Mabry Basketball League
Registration Form
The Mabry Basketball league is open to all Mabry students. Girls and Boys will play on same teams unless Intramural Supervisor makes arrangements for the girls to play on all girl team, by Girls’ choice. All girl teams will play in same league against, possible all Boy teams, since there are not enough Girls to make an entire league of their own. Girls must agree to these stipulations ahead of time.
Teams will begin with practice games on January, 18th. All league games will be played during morning intramural time. (8:00- 8:45 A.M.) The season will last 6-8 weeks, or until all games on the schedule are played. At the end of the regular season, there will be playoffs to determine league champions. The 6th/7th grade teams will play on Thursdays and 8th grade teams will play on Fridays. *Note: some 7th graders may be asked to play “up” with 8th grade teams on Fridays to even out numbers.
To help with identification and team spirit, we are ordering team shirts for purchase, which is optional. Students who do not purchase a shirt should wear a shirt that matches their team’s color. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the shirts will go to buy new equipment and supplies to support our Physical Education and Intramurals programs.
The deadline for registering is Monday, January 22.
****Please cut on dotted line and turn bottom half in with $10.00 Check by 1/22/07.
I pledge that when placed on a team I will make every effort to support my team by attending all league games. I will display good sportsmanship at all times. I will not quit during games even if score is very lopsided. If I quit during a game for no reason, I can be removed from my team for current league, and possibly other leagues in the future. Both signatures below mean I accept and agree and will adhere to all Intramural and school policies.
Student Signature______
Parent Signature ______
Check one: 6th/7th (Thursday) League______8th (Friday) League______
Shirt Order: ______Short-sleeve T ($10)
Circle Adult Shirt Size: S M LXL
Home Room Teacher: ______
Important- Please make check payable to Mabry Middle School. Please place check and form, in white payment envelope and have student drop into the black payment box located in each commons. Teachers cannot accept money; Please put check and form in white money envelope and drop into black box.
****Please put registration form in money envelope along with $10.00 check.