Ref. No.(internal use):

Arts & Business Cymru Awards 2018

Sponsored by Valero

Nomination Form

The Robert Maskrey Award for Arts Philanthropy

Recognising and celebrating an inspirational and significant contribution to the arts in Wales by an individual.

Unlike other categories in the A&B Cymru Awards, arts organisations may submit nominations for the Philanthropy Award without the prior knowledge of the individual(s) concerned. Should the nomination be successful, A&B Cymru will contact the partner arts organisation to discuss the Award further.

Only 1 individual will be recognised in this category. No shortlist will be published or announced.


Name of Individual
Address in full
(including postcode)
Telephone number
Name of arts organisation
Address in full
(including postcode)
Name of Chief Executive
Name of Chair
Contact in arts organisation
(name and position)
Telephone number

Note: All fields in this form are mandatory. If not applicable please type n/a in the box.

Completed nominations must reach A&B Cymru at 16 Museum Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BH or no later than Monday 22 January 2018.


  • There is no nomination fee.
  • The Philanthropy Awardrecognises indviduals who have supported arts organisations or artists in Wales between 01.01.17 – 31.12.17.
  • Should more than one arts partner wish to nominate an individual a separate form must be submitted by each.
  • Forms submitted after the closing date will not be eligible for consideration.
  • Information submitted (excluding financial details) may be used by A&B Cymru for publicity purposes, unless you specifically request otherwise.
  • The judges’ decisions will be final and A&B Cymru reserves the right to withhold any award.
  • All details are correct at the time of going to press. A&B Cymru reserves the right to vary these details at its discretion.

Please send a visual record, which illustrates the work of the arts partner and, if possible, the individual (e.g. photographs, film). No other supporting material is required.


Please give a description of the work of the arts partner. In no more than 200 words
Tell us the story of the partnership. In no more than 200 words
Please use these questions as a guide:
  • Why did the individual decide to support the arts partner?
  • What support did the individual provide?
  • What did the individual help the arts partner achieve that otherwise would not have happened?
  • How did the individual contribute to the viability, stability and performance of the arts partner?
  • Is the individual still involved with the arts partner? If so, in what way?

Financial information (Confidential - for the judges’ information only)

Cash value of Individual’s investment in arts partner

Visual Record of Partnership Submitted: Photographs Film

The Arts & Business Cymru Awards Ceremony will take place at Wales Millennium Centre on Friday 25May 2018.

Details of the winners will not be released before the ceremony.

Signature of arts organisation representative………………………………Date……………………………

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