Kristin Wilkerson

4700 W. Guadalupe St.

Apt. # A-447

Austin, Texas 78751


September 9, 2014

Mr. Cleon Dunham, President

Artificial Lift Research And

Development Council

3100 Thousand Oaks Drive

Austin, TX 78746

Dear Mr. Cleon Dunham,

Thank you for your contribution to the Cockrell School of Engineering. I am a 2014-2015 recipient of the Petroleum Engineering Departmental Scholarship made possible through the Artificial Lift Research and Development Council.

Allow me to tell you a little about myself. I am from Houston, Texas. I come from a family of four, of which I am the youngest of two. I am currently serving as the treasurer of Pi Epsilon Tau here at the University of Texas and have formerly served as a committee chair for the Society of Women Engineers and as a PEN Pal for first year Petroleum Engineering students. I also spent the last year volunteering at a church here in Austin where I was able to give back to the community.

I am currently a fourth year Petroleum Engineering Student at The University of Texas at Austin. I will be graduating in May 2015.My mother has a Business Degree from The University of Texas, and worked for a large corporation for 35 years before recently retiring. My fatheris a small business owner and has been successful in therefrigeration business for the same length of time.As for my degree, I have always excelled in math and science, therefore the field of engineering always seemed a good fit for me. Senior year of high school, a family friend invited me to his office where he was a Senior Reservoir Engineer and gave me a tour of the company and an insight to a career as a Petroleum Engineer. After my job visit I knew that not only did I want a career in Engineering, but I wanted a career in the Oil Industry.

During my time as an Undergraduate, I have had the opportunity to gain both research and industry experience. Two summers ago I worked as an Undergraduate Research Assistant for Dr. Gary Pope’s Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Group here at The University of Texas at Austin. This past summer I worked as a Production Engineering Intern at Rosetta Resources. During my time at Rosetta, I had the opportunity to investigate the feasibility of the company having its own Salt Water Disposal (SWD) Facility. I designed multiple SWD facilities and ran cost-benefit analysis for each. As a graduating senior, I am currently seeking a full-time position as a Petroleum Engineer and am looking forward to what the future has in store.

Once again, thank you very much for your contribution to the Cockrell School of Engineering.


Kristin Wilkerson