Davis Boxwood & Daylily Nursery 336-352-3694
Clinton & Rebecca Davis
136 Sunset Ridge Trail
Lowgap NC 27024 Email:
Name: Date
Shipping Address:
City: State Zip
Phone: email address:
Preferred shipping date: May we substitute:
Qty / Daylily or Iris name / Price / Qty. / Daylily or Iris name / Price1 / 18
2 / 19
3 / 20
4 / 21
5 / 22
6 / 23
7 / 24
8 / 25
9 / 26
10 / 27
11 / 28
12 / 29
13 / 30
14 / 31
15 / 32
16 / 33
17 / 34
Shipping charges below: Sub total:
20% bonus on orders over $25.00
Shipping: Priority Mail: $10.00 + $1.00 per plant
If you would like a Free plant please send $1.00 per plant for shipping
If we are sold out of a plant and you would like to substitute then please send a list of substitutions.
Thank you for your order. Becky Davis