2017 K-6th Grade Art Contest

“This Is My World”

The theme for the 2nd Annual Arts in USC K- 6th Grade Art Contest is “This Is My World”. This art contest is offered to USC students in kindergarten through 6th grade. Students can create an original 2D piece of art that expresses what “This Is My World” means to him/her. The artwork should be no bigger than 8½ x 11 inches, and not mounted. Please put the artist’s name, school and grade on the back of the piece, along with an arrow indicating which way is up. Please turn your artwork into your school’s main office by Monday February 27, along with the Official Student Entry Form. Please contact if you have any questions.

§  First round judging will be held at the individual schools by Friday March 10.

§  School finalists will participate in the district wide competition and winners will be displayed at the Boyce Mayview CRC’s Arts and Chocolate Spectacular on April 1.

§  Artwork will be returned to the artist’s school after the Arts and Chocolate event.

Arts in USC

2017 Art Contest

“This Is My World”

Official Student Entry Form

Elementary School ______

Grade (circle one) K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Title of Artwork ______

Artist’s Statement (mandatory) --1-2 sentences describe what your artwork represents:______

(Fold here for blind judging)


*Artists please put an arrow on the back of the artwork so we know which end is up. Thank you.

Student’s Full Name:______Grade:_____Age____

Mailing Address:______

Parent/Guardian Name(s)______

Parent/Guardian Phone ______E-mail______


Signature of Student Signature of parent/legal guardian

By submitting artwork, the entrant agrees that the USC PTC and USCSD are allowed to display, copy, reproduce, print and use the submitted original artwork for any USC PTC and USCSD purposes.