Arts and Humanities: Scoring Guide 2015-2016 (Score - 8.94)

Curriculum and Instruction

Demonstrator 1. Student Access: All students should have equitable access to high quality curriculum and instruction.
Needs Improvement / Proficient / Distinguished / Evidence
The arts program offers the artistic processes of creating, performing and responding to the arts but not all four arts disciplines are included. / Access is provided for all students through intentionally scheduling time within the instructional day for a balanced program of the artistic processes of creating, performing and responding to the arts in each of the four arts disciplines (dance, drama, music, visual arts). / The arts program offers individual students the opportunity to develop their own talents in the artistic processes of creating, performing and responding to the arts with the support of teachers, beyond the regular classroom. /
  • 6th-8th Grade: WKU Dance Education Program (presenting, demonstrating, student/WKU dancer interaction, career)
  • 6th Grade: Aladdin and Magic Lamp Play
  • 8th Grade: Diary of Anne Frank Play
  • A&H Curriculum Maps (Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts)
  • Access to IEP/504 Plans/Gifted and Talented Service Plans/Limited English Proficient (LEP) in Infinite Campus
  • A Smith-Thomas (8th Reading): Reader’s Theatre The Diary of Anne Frank
  • C Donaldson (8th Social Studies): Washington, DC trip and historical tours
  • D McCrocklin (6th Math) and P Wallace (6th Math): PrimeTime Math
  • Documentation of participation in state and/or national art events:
  • B Eadens (6-8 HVAC) collab M Crawford (6-8 A&H): WRECC Art Contest
  • J Evans (6-8 Band/Gen Music): KMEA Festival
  • K Hughson (6-8 PLCS): STLP - Digital Products (Art- Digital Art, Graphic Design, Manipulated Image, Photo; Video; Music; Multimedia, ePublishing)
  • M Crawford (6-8 A&H): Adopt a Highway Art Contest (KY Transportation Litter and Environment); Quilt Panels for Mammoth Cave Exhibit; School Breakfast Art Contest; Festival of Trees (BC Conservation)
  • T Lowe (6-8 Choir): KMEA Festival
  • Flocabulary (School license) – A. Cardwell (6th Spec. Ed.), A. Fuller (6-8 Resource), C. Donaldson (8th Social Studies), E. Clark (6th Reading), J Scott (8th Spec. Ed.), K. Doughty (6th Writing), H. Elmore (8th Writing), L. Cardwell (6-8 Library Media Specialist), L. Graham (8th Math), T. Harper (6th Geography), R. Johnson (7th Math), D. McCrocklin (6th Math), P. McKinney (7th Math), L. Smith (7th Reading), M. Taylor (8th Math), P. Wallace (6th Math)
  • C Flener (6-8 FMD): Friday Cooking with Visual recipes
  • J Evans (6-8 Band/Gen Music): National Anthem
  • K Doughty (6th Writing): Preposition Song
  • K-PREP Kick-off: Talent Show
  • L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media): The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Play (Book Club)
  • Master Schedule
  • Math RAISE (Extended Responses) and CUBES (Word Problems)
  • P McKinney (7th Math) and R Johnson (7th Math): Order of Operations Song
  • SBDM Agenda and Minutes
  • SBDM Policy: Curriculum
  • School Dances: Welcome Back, Halloween; St. Patrick’s
  • School-wide Christmas Door Decorating Contest
  • STLP: Shrek the Musical
  • L Smith (7th Reading): Book Report and Creative Project - rubric
  • L Winters (7th Writing): Onomatopoeia Comic Strip
  • T Harper (6th Geography) and L Winters (7th Writing): Jr. Beta field trip to Owensboro Museum of Fine Arts
  • T Lowe (6-8 Choir): Veteran’s Day Performance
  • YSC: Hosts BCMS Arts Fair

A)To what extent does the school provide access for all students through intentionally scheduling time within the instructional day for a balanced program of creating, performing and responding to the arts in each of the four arts disciplines?
Discipline-based instruction is not provided for each arts discipline as outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards.
  • Middle School: All students have access to regularly- scheduled discipline-based, arts courses in three or less art forms which provide a firm grounding in basic creating, performing and responding to the arts. Students wishing to begin a specialization in an art form(s) are provided regularly scheduled classes.
/ The arts curriculum provides discipline-based instruction and protected time in each arts discipline containing its own body of knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking as outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards.
  • Middle School: All students have access to regularly- scheduled discipline-based, arts courses in each of the four art forms which provide a firm grounding in basic creating, performing and responding to the arts. Students wishing to begin a specialization in an art form(s) are provided regularly scheduled classes.
/ Arts teachers collaborate (K-12) to ensure that curriculum is vertically aligned for discipline-based instructional program in each arts discipline.
  • Middle School: All students have regularly- scheduled discipline-based, arts courses in each of the four art forms yearly which provide a firm grounding in basic creating, performing and responding to the arts. Students wishing to begin a specialization in an art form(s) are provided regularly scheduled classes.
  • 6th-8th Grade: WKU Dance Education Program (presenting, demonstrating, student/WKU dancer interaction, career)
  • A&H Curriculum Maps (Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts)
  • Gifted and Talented Service Plan in Infinite Campus
  • J Evans (6-8 Band/Gen Music): National Anthem Performance; KMEA Festival
  • Master Schedule
  • M Crawford (6-8 A&H): Adopt a Highway Art Contest (KY Transportation Litter and Environment); Quilt Panels for Mammoth Cave Exhibit; School Breakfast Art Contest; Festival of Trees (BC Conservation); collab B Eadens (WRECC Art Contest)
  • PLC & Team Agenda and Minutes
  • STLP: Digital Products (Art- Digital Art, Graphic Design, Manipulated Image, Photo; Video; Music; Multimedia, ePublishing)
  • T Lowe (6-8 Choir): Veteran’s Day Performance; KMEA Festival

B)To what extent does the school ensure that the arts curriculum provides discipline-based instruction and protected time in each arts discipline as outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards?
Demonstrator 2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum: An aligned and rigorous curriculum provides access to Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for all students as defined by state standards.
Needs Improvement / Proficient / Distinguished / Evidence
The arts curriculum is not fully aligned with the Kentucky Academic Standards. / The arts curriculum encompasses the artistic processes of creating, performing and responding and is fully aligned with the Kentucky Academic Standards. / Teachers responsible for teaching the arts regularly collaborate to ensure that curriculum is aligned vertically and horizontally with the Kentucky Academic Standards. /
  • A&H Curriculum Maps (Visual Arts, Theatre, Music and Dance)
  • A&H Lesson Plans (Edmodo)
  • J Evans (6-8 Band/Gen Music) collab T Lowe (6-8 Choir): Christmas Program
  • J Evans (6-8 Band/Gen Music) and T Lowe (6-8 Choir) collab W Lin (6-8 Chinese Mandarin): Molihue Jasmine Flower
  • L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media) collab M Crawford (6-8 A&H): Photos for class tool – Sharing information with staff
  • M Crawford (6-8 A&H): Collaboration A Cardwell (6th Spec. Ed. – Watch Me Lead poster Poppy presentation and Testing Bulletin Board); C Donaldson (8th Social Studies – Ancient Cuneiform Writing; B Eadens (6-8 HVAC – WRECC Art Contest); T Harper (6th Geography – Compass Rose Collage Maps); K Hughson (6-8 PLCS & STLP – STLP Products Scoring and Careers in Art); L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media – Visual Poems using Recycle Materials); L Smith (7th Reading – Writing Literary Elements); M Glass (YSC – BCMS Arts Fair);W Lin (6-7 Chinese Mandarin – Chinese Vase)
  • T Lowe (6-8 Choir) collab J Scott (8th Special Ed): Veteran’s Day Sign Language Performance
  • PLC & Team Agenda and Minutes
  • YSC: BCMS Arts Fair

A)To what extent does the school ensure that the arts curriculum encompasses creating, performing and responding and is fully aligned with the Kentucky Academic Standards?
The curriculum may be designed to develop some basic arts literacy skills in the arts, but does not support full literacy in the four arts disciplines. / The arts curriculum provides for the development of arts literacy in all four arts discipline and also utilizes the Kentucky Academic Standards for English/Language Arts. / The curriculum goes beyond basic literacy in the arts to include communication through the students’ arts products and performance as a distinctive literacy in itself as well as written and verbal communication utilizing the Kentucky Academic Standards for E/LA. /
  • Content Posters: CDonaldson (8th Social Studies), C Flener (6-8 FMD), D McCrocklin (6th Math), J Embry (8th US History); J Scott (8th Special Ed); K Doughty (6th Writing), L Graham (8th Math); M Crawford (6-8 A&H); M Taylor (8th Math), P Wallace (6th Math), T Harper (6th Geography)
  • A&H Curriculum Maps (Visual Arts, Theatre, Music and Dance)
  • A Fuller (6-8 Resource): Inferencing from picture; Flocabulary – Reading story and identifying parts
  • A Smith-Thomas (8th Reading) collab J Scott (8th Special Ed): compare and contrast The Diary of Anne Frank (Reader’s Theatre and Play)
  • B Frazier (7th Science) collab C Dockery (7th Special Ed): Identification Lab
  • C Donaldson (8th Social Studies) collab M Crawford (6-8 A&H): Create names using Ancient Cuneiform writing
  • C Flener (6-8 FMD): Sing songs of the week in Spanish and using Sign Language; Friday Cooking with Visual recipes
  • E Clark (6th Reading): Student Book Talks; Aladdin and the Magic Lamp Play Compare and Contrast Essay; Mental Image Drawing using Text Evidence Hatchet; Mental Image using Old Yeller; Mental Image Welcome to the Future; Passage from 9-11 and draw image of a hero; I Have a Dream decorative Diamante poems
  • H Elmore (8th Writing): Flocabulary Figurative Language; Composed and acted out scenes; Created memes
  • H McRae (6-8 World Lang.): Comic Scripts; Interactive Notebook; Making piñatas
  • J Evans (6-8 Band & Gen Music): Italian Music Terms; Set Goals, Elements of Dance, and Health Benefits; National Anthem Reflection; Fall Festival Reflection
  • K Doughty (6th Writing): LaBamba (music and reflection); collab L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media) Natural Disaster (Board Builder)
  • K Hughson (6-8 PLCS): Animated Commercial; 3 RsTagxedo; Board Builder Career
  • L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media): Makerspace Movement in the Library; Book Character Pumpkin
  • L Graham (8th Math): Zentangle; Mathematicians Posters; Visual Real Numbers; Pi Day Song
  • L Graham (8th Math) collab J Scott (6-8 Special Ed): Luck of the Irish Dice Game
  • L Smith (7th Reading):Flocabulary Point of View and Theme; Flocabulary What is Poetry; Watsons go to Birmingham – guest speaker, movie; Book Report and Creative project - rubric
  • L Winters (7th Writing)collab C Dockery (7th Special Ed): Health Topic Posters; Alliteration Advertisement; Imagery Analysis; Onomatopoeia Comic Strips
  • L Wood (6-8 GT): 8 Parts of Speech Posters; Human Rights/Violation Newspaper Posters; Charlie Brown 3 Life’s Lessons; Utopia List with Photos
  • M Crawford (6-8 A&H): Watch Me Lead Posters; Careers in Art; Compare and Contrast Silent and Modern Movies; Art and Drama Critique; Create Proscenium Stage; Parody Grant Wood’s American Gothic Painting; Create Stages with their bodies; Primitive Cultures Role Play; Celebrity Portraits using values in words; Character creation in Drama Handout; Greek Mythology Plays, Masks and Set Design; Idioms to create literal paintings; Journal Entries; Theatre Performance Critique; Sharing Information Arts Toolkit
  • M Crawford (6-8 A&H) collab L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media): Visual Poem using Recycled Library Materials
  • M Crawford (6-8 A&H) collab L Smith (7th Reading): Literary Elements
  • P Bucklew (6th Science): Creative Writing and Art with Science Vocab
  • T Harper (6th Geography): Map Maker Careers; Culture and History of Mexico; Create Icons for Physical Features
  • T Lowe (6-8 Choir): Moroccan Israeli German Music pieces; Sign Language for Veterans Program; America Performance reflection; Reflection – Pre-Festival

B)To what extent does the school ensure that the arts curriculum provides for the development of arts literacy in all four arts discipline and also utilizes the Kentucky Academic Standards for English/Language Arts?
Cross-curricular integration between the arts and other content areas is happening but it is not fully developed or intentionally based on the Kentucky Academic Standards. / The school curriculum provides opportunities for integration as natural cross-curricular connections are made between the arts and other content areas. / The school curriculum provides intentional and meaningful integration of the arts and other content areas with natural cross-curricular connections.
  • 8th Grade: Guest Speakers (Grant & Catie McKinney) Korean Costumes
  • Content Posters: C Donaldson (8th Social Studies), C Flener (6-8 FMD), D McCrocklin (6th Math), J Embry (8th US History), J Scott (8th Special Ed); K Doughty (6th Writing), L Graham (8th Math); M Crawford (6-8 A&H); M Taylor (8th Math), P Wallace (6th Math), T Harper (6th Geography)
  • Flocabulary (School license) – A. Cardwell (6th Spec. Ed.), A. Fuller (6-8 Resource), C. Donaldson (8th Social Studies), E. Clark (6th Reading), J Scott (8th Spec. Ed.), K. Doughty (6th Writing), H. Elmore (8th Writing), L. Cardwell (6-8 Library Media Specialist), L. Graham (8th Math), T. Harper (6th Geography), R. Johnson (7th Math), D. McCrocklin (6th Math), P. McKinney (7th Math), L. Smith (7th Reading), M. Taylor (8th Math), P. Wallace (6th Math)
  • Related Arts PLC and Meeting Minutes
  • School Assembly: Poppy
  • A Fuller (6-8 Resource): Inferencing from a picture
  • A Smith-Thomas (8th Reading): Compare and contrast The Diary of Anne Frank
  • B Frazier (7th Science): STEM Activity – Building a Cup; Chemistry in a Bag (describing); Identification Lab (description); Volcano eruption experiment
  • C Donaldson (8th Social Studies): Compare artifacts from ancient India to today; Examine early cave paintings; Parody Song about Greece; China Cheer; Compare and contrast Maurayan Gupta Empires (Music and art)
  • C Flener (6-8 FMD): Recycled items for Christmas tree; Sing songs of the week in Spanish and using Sign Language; Friday Cooking with Visual recipes
  • D McCrocklin (6th Math): PrimeTime Math videos; Factor Tree; Plotting Points; Graphing Basic Skills; Music Rational Numbers; Hands-on Equations
  • D McCrocklin (6th Math): collab K Hughson (6-8 PLCS) Everfi Financial Literacy computer program
  • E Clark (6th Reading): Student Book Talks; Mental Images (Notebook); Aladdin and the Magic Lamp Play Compare and Contrast Essay; Notebook Mental Images
  • E Clark (6th Reading) collab A Cardwell (6th Special Ed): “I Have a Dream” Decorative Diamante Poems
  • H Elmore (8th Writing): Create Memes
  • H McRae (6-8 World Lang.): Color Wheel; Comic Scripts; Making Piñatas; Conversation Role Play (video and visual art)
  • J Embry (8th US History): Salem Witch Trials Reenact; Compare and contrast maps from different time periods; Music (Cherokee Morning and Hiawatha); Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I
  • J Evans (6th-8th Band & Gen Music): Health Benefit of Dancing
  • J Evans (6-8 Band & Gen Music) and T Lowe (6-8 Choir) collab W Lin (6-7 Chinese Mandarin): Molihue Jasmine Flower
  • J Martin (8th Science): UK Plotting Points
  • J Scott (8th Special Ed): Greek Words Posters; Visual picture for speech; Culture Poster
  • K Doughty (6th Writing): Literature Toolkit; LaBamba; Five Paragraph Essay Listening to Italian Opera; Volcano (video); Ugly Sweater Narrative
  • K Doughty (6th Writing) collab A Cardwell (6th Special Ed): Video Anticipation Guide “The Snowman”; Identify Parts of a Letter
  • K Doughty (6th Writing) collab L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media): Natural Disasters (research and board builder)
  • K Hughson (6-8 PLCS): Animated Commercial; Country Flyers; Consumer Decision Music Video; Everfi Financial Program; Everfi Entrepreneur Program; Country Flyer; Bears Sports News (STLP); Career Board Builder
  • K Hughson (6-8 PLCS) collab H McRae (6-8 World Lang): Picture with Spanish Labels
  • L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media): Book Fair Decorating and Pumpkin Contest; Makerspace Movement in the Library; Book Club The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Play
  • L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media) collab B Frazier (7th Science): Copper Mine Online Lab, Virtual Tours and Everyday Use; Biomes research and presentation
  • L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media) collab H Elmore (8th Writing): Career Research displayed in an artful way
  • L Graham (8th Math): Art Coordinate Graph; Zentangle; Art in Math Using lines to create curves; Dance Angles; Mathematicians Posters; Pi Day Song; Scale Drawing; Interpreting Data on Scatter Plots; Pythagorean Theorem History; Hologram
  • L Graham (8th Math) collab J Scott (8th Special Ed): Dance Transformation; Luck of the Irish Dice Game
  • L Smith (7th Reading): Mock Trial Drama; Personal Visualization of Story Eleven; Haiku and Limerick; Fairy Tale Theme and Art Evidence; Watsons go to Birmingham(story and movie); Book Report and Creative project - rubric
  • L Smith (7th Reading) collab L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media) Guest Speakers from Public Library
  • L Winters (7th Writing): Imagery Analysis Chart; Onomatopoeia Comic Strip; Imagery Poetry; Extended Metaphors; Alliteration Advertisement; Health Research Posters; Halloween Cultures; Elements of Poetry (drama); Operation Gratitude (letters with art); Personification
  • L Wood (6-8 GT): Human Rights/Violation Newspaper Posters; Picture supporting story
  • M Crawford (6-8 A&H): Collaboration A Cardwell (6th Spec. Ed. – Watch Me Lead poster Poppy presentation and Testing Bulletin Board); C Donaldson (8th Social Studies – Ancient Cuneiform Writing; B Eadens (6-8 HVAC – WRECC Art Contest); T Harper (6th Geography – Compass Rose Collage Maps); K Hughson (6-8 PLCS & STLP – STLP Products Scoring and Careers in Art); L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media – Visual Poems using Recycle Materials); L Smith (7th Reading – Writing Literary Elements); M Glass (YSC – BCMS Arts Fair); T Harper (6th Geography – Compass Rose Collage Maps); W Lin (6-7 Chinese Mandarin – Chinese Vase)
  • M Crawford (6-8 A&H): Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Self Portraits; Cultural Exchange England; Adopt a Highway Art Contest KY Transportation Litter and Environment; Careers in Art; School Breakfast Art Contest; Math in Art Measure Test Jasper Johns; Parody Grant Wood’s American Gothic Painting; Group Critique – evaluating and interpreting artworks; Compare and Contrast Silent and Modern Movies; Primitive Cultures Role Play; Celebrity Portraits using Values in words; Daily Journal Entry; Greek Mythology Plays, Masks and Set Design; Idioms to create literal paintings; Journal Entries; Theatre Performance Critiques
  • M Crawford (6-8 A&H) collab L Cardwell (6-8 Library Media): Visual Poem using Recycled Library Materials
  • M Taylor (8th Math): Jack-O-Lantern Ordered Pairs; Create a model from blocks – pair
  • M Taylor (8th Math) collab H McRae (6-8 World Lang): My Plate Country, Guest speaker K Harrison, Exemplar, Reflection
  • P Bucklew (6th Science): Draw and Label Water Cycle
  • P McKinney (7th Math): Adding Integers Song; Color by Number Fraction; Graphing Ordered Pairs; My Life in Numbers; Rappin’ Mathematician song about adding decimals; Subtracting Mix Numbers; Order of Operations Song; Construction Video (complementary/supplementary angles)
  • P Wallace (6th Math): Number Spikers; PrimeTime Videos; Plot points on a coordinate grid; Exponents Poems in Math; Music Video – Identify Properties of Math; Convert Percent, Fractions and Decimals
  • R Johnson (7th Math): Collab C Dockery (7th Special Ed) Order of Operation Song; Solved Expression Order of Operations to create picture; Renaissance Castles
  • R Tyree (7th Science): Collab C Dockery (7th Special Ed) Diagrams of Plan and Animal Cells
  • T Harper (6th Geography): Climate Zone Travel Brochures; Map Maker Career; Elements of Hawaiian Culture (Music and Drama); Culture and History of Mexico; Create Icons for Physical Features; Identify and Describe Rights and Responsibilities in Democracy; Earth changes over time posters; Locate and Identify Physical Features on US map; Water on Earth plays important role in daily lives
  • T Lowe (6-8 Choir): Collab J Scott (8th Special Ed) Learning Sign Language for Veteran’s Day Performance Reflection; Reflection – Pre-Festival
  • YSC: BCMS Arts Fair