Thank you for your interest in becoming a Food Vender at the Arts Market New Orleans. Below is the basic application to become a Food Vendor, as well as the general rules and guidelines for participation. Just as we employ a jury system to insure that a wide variety of the highest quality work is displayed by our Artists, we also use a jurying system to guarantee our patrons the highest quality food items. Only after your food items are sampled will you be notified if you are eligible to begin participating in the Arts Market New Orleans. Please read through all of the rules and guidelines before submitting your application. Completed applications may be mailed to .

Once you have completed the basic informational application we will schedule a time for your food and beverage items to be juried at the main Arts Council New Orleans offices. – The application is located on the next page.

The Application

Please fill out the form below and return to

Name: Click here to enter text.

Business Name: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

Phone: Click here to enter text.

Mailing Address: Click here to enter text.

Please list all Food Items to be Sold: Click here to enter text.

Please list all Beverage Items to be Sold: Click here to enter text.

Other Markets Participating/participated in in Orleans or Jefferson Parishes:

Click here to enter text.

The Jury Process

1. You will come to the offices of the Arts Council of New Orleans on the date and time scheduled with you by Market Staff. The offices are located at 935 Gravier Street, Suite 850. Art Market Staff cannot make site visits to conduct the jury – no exceptions.

2. You will bring 5 portions each of all items that you will sell at the Arts Market.

  • Once you are eligible, if you wish to add an item for sale that is not a direct variation of an item already juried, that item will be subject to a juried sampling before it can be sold at the Market.

3. We do have a kitchen space with a microwave at the Arts Council, so while your items must be fully prepared when you drop them off, they can be reheated if necessary by staff.

4. Each member of the jury will be given a copy of your application (which will include a sample menu with prices) and a score sheet with categories pertaining to taste, presentation, portion value, appropriateness to the Market, etc.

5. You will be notified within 3-5 business days of the tasting if you are eligible to participate in the Market.

6. No tastings will be scheduled until all required paperwork has been received by Market Staff.

7. If you are not juried in to the Market, you may reapply after a 6 month waiting period.



1. The Market is held the last Saturday of every month, unless otherwise scheduled by Market Staff. In the event of rain, a percentage of booth fees may be transferred to another month, based on the time/day that the Market is cancelled due to weather. Expense is incurred and paid, by the Market, in advance. Therefore, each food vendor must assume the risk of a rain out for the market to continue to operate. It is the responsibility of each vendor to assess how the weather will affect their ability to operate. The vendor must cancel, due to weather or otherwise, with Market Staff 72 hours in advance to receive a full credit carryover of their booth fees and 48 hours in advance for a partial carryover of booth fees.

2. Price of single booth is $100 and includes approximately 10’x10’ space of ground for one food vendor only.

3. All vendor spaces will be assigned by Market Staff, and vendors participating that month will receive an email and map of their spot on the Wednesday prior to the Market Saturday.

4. There are more eligible Food Vendors than there are spaces to accommodate them at the Arts Market. Once you are eligible, please let Market Staff know of your desire to participate in a given Market by no later than the 15th of that month. Market Staff will assign the spaces and notify participating vendors. In order to reserve your spot, your fee must be paid in within 3 business days of your notification. If payment is not received, that space will be offered to another vendor.

5. Only 16oz bottled water may be sold by the Vendor, in addition to their approved food/beverage items, for the price of $1.50.

6. Tents that have a certificate of flame resistance (food vendors only serving premade/packaged foods must have a WHITE tent)are required from all food vendors (E-Z Up tents are a good choice as they automatically come with the flame resistance certification.). Vendors must furnish counter-tops, backdrops, extension cords, etc. Also, professional signage clearly displaying their name, menu and prices is mandatory.

7. No parking and unloading of food vendor vehicles is permitted in Palmer Park. Please use carts to move equipment and move vehicles to allow parking for Arts Market guests. You may park along the edge of the Park while you unload, but need to move your vehicle off the perimeter of the park no later than 9:30AM. All food vendors must be set up and ready by 9:30AM.

8. Market Hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please expect to conduct sales until 4:00 pm. Dismantling your booth during the Arts Market is very unprofessional and gives the message that the event is over. Prepare enough food for the entire event!

9. Set up is day of the Market only. Food Vendors may set up no earlier than 6:30 a.m. day of Market. All Food Vendor booths must be completely set up by 9:30 a.m. the day of the Market.

10. All artwork displayed at the Market must be handmade, and we would like to apply the same standards to the food. All meals must be made by the food vendor. No “carnival food” items will be considered- processed hamburgers, funnel cakes etc.


12. All exhibitors agree to treat their fellow artists, vendors, and staff with courtesy and respect. Verbal or physical abuse of any artists, vendors, customers, market volunteers or staff will not be tolerated, and may result in the exhibitor losing the opportunity to participate in future markets.

13. The Market reserves the right to request Food Vendors to remove any item(s) from their display. Failure to remove such items after being asked by Market staff may result in food vendor losing the opportunity to participate in future markets.

14. The Market reserves the right to reject any contract for exhibit space and reject any food vendor.

15. All food vendors are responsible for the collection of City and State Sales Tax. The market will not collect or pay any taxes.

16. Food vendor agrees to take care of grounds, cleaning up their area, and removing all trash at the end of the day. Failure to clean up trash will result in fines

assessed to the food vendor. All trash must be taken to the dumpster located on Carrollton. DO NOT leave trash next to trash cans or in your booth area.

17. The Food vendor grants to the Arts Council and its assigns an irrevocable license to make two-dimensional reproductions of their name for non-commercial purposes, including but not limited to reproductions used in advertising, brochures, media publicity, and catalogues or other similar publications, provided that these rights are exercised in a professional manner.

18. All participating food vendors agree to WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY the Arts Council of New Orleans, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and leaders from any and all liabilityon account of, or inany way resulting from Injuries and Damages, even if caused by negligence of the Arts Council of New Orleans’ officers, directors,employees, agents, and leaders, in any way connected with the Arts Market.

19. All food vendors must provide the Market Manager with good digital copies of menus, logos, and other promotional graphics.



Before any accepted food vendor may participate in the Arts Market New Orleans the food vendor MUST obtain and have on file with the Arts Market Manager:

New copies of these documents must also be resent to the Arts market manager in January of each new year.

1.Food Handler’s Certification

2.Proof of Liability Insurance – coverage of 1 million dollars

3.City of New Orleans Special Events License



1. All food must be obtained and prepared from sources that comply with all health laws relating to food and food labeling. The food preparation area must be inspected and approved by the Orleans Parish Sanitarian Services prior to the preparation of food items.

2. Preparation of food including chopping vegetables, battering, breading and slicing is NOT allowed in the booth without the full written consent of the Market Staff.

3. Potentially hazardous food must be maintained at 41 degrees or below or 135 degrees or above at all times, including during preparation, transportation, and while on display. Enough conveniently located hot and/or cold storage facilities must be provided to ensure the maintenance of food at the required temperature. Food storage containers must be of food grade quality (impervious and non-absorbent) and must not exceed a 5 gallon capacity.

4. If any boiling of seafood is to be done, it must be kept warm in a steam pot.
5. Oysters may not be served due to the necessity of posting disclaimers and warnings.

6. All Vendors must provide two-3 or 5 gallon buckets and their own sanitizer solution. One bucket of clean water is used to remove dirt from hands and utensils. The second bucket of water, intended as a sanitizing rinse, must be chlorinated to 100ppm. Use this solution as a hand dip as well as for the storage of wiping cloths. Sanitize all food contact surfaces before starting and as frequently as possible during the day with the wiping cloths that are in the chlorinated water. Vendors must also provide their own pH test strips.

7. All food service workers must wear hair restraints. (Hats, bandanas, hair nets, etc.)

8. All food must be kept covered except when serving in order to minimize contamination. Keep all plates, utensils, and napkins off the floor and away from the serving area.

9. All foods packaged to be taken away (canned foods, cakes, etc.) must conform to Louisiana Cottage Food Industry standards and rules. These may be found here: (this is basic information) or HERE: (this is the state legislature House Bill)

9. You must use a garbage container which is kept covered while not in use. Before leaving each day, remove all garbage from inside your booth and place it in nearby containers. Trash liners can be obtained from Market Staff.

10. Participation in future Markets is in jeopardy unless you are set up and in conformity with the aforementioned regulations.

11. NO SMOKING is allowed in the food booth or while handling or preparing food.