Arvind K. Bansal, Ph.D., Full Professor


1988 Ph. D. Computer Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.

1983M. Tech. Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, UP, India.

1979 B. Tech. Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, UP, India.

Appointments (post PhD)

2005 -Full Professor, Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA

2004Visiting Professor, Benares Hindu University, Benares, India (sabbatical)

2004Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, (sabbatical)

1993-2005Assoc. Professor, Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA

1996Senior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia (sabbatical)

1995Visiting Professor, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany (sabbatical)

1993Summer Faculty, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA

1988-1993Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA

Representative Refereed Publications (Total 15 since August 2004)

  1. A. Bansal, “Role of Bioinformatics in the Development of Anti Infective Therapy,” Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2008, pp. 51-63
  2. A. Guercio, A. K. Bansal, T. Arndt, “Language Constructs and Synchronization in Reactive Multimedia Systems,” International Transaction on Computers and Software Engineering, No. 1, Vol. 1, 2007, ISSN: 1797-1152, pp. 52-59
  3. A. Guercio and A. K. Bansal, “Towards a Formal Semantics for Distributed Multimedia Computing,” International Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems, San Francisco, USA, 2007, pp. 81-86
  4. A. K. Bansal and Y. Hijazi, “Low Bandwidth Video Conversation Using Anatomical Reconstruction of Facial Expressions Over the Internet", IADIS International Conf. on WWW/Internet , October 2006, Murcia, Spain, pp. 154-161
  5. A. K. Bansal, “Incorporating Fault Tolerance in Distributed Agent Based Systems by Simulating Biocomputing Model of Stress Pathways,” SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, April 2006, Orlando, Florida, pp. Vol. 6201, pp. 620108-01 - 62010810
  6. A. K. Bansal, Bioinformatics in microbial biotechnology - a mini review, Microbial cell Factories, volume 4, issue 19, 2005, Highly accessed article, over 10,000 downloads (including Biomed Central and Pubmed Central), Known citations: 20.
  7. T. E. Meyer and A. K. Bansal, “Elevated CG Content in Hyperthermophile can Resolve Evolutionary Discrepancies between Analysis using Whole Genome Comparisons and 16SrRNA,” Biochemistry, 2005;44(34), pp 11458 – 11465
  8. A. Guercio and A. K. Bansal et. el, “Synchronization in Distributed Multimedia Systems,” Proc. of the Internat. Conf. of Distributed Multimedia Systems, Banff, Canada, 2005, pp. 34-39
  9. A. K. Bansal, “Exploiting Biological Model to Incorporate Event Based Adaptation in Networked Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems, Proc. of the ‘IEEE International Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence 2004, ‘ Boca Raton, USA, Nov. 2004, pp. 761-768
  10. B. Simoes, A. Guercio, and A. K. Bansal, “Towards Large Scale Voice Activated Dynamic and Interactive Internet Based Animation and Modeling,” Proc. of the ‘IASTED International Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications’, Cambridge, USA, Nov. 2004, pp. 749-754

Representative Presentations/Invited Talks

1.Towards a Formal Semantics for Distributed Multimedia Computing,” International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, San Francisco, USA, 2007

2.Low Bandwidth Video Conversation Using Anatomical Reconstruction of Facial Expressions Over the Internet", IADIS International Conf. on WWW/Internet, Murcia, Spain, 2006

  1. "Incorporating Fault Tolerance in Distributed Agent Based Systems by Simulating Biocomputing Model of Stress Pathways," SPIE Defense and Security Symp., Orlando, 2006
  2. Advanced seminar series in Bioinformatics, Benares Hindu University, India, Fall 2004

Funded Grants

Research Council Grant, Kent State University, US$ 6, 500, Project: Genome Comparison for Anti infective Therapy, Summer 2008

Wright Patterson Base-Air Force, US$69,000, Project: Fault Tolerant Adaptive Multimedia Agent Based Systems, One year, June 2004-May 2005

Graduate Thesis Supervision

A. Guercio, PhD Dissertation, (Fall 2004), Coauthored publications: #2, #3, #8, #11, #15

J. Burke, MS thesis, (Spring 2008)

Y. Hijazi, MS Thesis, (Spring 2005), Coauthored publications: #4

S. Uddin, MS Thesis, (Spring 2004), Coauthored publication: #12

Committee Membership

Curr.Xun Lai (CS); Xiao Zhu (CS); Manas Hardas (CS)

2008Saleh Al Shomrani, Computer Science, Kent State University

2007Obyebisi Jegede, Biological Sciences, External Committee Member,Kent State University

2005 External Thesis Examiner, D. Phil Student, University of Allahabad, India

Professional Service

Editorial Board: International Journal for Tools with Artificial Intelligence

2009 PC member, International Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Appl., Milan, Italy

2009 PC member, International Conf. on E-business and Telecommunications, Milan, Italy

2009 PC member, International Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS 2009)

2008 PC member, International Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS2008)

2008 PC member, IEEE International Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Security

2008 PC member, IASTED International Conf. on Distributed and Intelligent Multimedia Systems

2007 PC Member, IADIS International Conf. WWW/Internet,Lisbon, Portugal

2006 PC Member, International Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems, (DMS 2006)

2006 PC Member, International Conf. Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2006)

2005 PC Member, International Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS2005), Canada

2005 PC Member, Second World Congress on Lateral Computing (WCLC 2005), Bangalore, India

2005 PC Member, IEEE Symp. on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Washington DC

Journal Reviewer:Biotechnology Progress, Microbial Cell Factories, Biomed Central, IEEE Multimedia, IEEE Software, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

International Conference Reviewer (multiple years):(1) IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet; (2) IASTEAD International Conference on Communications, Internet, & Information Technology; (3) IASTED International Conference on Distributed and Intelligent Multimedia Systems; (4) International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems; (5) International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security; (6) International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Application

Federal Funding Agencies

1. Reviewer, National Science Foundation, USA

2. Panelist, National Institute of Health – Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Division, USA

3. Independent expert, European Commission Research Directorate General, Belgium


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