MAC PACK: NYBC’s Offers a Low-Cost Alternative to K-PAX.

K-PAX, a multi-supplement packregimen, was developed following Dr. Jon Kaiser’s breakthrough, double-blinded, placebo-controlled micronutrient research study that found an increase in CD4 count among HIV+ individuals using this mix of a potent multivitamin and antioxidants. Before the advent of K-PAX, (Dr. Kaiser was hardly new to the field of nutritional supplementation for people with HIV/AIDS—see: his book,Healing HIV: How To Rebuild Your Immune System, published in 1998 and which was based on many years of clinical experience with hundreds of patients,and still, in our judgment, has many valuable insights about everything from assessing and managing gastrointestinal problems, to exercise and diet for PWHIV.)We here at NYBC are fast friends with Dr. Kaiser and longtime supporters of his work.

At this point, the Medicaid or ADAP formularies of many states include the K-PAX formula. This validation by the healthcare system can only be seen as a victory for all proponents of nutritional supplements. Unfortunately, some people may not have access to these programs and for them, cost can become an issue. For example, the price for one month’s supply of the popular the double strength K-PAX Double Strength Vitamin Packets formula is about $140.00 per month, not an insignificant amount of money for anyone on a budget and dealing with the usual extra healthcare-related costs.

That’s why NYBC has we have designed the NYBC MAC Pack (for Multivitamin Antioxidant Combination), an alternative to the double-strength K-PAX formula, based on products and prices currently available through our nonprofit purchasing co-op . Unlike K-PAX’s prepared packets, the components of the MAC Pack are delivered in their original packaging, so “some “assembly is required” (it’s one reason we also stock handy, small Ziplock baggies).. Here’s our suggestion, whichWhile the NYBC MAC Pack protocol is not a precise, 100% match of the K-PAX formula, but it does, we feel, provide a close equivalenta comparable and comprehensive supply of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants --and at a much lower cost.:

Acetyl L-Ccarnitine – 3/day – one month supply = $7.7515.50

Alpha-Lipoic acid - one/day – one month supply = $7.50

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)– 3/day – one month supply = $11.25

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5’-phosphate/P5P) – 3/day – one month supply = $2.62

Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) – 2/day – one month supply = $3.75

Added Protection (or Ultra Preventive Beta) – 6/day – one month supply = $14.00 ($17.00 for UPB)

The tTotal monthly cost of the NYBC’smultivitamin-antioxidant package MAC Pack is$4659.8785, or about ONEoneTHIRD half of the cost of the K-PAX Double Strength Vitamin Packetsdouble-strength K-PAX!

NotesThere are several differences between NYBC’s MAC Pack and K-PAX worth noting here:

1) Acetyl L-Carnitine: The NYBC packageMAC Pack actually has MORE contains more acetylcarnitine than the double-strength K-PAX—not a bad idea, especially if you believe, as we do, that acetylcarnitine is probably one of the key elements in the multivitamin-antioxidant combination. (Two a day is probably sufficient if you’re just interested in matching the K-PAX formula, but three or more can help if you’re dealing with neuropathy.)

2) Vitamins: The multivitamins available through NYBCcontained in our MAC Pack protocol have somewhat different formulas than the those in K-PAX (see product labels availabledetails on the NYBC website for details). Taking an extra vitamin C tab along with the regular multi would make up for one significant difference. And some might wish to take a bit more calcium and vitamin D3 than Added Protection (the MAC Pack multivitamin) offers, as bone loss remains a concern among people with HIV.

3) Iron: K-PAX only comes with iron; for those with liver trouble, this might NOT be a good idea. With the multivitamin Added Protection, you can choose whether to take iron or not (as it is available both with and without iron). And Ultra Preventive Beta, another Douglas Labs multi, offers in addition to a standard multivitamin formula, a variety of food-based nutrients, for an additional $3 per month.

If you’d like more information on NYBC’s low-cost alternative to K-PAXMAC Pack, or if you’d like help in ordering

the alternative package, please email us at , or call us at 1-800-650-4983 and we’d be glad to assist.