Hot Weather
As a provider of childcare services, the City of Stonnington is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of all educators and children in care. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that risks associated with the care of children being performed outdoors are minimised.
Stonnington Childcare Services believes that children should be given the opportunity to participate in a range of activities, both indoor and outdoor throughout the year.
This policy applies to children enrolled at the service and all educators working within Childcare Services, including agency relief educators and students/volunteers engaged by the City of Stonnington.
High temperatures:Any time of the day where the temperature has reached 33c or higher.
Childcare Services Co-ordinator
Team Leaders
- During any inclement weather, rain, hail, wind or heat Team Leaders and educatorsneed to assess if it is appropriate for children to play outside. This assessment need to be based on the health, safety and wellbeing of the children and educators themselves.
- Children and educators will remain indoors while the temperature is 33c or higher to ensure health and wellbeing is safeguarded.
- Team Leaders and Educators are able to check the temperature by looking on the internet., ensure you use the suburb the centre is situated in, listening to the radio or asking Administration officers to check for them.
- Once the temperature drops below 33c outdoor activities may continue.
- At all times educators are to ensure that children are well hydrated have easy access to water and assist children to wear appropriate clothing for the weather.
- This hot weather policy must be used in conjunction with the sunsmart policy, ensuring children are wearing hats, sunscreen and play in shaded areas.
Educators will assist children and parents/guardians to cope with the heat by;
- Helping children learn about the weather and why we need to stay out of the heat and well hydrated within the program.
- Providing parents/guardians with relevant information on heat and hydration through newsletters, noticeboards and meetings.
When enrolling their child, parents/guardians are:
- Made aware of the Hot Weather Policy.
- References
City of Stonnington Extreme Weather Conditions Procedure OHS B 1.15
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
National Quality Standards
Version Control: 3 / Date Issued; 2 December 2011 / Date Reviewed: 22 February 2016G:\Child Family Serv\Childcare\Policies & Procedures Manual\Policies and Procedures\CCS PP - Hot Weather.doc