Mission Statement
Pre-Health Giving Back is an organization that increases the awareness of various medical conditions that plague our society. From this awareness, the exploration of a range of fundraising activities will be implemented in order to aid in the research of these medical conditions. These service events will enhance leadership, good character, and service. Members are expected to uphold these three characteristics. The primary focus of PGB is to bring the community together by giving back.
Constitution and By-Laws
Article I: Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization
Section 1 – Name: Pre-Health Giving Back
Section 2 – Purpose: The organizations purpose and objective is to collaborate with the community and provide awareness and funding for medical research towards various diseases.
Section 3 – Non-Discriminatory Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate individuals for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status.
Article II: Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership
Membership is open to all students enrolled at the Ohio State University. Stipulations of voting membership are dictated by member participation frequency. Membership voting privileges can be revoked or acquired as seen fit by organization officers.
Article III: Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the leaders
President of the organization has the responsibilities of overseeing all events, activities and meetings. The President also acts a liaison and primary representative of the organization in business between other organizations. Any problems any member or officer has regarding the organization should also be directed to the president and dealt by them. Vice President is responsible of also overseeing all events, activities and meetings and is expected to take on all presidential responsibilities in the event that the President is unable to perform these tasks. Vice President is also head of the Event Committee and its activities. Treasurer is responsible for all financial bookkeeping. Secretary must record all meeting minutes, and log attendance.
Article IV: Standing Committees
The Event Committee will partake in all research and collaboration of various fundraising and event opportunities. The committee is also responsible for coming up with proposals of new suggestions for each general meeting. The committee is headed by the Vice President and members are appointed by either the Vice President themselves or other organization officers. Committee size may vary by necessity.
Article V: Advisor
The advisor must be a full-time member of the university faculty or administrative and professional staff.
Article VI: Meetings
Required regular meetings shall take place at the minimum of twice a month, every other week. Special Committee meetings should meet as dictated by the Vice President, dependent on the proximity of an impending event as they see fit.
Article VII: Amending the Constitution
All proposals to amend this constitution shall be read at regular meetings where they are presented. Upon presentation votes will be taken and a two-thirds majority of the voting membership present is required to pass the amendment. The constitution cannot be amended easily or frequently.
Article VIII: Method of Dissolution of Organization
In the event that insufficient funding or the accumulation of extreme debt organization officers must decide in the immediate dissolution of the organization upon complete repayment of the debt through final fundraising effort. Any remaining assets post-dissolution will be retained by the University
Article I: Democratic Authority
Any issues brought before the general meetings will always be voted upon and passed by a majority. Majority always refers to two-thirds of the voting membership present. In the event of a tie a discussion and revote will ensue until a decision is final.
Article II: Membership
Students enrolled at the Ohio State University interested in becoming a member must contact the organization’s secretary, whereupon they will be required to fill out an application asking for contact information. After application and an initiation fee of three dollars, attendance at a required meeting ensures the students membership. In order for a member to have voting membership, the member is required to attend all regular meetings. Membership termination is determined by meeting participation and involvement. Failure to attend three meetings in a row with out an excused reason can lead to membership termination. Delinquent failure to assist or attend in any scheduled group activities can also lead to termination. If members wish to remove a fellow member with just cause, they are required to report to the organization president for further deliberation. Upon discussing the matter with other organization officers the president may hold the right to remove a member who has not followed the above stipulations or has completely neglected the objectives stated in the organizations mission statement.
Article III: Elections/Resignation/Impeachment of Leadership
Section 1 - Elections will begin in the sixth week, spring quarter, of the academic year. At this time, there shall be an open nomination meeting where members are nominated to fill potential officer positions. With each nomination, an approval nomination from two organization officers is necessary for a member to be an official nominee. A member can be nominated by a fellow member or themselves. At the end of the meeting the nominees will be required to fill out applications whereupon after review, they will be interviewed one by one by a board of the organizations officers. The final positions are then decided by the officers upon review and deliberation. In the event of a tie between nominees, the officers may choose to run a successive round of interviews until three of the four officers decide on an appropriate candidate.
Section 2 - Whereupon an officer chooses to resign from their position they are required to inform the president of their wishes and provide a nominee in which they choose to be a successor. Once a candidate is chosen through the same process as a regular election the officer may step down.
Section 3 – If an officer is found to be delinquent in duties, principles or objectives held by the organizations mission statement they are eligible for impeachment. An officer must inform the officer in question that they are in fact being impeached and must stand before a committee. The impeachment committee shall be composed of two officers and a blind selection of three voting members. This committee, upon investigation of the officer in question may choose to ask them to resign their position. The position is then filled through the regulatory election process immediately.
Article IV: Standing Committees
The Event Committee must bring forth all activity and fundraising proposals to the organization officers for approval before presenting to the entire organization during a general meeting. Events can be either collaborative with other University organizations, solely supported by Pre-Health Giving Back, or an activity in which the group enrolls as a team to make a contribution. Each proposal must include a tentative budget plan, set-up/preparation plan, clear purpose, and schedule. If the event is collaborative, a list of collaborating organizations is imperative in order for the president to correspond with them. The Event Committee is responsible for proposing activity propositions for every general meeting. The committee must dictate their own schedule and frequency of meetings. Participation requirements and consequences for such meetings are parallel to the Pre-Health Giving Back stipulations.
Article V: Advisor Responsibilities
The organization advisor is expected to oversee general meetings and supervise proceedings in these and scheduled activities. With the exception of attendance to meetings the advisor is expected to be available by appointment at least once a week to check in with the organization advisors. In financial transactions the second signer on checks will be the advisor.
Article VI: Meeting Requirements
Regular meetings will be held five times a quarter in the academic year, every other week. Summer quarter meetings are only for those present on campus. In summer quarter, meeting schedules will be scheduled as seen appropriate by the president or other officer present. During regular meetings any votes which take place must only be participated in by voting members and officers. For a decision to be passed on any issues voted on, a majority of two-thirds of the voting membership must be met. Review of proposals presented by the Event Committee must be approved by voting members at general meetings with a majority vote. A minimum number of five voting members must be present for any decision to be voted on. In the event that less than five voting members are present for a vote, the officers must make an executive vote of three to four for approval.
Article VII: Method of Amending By-Laws
By-laws may be amended by a proposal in writing and presentation at a general meeting of the membership and then voted upon by the voting membership. With a two-thirds majority an amendment may be passed into legislation and implemented.