members of LCR,

God is good! I want to thank all of you for your continued prayers and support throughout this journey we call seminary. I am blessed to be cared for by such a compassionate community! Hope to see you at my ordination.

Peace of God,

Jason Chesnut

Dear Friends at LCR,

THANK YOU for hosting us in September for our Acts event. We are very excited to be able to partner with you to support each other's congregations. This is the third time we have read through the book of Acts to be able to discern direction and mission for Living Word--in fact, after the first time we decided to change our name TO "Living Word". We have always found this to be a deeply meaningful exercise, particularly for spiritual growth and bringing together the congregation in a common focus. We hope you are enjoying your reading and preaching of the book of Acts this summer, and we look forward to seeing all of you on September 18. We will be there! God's peace and blessings to you!

Therese DeMay, Tommy Heinsohn, Meredith Schawe, Brant Boehnke,

Shirley Fritsch, Autry Burns, and Lori Ruge-Jones

The Leadership Team from Living Word, Buda

Website Reminder

If you haven’t checked out our website lately, please be sure to do so. You will find the newsletter, calendar, upcoming events (watch the tagline), photos of our life together, and so much more. As you browse the website, let Pastor Jennifer or Brandon Merkord know if you have any suggestions for upgrading.

We continue to pray for all who are ill and recovering and receiving treatments or testing and for Shirley Schliessmann, Pam Longoria, Hugh Ellington, Evelyn Suggs, Doris Kowalski, Zee Hickman (mother of Danny and Lois Hickman), Dot Currie (sister of Dirk Dierking), Jill Vantine (daughter of Bobbi & Jim Vantine), Jim Armstrong (son-in-law of Harriet Powell), Kym Oltrogge (former LCR member, now at New Life in Dripping Springs), Aiden Pederson (friend of Lois Hickman), Jim Wolf (friend of Carol and Dirk Dierking), Colleen Toppett, Pat Rhea (son of Dorcy Rhea), and all care givers that devote their time to care for those they love.

Please be in prayer for our family and friends who are serving our country either stateside or overseas. Pray daily for peace in our world, particularly in the Middle East, and for all who suffer the consequences of war. We continue to pray for those who are hungry and for those who serve them. Please be in prayer for the Lord to replenish the earth as He sees fit – especially in the coastland affected by the oil spill. We also lift in prayer the families that are struggling with separation and divorce.

neighbors helping neighbors 2010

Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 28th and SHOP LOCALLY!! The Wimberley Ministerial Alliance has developed a Neighbors Helping Neighbors day during which local businesses have committed a percentage of their sales to Operation Good Shepherd (the assistance fund for WMA to help local folks with rent, utilities, gas, groceries, etc.). Participating businesses include: Ace Hardware, King Feed, Kate’s Place, Enchantment, Taste Buds, Country Classics, Broken Arrow Rock Shop and many more. Please consider shopping locally on this day. Not only do your support the local economy but those in need as well!

Watch for posters and flyers that list the participating businesses.


Mark your calendars for Dinner Night Out on Wednesday, August 11th. We will be heading to Saltgrass in San Marcos to dine at 6:30pm. If you would like to carpool, please meet at the church at 6:00pm. We always have a good time together and invite you to join us!

Mexican train

An event that takes place each month at the church – and is open to all who wish to come and join the fun. In case you aren’t aware – this is a dominoes game. If you’ve never heard of it and wish to learn – come and join us. Whether you are an expert or a beginner – you will fit right in with this crowd of LCR folks. We play on the 3rd Thursday of the month, beginning at 12:30pm. The next play date is August 19th. If you would like to be on the e-mail list of dates, please contact Shirley Schliessmann.

hand & foot

It’s a card game similar to Canasta and fun to play. The second and fourth Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. is when the group meets. If you want to be on the email reminder list, contact Colleen at 847-3386. We will play on August 9th and 23rd.

Prayer of farewell and godspeed

For a variety of reasons there have been some changes in our membership at LCR over the past year. The following folks have journeyed to a new place of worship. As a whole church of God, we send them with our blessings and love.

David and Mimi Clemens

Doug and Mickie Ladd

We pray together:

In Holy Baptism our Lord Jesus Christ received these persons and made them members of his Church. When they came to this congregation we rejoiced to receive them into our fellowship in the Gospel. In this community of faith they have heard the proclamation of God’s Word, which reveals his loving purpose for us and for all creation. They have been nourished at Christ’s holy table and called to be witnesses to the Gospel. God has blessed them in this fellowship and he has blessed us through them.

We encourage them to continue to receive and share God’s gifts in their new congregations as workers with us in the Kingdom of God.

Eternal God, we thank you for these people and for our life together in this congregation and community. As they have been a blessing to us, so now send them forth to be a blessing to others; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Occasional Services, Published by Augsburg Fortress, 1982, pg. 151-152)

local blood drive – ausgust 21st

The Wimberley Community Blood Drive is scheduled for Saturday, August 21st at the Wimberley Community Center from 9:00am-3:00pm. In order to donate blood, please sign the Blood Drive Pledge sheet in the narthex at church (or call the church office). You will then be called in the week before the donor day to set an appointment convenient to you. If you have questions contact Muriel Jackson (Drive Coordinator) at 847-1201 or

Planning Ahead –

Church Silent Auction & Rummage Sale

Saturday, October 2nd – Bring your “no wannas” and your “you betcha this is good” to the church for this giant sale day! For more information contact Bunky Layton or Dorcy Rhea @ 847-9376.

WELCA Meeting

Sunday, August 29th @ New Life in Dripping Springs. Come and enjoy an afternoon of healthy living with fellow Christian woman as well as “Refresh to Serve.” Watch for more information on flyers at church.

LCR to Host Transformational event – september 18th

Mark your calendars now as we end our Summer Acts Bible Study Series with a transformational event that will give us life and direction as a church. At this all day Saturday event we will journey together with our brothers and sisters from Living Word in Buda to discover what God is telling us through the Scriptures. We will walk away with thoughts and ideas on what God has in store for our particular church, for His ministry in Wimberley.

No, you do not have to know anything about anything to come to this event. No, you do not have to have read Acts prior to coming. Yes, it will be helpful to have an idea of the book; but this too will be discovered on the day’s journey. AND YES --- WE DO NEED YOU! The leadership of LCR has committed to making this day a day of discovery and need you to be there to make it happen.

Mark your calendars and you’ll find more information on this as the month goes on!

Make the shift: Learning to live & work together in renewable ways

Saturday, September 11th is the date to mark on your calendar. From 9am-4pm at Abiding Love Lutheran Church in Austin, we will learn from Kelly Fryer (and one another) about how to be who we are, see what we have to offer, and do what matters with this knowledge and these gifts.

For more information on this workshop, see flyers in the church narthex. If you are interested in attending, talk to Pastor Jennifer or a council member to get in on the group rate. Or you may register on-line via synod website. Go to the news & events page.

Lifeline screening at LCR

Do you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure or a family history of cardiovascular disease? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may want to consider being screened for your risk of stroke through the services of Life Line Screening. Life Line Screening uses ultrasound technology to view the plaque buildup in your carotid arteries, the main arteries that carry blood to the brain, and offers other, similar tests that check for related vascular disease.