300102994-Delinked Messages (Functional Specification)
IRIS User Group Development
Delinked Messages
IUG-0006; SN-300102994
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File Location / Q:\Lmd\Development\300102994-Delinked Messages-IUG\02 Specification\IUG-300102994-Delinked Messages-Functional.01.docDocument Owner / Xchanging Global Insurance Systems
Status / Authorised by XGIS
Authorised by
Name / Authorising Role / Date / SignatureAlan Chisham / Development Project Manager / 08/05/07 / Signed copy on file
Daryl Yeats / Project Manager / 08/05/07 / See e-mail in folder
Mick Hobbs / Director / 09/05/07 / See e-mail in folder
John Colwell / Financial Director / 08/05/07 / See e-mail in folder
IRIS User Group / Client
Daryl Yeats
Project Manager
10th May 2007
© Xchanging Global Insurance Systems Ltd. 2007
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Version / Description/Reason for Change / Date1 / New Document / 03/05/2007
Circulation List
Name / Business Area / For Review / For Sign-off / Agreement to proceedAlan Chisham / Development / X / X / X
Daryl Yeats / IS / X / X
Mick Hobbs / IS / X / X / X
John Colwell / IS / X / X / X
IRIS User Group / Client / X / X / X
Document Purpose
This document is the Functional Specification for the Delinked Message Processing Enhancement for IRIS-ENH[1]. It has been compiled in accordance with the Xchanging XPERT package Implementation Methodology.
Contents Page
1 Introduction 6
1.1 Background to Requirement 6
1.2 Business Requirement 6
1.2.1 Requirements 6
1.3 Scope 7
1.4 Outside Scope 7
1.5 Terms and Definitions 7
1.5.1 Message File 7
1.5.2 Message 7
2 Summary of Functional Changes 8
2.1 Business and Functional Requirements Matrix 10
3 Detailed Functional Specifications 11
3.1 Message Download - FS1) 11
3.2 Message Upload - FS2) 11
3.3 Translate Messages and Load to Bureau Receiver Files - FS3) 11
3.4 Numerical Validation – FS4) 11
3.5 Create Closings - FS5) 12
3.6 Transaction Validation - FS6) 12
3.7 Signings file Status - FS7) 13
3.8 Generic Bureau Screens - FS8) 14
3.9 Updating IRIS - FS9) 14
3.10 iSeries Message Processing - FS10) 14
3.11 GUI Message Processing - FS11) 15
3.12 GUI Processing Options - FS12) 16
3.13 Policy Input - FS13) 17
3.14 Cancelled Delinked Messages FS14) 17
3.14.1 GUI Cancelled Delinked Processing 17
3.14.2 iSeries Cancelled Delinked Processiing 17
3.15 Delinked Action History - FS15) 18
3.15.1 GUI Delinked Action History - FS15)a) 18
3.15.2 iSeries Delinked Action History - FS15)b) 18
3.16 Closings Update - FS16) 18
3.17 Closings Edit - FS17) 18
3.18 Closings Reversal - FS18) 18 Closings Reversal Enquiry 18 Enquiry Navigation for Transaction Enquiries 18
3.19 Fix Program - FS19) 18
4 Acceptance Criteria 19
4.1 Test Plan 19
4.2 Matrix to Reference the Functional Statements to the Test Cases 30
4.3 Test Cases 30
5 Costs 31
6 Appendix 32
6.1 Database Additions/Changes 32
6.1.1 New/Changed Files 32 UPPSREP 32 UCGFREP 32
6.1.2 Data Output 32 Action History Records 32 Signed Line/Order Percentages 32
6.1.3 Sample Reports 34 Example of Transaction Validation Report 34
XPERT Release 1 Stage G Page 34 of 34
300102994-Delinked Messages (Functional Specification)
1 Introduction
1.1 Background to Requirement
The Early Signing Message (Delinked message) is available from Xchanging Ins-Sure Services (XIS) for those companies who register to take it.
The message, available for both “LIRMA” and “ILU” data, is sent by XIS when the Signed Line information is received from the Broker by them. This enables a message to be sent that can update existing IRIS policy records with this information rather than having to wait for the daily signing message which is, for LIRMA data, the DSIGN message and for ILU data, the ILUCSM message. The delivery of these subsequent signing messages is often some considerable time later due to the Broker not submitting the risk for closing.
It should be noted that IRIS already has the capability to process the equivalent Lloyds Delinked message.
1.2 Business Requirement
The basic requirement is for IRIS to be able to process the Company Delinked messages, IPCDSM message for LIRMA data and for ILU data, the IPCCSM message, using the existing message control procedures where possible.
1.2.1 Requirements
BR1) Download Message
The Delinked Messages will be downloaded from the FTP site onto the iSeries.
BR2) Translate Message
The message will be validated and translated into the message capture files.
BR3) Upload Message to IRIS
The Delinked messages will be loaded into IRIS, such that they can be treated like other ILU and LIRMA Bureau Transactions.
BR4) Process Message
It is proposed that the Delinked Messages will be processed by the existing Bureau Closings application for ease of development and a reduced development cost. They will be processed in batch on the iSeries, or interactively by the GUI. Depending on the enquiry selections, Delinked messages can either be displayed alone, or with together with other messages.
BR5) Updating Policy
Processing the Delinked messages will update details on the Policy Files.
BR6) Delinked Status
Policy Input should indicate if a policy has had a Delinked message processed against it.
BR7) Cancelled Delinked Messages
Policy Input should indicate if a policy has had a delinked message processed against it that was subsequently cancelled and not to date replaced.
BR8) Action History
A history of whether Delinked messages have been processed against a policy should be recorded at the policy reference level.
BR9) System Administration
Access to The Delinked Message processing will be controlled by existing Bureau and Closing settings in System Administration.
1.3 Scope
The scope of this document is to enable IRIS to be able to process Company Delinked messages, for LIRMA data, the IPCDSM message and for ILU data, the IPCCSM message.
It is envisaged that only existing policies that are present on IRIS policy files will be able to be updated with the signed line/order message information and new IRIS policy records will not be created for any message that references a non-existent policy reference.
1.4 Outside Scope
XIS also have the capability of producing a CSV file (comma delimited file) of Delinked data. Processing of this input form will not be included in this enhancement.
Delinked messages will be processed to update the Policy using the GUI, or in Batch on the iSeries. It will not be possible to use On-Line-Edit for Delinked records.
1.5 Terms and Definitions
1.5.1 Message File
This relates to the transmission that is downloaded from Bureau. The transmission will be a file that contains messages.
1.5.2 Message
A Message is a collection of data that represents a business transaction. A number of messages may be transmitted in a single message file.
2 Summary of Functional Changes
FS1) FTP Download
The Bureau Message Workflow Manager application (BureauMsgWFM.exe) will be used to download the message to a network by selection the ‘Poll for new Messages’ option. This will need to be able to be configured to recognise and process the new message types only if the messages come from a different site than the other messages.
FS2) FTP Upload
The ‘Upload new Messages to RDBMS‘ selection in the Bureau Message Workflow Manager application (BureauMsgWFM.exe) will download the message into the iSeries library dedicated to receiving intermediate messages using the existing FTP upload.
FS3) Translate Messages and Load to Bureau Receiver Files
Once the messages have been transferred to the iSeries The Bureau Message Workflow Manager application (BureauMsgWFM.exe) will be used to translate the messages into the Bureau Reciever Files.
a) The message layout will be validated
b) The message will be loaded into the Bureau Receiver Files.
FS4) Numerical Validation
The existing Bureau Closings Application will be enhance, so that Delinked Messages can be Numerically Validated (LIRMA only)
FS5) Create Closings
The existing iSeries Bureau Closings application will be enhanced, so Delinked messages are loaded into the Bureau Closings Log Files, where they can be processed.
FS6) Transaction Validation
The existing iSeries Closings application will be enhanced to validate Delinked messages.
FS7) Signings File Status
The Signings File Screen will need to be changed for LIRMA and ILU, so that a flag will indicate if a message file is delinked or not.
FS8) Generic Bureau Screens
The generic screen used to submit Numerical Validation, Create Closings and Transaction Validation will need to be changed for LIRMA and ILU, so that a flag will indicate if a message file is delinked or not.
FS9) Updating IRIS
Whether the GUI, or iSeries, is used, the message processing will be the same.
a) The Policy files will be updated with data from the Delinked message.
b) ‘Dummy’ closings records, with zero amounts will be created, but these will not be written to the ledger.
FS10) iSeries Message Processing
There will be further iSeries changes, so that ILU, or LIRMA Delinked messages can be processed in Batch, to allow the message transactions to be processed.
FS11) GUI Message Processing
IRIS GUI will be enhanced, so that ILU, or LIRMA Delinked message transactions can be Processed.
a) The Bureau Closings Selection Wizard will be enhanced to include, or exclude Delinked records.
b) Once selected the Bureau Closings will be enhanced to process the Delinked Records.
FS12) GUI Processing Options
The Processing options available to the Bureau Enquiry will not change for Delinked messages, so access to the options will be controlled by existing Bureau and Manual Closings settings in System Administration.
FS13) Policy Input
There will be a new flag on the policy files that will indicate the Delinked Status of a policy.
FS14) Cancelled Delinked Message
Cancelled Delinked messages, where the broker has decided not to proceed with a signings message will also be processed and the Policy updated.
FS15) Delinked Action History
To maintain an audit trail of Delinked Processing an Action History record will be created whenever a delinked, or cancelled delinked message is processed against a policy.
a) GUI Action History
IRIS GUI Bureau Closings already creates action history records and this will be extended to write a Delinked record
b) iSeries Action History
The iSeries Bureau Closings Batch Processing will also need to be enhanced to write an Action History record for delinked messages.
FS16) Closings Update
Delinked records will be processed to the Stats, but not to the Ledger.
FS17) Closings Input
Closings Input will be amended, so that it will not be possible to Edit, or Copy a delinked item.
FS18) Closings Reversal
It will not be possible to reverse a delinked item.
FS19) Fix Program
A fix program will need to be run to set the Delinked Status flag for existing polices.
2.1 Business and Functional Requirements Matrix
The following matrix shows the relationship between the business and functional requirements listed in this document.
BR1 / BR2 / BR3 / BR4 / BR5 / BR6 / BR7 / BR8 / BR9FS1 / P
FS2 / P
FS3 / P
FS4 / P
FS5 / P
FS6 / P
FS7 / P
FS8 / P
FS9 / P / P / P
FS10 / P / P / P
FS11 / P / P / P
FS12 / P
FS13 / P
FS14 / P
FS15 / P
FS16 / P
FS17 / P
FS18 / P
FS19 / P
3 Detailed Functional Specifications
The Delinked messages will be identified by their message types IPCDSM for LIRMA and IPCCSM for ILU. The format of the messages will be the same as the existing closings messages, so the messages will be processed through the existing Bureau Closings Application.
3.1 Message Download - FS1)
Currently all Bureau messages are downloaded into a network directory using the Bureau Message Workflow Manager application (BureauMsgWFM.exe) and so will the Delinked message download process. The messages will be coming from the same site as existing signings messages, so no additional configuration of IRIS will be needed (in regards to an FTP site).
3.2 Message Upload - FS2)
The Message will be loaded into the same iSeries library dedicated to receiving existing closing intermediate messages using the existing Bureau Message Workflow Manager application (BureauMsgWFM.exe) FTP upload.
3.3 Translate Messages and Load to Bureau Receiver Files - FS3)
Once the messages have been transferred to the iSeries the ‘Translate messages’ selection of Bureau Message Workflow Manager application (BureauMsgWFM.exe) will be used to translate the messages into the Bureau Reciever Files.
· The message layout will be validated
· The message will be loaded into the Bureau Receiver Files
Depending on data area settings (UTPSRSA3 for LIRMA and UTILRLA1 for ILU) it is possible to Validate the messages and load them into the Bureau Closing Log Files from the ‘Translate messages’ option of the Bureau Message Workflow Manager (see 3.4, 3.5 & 3.6 on page 11). This will enable the messages to be fully processed using only the GUI.
Selecting ‘Poll, upload and translate’ will execute the Message Download (3.1), Message upload (3.2) and Translate (3.3) in a single job. Jobs from the Bureau Message Workflow Manager application can either be submitted to the scheduler, or run interactively using the ‘Run Now’ option.
3.4 Numerical Validation – FS4)
The existing Bureau Closings Application will be enhanced to, so that Delinked Messages can be Numerically Validated. This is the first level of validation and checks that numerical fields are numeric and character fields are characters. Numerical Validation is option 2 from the LIRMA menu, although depending on data area UTPSRSA3, this job may have been completed automatically from the Translate (see section 3.3 on page 11)