PLEDGE EDUCATION PROGRAM—The pledge program of Beta Theta Pi focuses on developing mature and respectable members. Brotherhood is a major focus of this excellent program. The important Brotherhood that we speak of is Brotherhood not only among pledge brothers, but Brotherhood among active members as well. Success of this program requires 100% effort. Give all you have into this program, and you will be able to set your place in the Beta Theta Pi fraternity.

GOALS AND OBLIGATIONS—During pledgeship, you should strive to achieve these goals:

1. To get to know your pledge brothers and the active members of our chapter.

2. Learn and appreciate the history, heritage, and traditions of our chapter and of the

Beta Theta Pi fraternity.

3. To express your desire of membership through your conduct and actions, and to

develop a sense of pride of what it means to be a Beta.

4. To take part in the workings of our chapter in order to soak up the true brotherhood of

this chapter.

5. To interact with other sorority and fraternity members in a non-competitive

atmosphere, in order to improve the H-SC Greek System as a whole.

6. To get involved on campus and to meet and familiarize yourself with College and

Greek Officials.


1. Be present at the chapter and pledge brotherhood retreat, as well as at the pledge class Eye of Wooglin.

2. Attend all pledge meetings.

3. Be present throughout Principles Week prior to initiation.

4. Meet all financial obligations and responsibilities to the chapter.

5. Obtain a 2.5 GPA by the time of Grade Checks as outlined in the by-laws.

6. Actively participate on at least one chapter committee and be present at all those committee meetings.

7. Actively understand and pursue the ideals of our chapter by-laws and code.

8. Follow and obey all policies defined in the by-laws and in the code.


1. Complete one philanthropy project as a pledge class.

2. Complete one fund raising project as a pledge class.

3. Complete one alcohol free social with a sorority.

4. Host two brotherhood events: one strictly with the pledge class, and one with the entire chapter.

5. Coordinate your pledge class retreat

6. Acquire a pledge class paddle for the chapter house.

7. Eat dinner together once a week (i.e. every Friday).

8. Complete a Chapter House project. (i.e. paint crest, design mission statement, etc.)

9. Paint the rocks as a pledge class during Principles Week, and at least one other time during the pledge period.


1. To wear your pledge pin at all appropriate times. The pledge pin should be worn whenever you are in pin attire (excluding the social and athletic scene). Pin attire consists minimally of khaki pants, a collared shirt, and dress shoes. NO HATS, SANDALS, OR SHORTS!!! Meeting attire consists of khaki pants and a long sleeve shirt with a tie.

2. To acquire a navy blue blazer for initiation and other formal events.

3. To attend all academic classes.

4. To only wear Beta Theta Pi letters when it is made clear to you that the time is right. Once you have earned the right to where letters, they must never be worn in a drinking atmosphere nor any other atmosphere not condoned by our policies. Our letters are sacred to us, and only you can wear them as a pledge.

5. To actively participate in the pledge program and maintain a positive attitude.

6. Interview every active member of the fraternity. Use this process as a two way, get to know process.


1. Sunday: Pledge Meeting

2. Monday through Thursday: *ACADEMIC FOCUS*

- Fulfill all Academic responsibilities for classes.

- Attend 2 Chapter Study Hours from 7:00-9:00

- Study Weekly lore as a pledge class once a week.

- Attend and participate in chapter athletic events.

- Attend committee meetings as established by your committee chairman

3. Friday Evening: Eat dinner together (unless already completed) as pledge class.

4. Friday and Saturday: Interact socially with the chapter as time allows. Possibly coordinate a pledge

class requirement event. (i.e. social, fund raiser, brotherhood, philanthropy, etc)

5. Throughout the week, interact with active and pledge members. Use any free time to get to know one another.


1. The majority of the pledge meeting will be facilitated by the pledge educators. The outline of these meeting is in the pledge manual. There will be a 15-30 minute slot each week set aside for the pledge class Executive Council to run a meeting to set up events for the upcoming week.

2. The Pledge Class officers will be as follows:

(In Rank Order)


Vice President



Risk Manager

3. The Pledge Class Committee Chairmen will be as follows:

Brotherhood Chairman

Philanthropy Chairman

Social Chairman


4. The officers are elected by simple majority by the pledge class. The Committee Chairmen positions will be filled on a volunteer basis. If more than one pledge volunteers for a specific committee chair, then the pledge class will elect that chairman by a simple majority.

5. As a pledge, you must attend every pledge meeting. Excuses must be approved by the pledge educator twenty-four hours in advance.

6. What to bring to each pledge meeting:

- Pledge Manual

- Son of the Stars

- The Songs of Beta Theta Pi

- A notebook or paper to write information down and keep with you

- A pen

- Interview Book

- Yourself, in meeting attire with your pledge pin on


1. Weekly lore tests require 80% to pass.

2. Final Exam will be written with a 90% required to pass.

3. Pledge Class must sing as a class before the Chapter at least 2 times.

4. Pledges will receive a mid-semester review in which they will come in front of the

Chapter meeting.

5. Pledges must be educated on the Mission, Vision, and Nine Goals of the Men of Principle Initiative.

6. Possible Punishments for not meeting requirements:

- Coming before the Chapter at meeting

- Clean Chapter House

- Extra Study Hours

7. Possible Rewards:

- Being commended in front of the Chapter

- Less Study Hours

- More letter and social privileges