This is Tripp Crayton, Principal at Jordan-Matthews High School, with your biweekly announcement. Copies of all messages can be found on our school website in both English and Spanish. Please note that teachers distributed progress reports this past Tuesday. Note that the six weeks period will end on Monday, October 2nd. Speak with your child to ensure he or she is putting academics first.
As a reminder,the school day starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:10 pm. It is imperative that all students arrive on time and are present every day in order to maximize their success. Please limit any appointments or trips that could result in your student missing out on instructional time. Attendance is taken in each class and students who have more than ten unexcused absences will not be able to receive credit for the course. Students must be present at least 45 minutes in each class in order to be counted present. If you need to check your student out early from school you will need to come into the front office and sign them out. If your child is a car driver, you will need to send them with a note indicating the time of their early dismissal so that they can turn the note in before school starts and the note can be verified by the school. We do not allow student checkouts between 2:30 -3:10 so if a student has an appointment at the end of the school day please check them out prior to 2:30 pm.
Tickets are now available for the Hispanic Heritage Celebration. It will be held on September 28th, before the soccer game against Carrboro. $5 per ticket will not only get you admission to the game, but also delicious food and fantastic entertainment. You do not want to miss this. Tickets can be bought from any ESL teacher or Ms. Tobar in the front office.
The Student Services Department along with the college and career advisors will host a 10th grade parent night on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the media center. Come and learn about graduation requirements, the Career and College Promise program, and planning for college.
The Peer Education Program of Siler City (PEPSC) meets every Tuesday after school in Ms. George’s room. If you are interested in becoming a health advocate in your community, please join us to become a peer educator.
Parent University will take place on September 24th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Pittsboro Elementary School. The purpose of the evening is present a learning experience for everyone, centered on focus, calm, and thinking through mediation. All are welcome to attend.
Seniors and their parents should refer to the Senior Info section on the JM website under the Students tab for the most up-to-date senior information.
This is Our Community. Our School. My J-M. Enjoy the rest of your day, thank you for your continued support of Jordan-Matthews, where it’s always a great day to be a Jet. Goodbye.