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As / Has

Write your own sentences

Important: to type your own sentences into this worksheet select the Forms toolbar and ‘unlock’ the padlock. You will need to lock it again before doing the fill-in exercises on page 2.


This can mean 'because' or 'when'. So if you can replace the word by either of these and the sentence still makes sense, then use 'as'.

As I was late, I missed the train.

Mr Jones tripped as he came down the stairs.

It is also used to compare things - usually using 'as' twice in the sentence.

He was as nice as pie.

She's as well as can be expected.

It is also used when something that was thought or expected turns out to be true.

She was given the new job just as I had predicted.

As you know, we are closed during August for the holidays.


This can mean 'to own' or 'to have got'.

He has an apartment in Spain.

She has three children.

Our house has three bedrooms.

It is also used with a verb to describe actions that have taken place in the past.

He has called several times but you were out.

She has rung the doctor and he will come this morning.

When it is followed by 'to' it usually means 'must'.

Mrs Green has to go to London on Thursday.

John has to finish that job before he can leave.

Write a sentence with ‘as’ in it.

Write a sentence with ‘has’ in it.


Complete these sentences by choosing as or has from the dropdown menu.

1. The car hit the wall it came round the corner.

2. I suspected, he wasn't really ill.

3. Get this done quickly as you can.

4. He a headache.

5. John bought a new computer.

6. It won't be easy you will find out.

7. Janet to work late tonight.

8. the parcel arrived yet.

9. she already knew, she wasn't surprised when I told her.

10. Barbara a rich uncle in America.

11. He looked as white a sheet.

12. They all looked up he came into the room.

13. you already know, we are getting married in June.

14. Geoff to be there by four o'clock.

15. She brought up four children all on her own.

16. you've missed the last bus, you'll have to call a taxi.

17. She not been in to work today.

18. You are only old as you feel.

19. He a beard.

20. Brian to take things easy for a while.

Check your answers

As / Has

1. The car hit the wall as it came round the corner.

2. As I suspected, he wasn't really ill.

3. Get this done as quickly as you can.

4. He has a headache.

5. John has bought a new computer.

6. It won't be easy as you will find out.

7. Janet has to work late tonight.

8. Has the parcel arrived yet.

9. As she already knew, she wasn't surprised when I told her.

10. Barbara has a rich uncle in America.

11. He looked as white as a sheet.

12. They all looked up as he came into the room.

13. As you already know, we are getting married in June.

14. Geoff has to be there by four o'clock.

15. She has brought up four children all on her own.

16. As you've missed the last bus, you'll have to call a taxi.

17. She has not been in to work today.

18. You are only as old as you feel.

19. He has a beard.

20. Brian has to take things easy for a while.

This resource kindly contributed by Gaye Noel Park Lane College, Leeds.

Ww/L1.1 L2.1 Spell correctly words most often used at work, studies & daily life. Understand that spelling of homophones is related to meaning & grammar.

To use this worksheet. If you can’t see the drop down menus next to the shaded words select the Forms toolbar and lock the padlock. Use ‘print layout’.