How to load a Cummins REPLACE DELFOR
When Cummins issues a DELFOR having a BGM030 value of “5”, the supplier must overwrite all previous demand data in their system with this DELFOR. A BGM030 value of “4” indicates a CHANGE, and is part number specific.
SCC segments are used to indicate different demand buckets in the DELFOR. It is critical that suppliers setup their system to load ALL scheduling conditions: Firm, Planned, and Past Due.
SCC+10++D indicates a firm order is now considered PAST DUE at the plant. Please note that the original firm date is NOT communicated in the DTM segment, rather the date the DELFOR data is pulled from the plant system. SCC+10 past due demand is communicated ONLY when a part number is considered past due at the time the DELFOR data is pulled from the plant system.
Suppliers should setup their system to generate a flag or report that shows the demand that is considered past due at Cummins.
The cumulative quantity history for the part number should then be reviewed with the supplier in-transit material to see if the parts have been shipped and are in-transit. If there are no in-transit shipments, then the supplier needs to work with the plant to see why there is a discrepancy.
SCC+1++D indicates FIRM orders at the plant. This is based on the supplier lead time and horizon times setup by part number at the plant.
SCC+4++D indicates PLANNING/FORECAST data. Suppliers are NOT to ship against planning/forecast data or auto firm their forecast demand.
Other values in the DELFOR that might cause an issue for suppliers loading the DELFOR
NAD+SU (supplier code, name, and address for supplier as defined by Cummins)
As our plants migrate to new MRP systems, the original supplier number will no longer be communicated in the DELFOR. Suppliers must update their system to load the new supplier code, which is a combination of the new supplier number and the ship-from site code for the supplier. Ex: 100001COLUMBUS00, 100001 is an example of the new supplier number and COLUMBUS00 is an example of a ship-from site code. All new values must be communicated back to the plant in EDI communications from the supplier.
NAD+ST (ship-to ID, name, and address for Cummins plant)
The DUNS number will remain the same, but there are instances where the plant name has changed. All new values must be returned in subsequent EDI messages from the supplier, such as the DESADV.
RFF+ON (purchase order number)
Purchase order numbers will change as plants migrate to a new MRP system. Purchase order numbers are specific to a Cummins location. The PO number should load into the supplier system as well as print out on any reports that are generated for customer representatives. All new values must be communicated back to the plant in EDI communications from the supplier.
LIN (part number)
New part numbers may be communicated in the DELFOR. Supplier system’s should be setup to generate a flag or report to indicate a new part number is being communicated so it can be setup in the system to load the DELFOR data for the part.