The Carey-Saline Baptist
Palestine, Texas
RFD No 6
Embracing Sept 29-30; Oct 1-2, AD 1920
Rev LM Saul, Moderator------Rusk, Texas
Rev HB Ramsour, Clerk and Treas------Palestine, Texas
The next session of this body will be held with
the First Baptist Church, Rusk, Texas,
commencing the Thursday before the First
Sunday in October, AD 1911, at
11:00 o'clock am
Palestine, Texas, Sept 29, 1910
Rural Free Delivery Route No 6
The Messengers from the churches comprising the body met in Concord Baptist Church at 10:45 AM, Rev. A.M. Thompson presiding Devotional services conducted by Rev L.D. White Introductory sermon was preached by Rev J.M. Wright. At the close of this service the body adjourned until 2 PM Prayer by W.F. Dorris.
Carey Saline Baptist Association convened at 2 P.M., pursuant to adjournment and was led in prayer by W.T. Hillsman; A.M. Thompson in the chair
On motion, Rev L.M. Saul was elected Moderator; Rev H.B. Ramsour, Clerk and Treasurer.
The following were appointed as Committee on Divine Services; L.M. Saul, P.P. Funderburk, B.F. Rogers and G.E. Hanson.
B.F. Rogers and W.D. Williamson, Sr., were appointed Reading Clerks; the letters from the various churches called for, read and Messengers' names enrolled as follows:
Alto - By letter only
Avenue -- B.F. Rogers, Rev. J.S. Wiley, Rev. J.T. Blanton, Rev. R.R. Morrow, Rev. W.J. Collins
Concord -- Rev A.M. Thompson, R.B. Fitzgerald, W.P. Hutchinson, G.A. Kelley, W.E. Wilkinson and P.O. Funderburk
Davis Spring -- Seaf Hill
Elkhart -- J.C. Shaw, L.C. Watkins
Elmwood -- J.W. Jenkins, C.D. Currey, T.M. Dean, Sister J.E. Coker
Frankston -- G.E. Hanson, W.M. Williford
Harmony -- Rev. J.D. Campbell
Jacksonville -- Rev. W.F. Dorris
Judson -- By letter only
Lone Pine -- R.B. Thompson
Macedonia -- W.T. Hudson
Montalba -- Rev. E.J. Smith, J.Q. Adams, Sister Bell Kersh
Mt Pleasant -- Joe Lewis
Mt Zion -- By letter only
Newhope -- B.D. Kelley
Ponta -- By letter only
Swanson Hill -- J.E. Thompson, Sister J.E. Thompson
Palestine -- Wm. Lyles, W.J. Cummings
Pisgah -- G.W. Lassiter
Rusk -- Rev. A.M. Wester, Rev. W.T. Hillsman
Wells -- Rev. J.M. Wright
The Moderator called for any petitionary letters, and Elmwood and Ponta churches, through their Messengers, presented letters asking to be received into the body. When on motion they were received, the hand of fellowship was extended by the Moderator in behalf of the body, and the Messengers seated.
Miss Ema Wenigren, representing Belton Cottage Home; Mrs Fannie Woods, representing the Woman's Work and Mrs I.M. Langston, representing the Cottage Home of Rusk Academy were seated.
Sister Fannie Wood spoke in the interest of "Woman's Work," and a cash offering was taken amounting to $6.18.
Miss Wenigren spoke in the interest of the Cottage Home, Belton, and collection was taken, amounting to $57,00 in cash and pledges.
The following committees were announced by the chair:
Foreign Missions -- J.M. Wright, R.B. Thompson, George Kelley
Home Mission -- J.S. Wiley, E.J. Smith, G.E. Hanson
State Missions -- A.M. Wester, J.M. Griffin, F.B. Rogers
Associational Missions -- A.M. Thompson, W.T. Hillsman, J.D. Campbell
Sabbath Schools and B.Y.P.U. -- W.D. Williamson, Joe Simmons, A.M. Wester
Book and Periodicals -- W.F. Davis and L.D. White
Christian and Ministerial Education -- J.E. Stack, W.F. Dorris, J.W. Williford
Nominations -- A.M. Thompson, V.J. Hutchinson, G.E. Hanson, J.E. Stack
Ministerial Consecration and Support -- P.P. Funderburk, W.E. Wilkerson, J.M. Wright
Buckner Orphans' Home -- J.Q. Adams, James Hutcheson, Mrs John Coker
Aged Ministers' Relief -- J.M. Griffin, J.C. Shaw, W.J. Collins
Obituaries -- J.D. Campbell, Mrs Mary Williamson, T.M. Dean
Finance -- R.B. Fitzgerald, E. Hanson, Tom Funderburk
Auditing Committee -- P.P. Funderburk, R.R. Morrow, J.M. Griffin
The committee on Divine Services ask permission to make the following announcement:
That Rev H.B. Ramsour would preach this evening at 7:45.
On motion the body adjourned until 7:45 P.M. Prayer by J.M. Griffin
At 9:45 A.M. the Association reassembled and Devotional services conducted by JW Williford.
Foreign Missions
The report of the committee on Foreign Missions was read by Rev JM Wright and, after discussion, was adopted, as follows:
Your committee on Foreign Missions bed leave to report:
That our Southern Baptist Convention is doing work in China, Japan, South America, Italy, Africa and Mexico.
There are now 208 Missionaries on these fields. Aside from preaching, building churches and organizing the young into Unions and Sunday Schools, they
are building Christian Schools, Medical Schools and Sanitariums.
Last year the Southern Baptist paid out to Foreign Missionaries $501,058.84. Of this amount, Texas paid $66,602.14.
Your committee has not the statistics at hand to show further what is being done, but last year there were more than 3000 baptized on foreign fields.
In all parts of the world the fields are whitening unto harvest, and millions are crying for the gospel.
Respectfully submitted,
J.M. Wright
R.B. Thompson
Geo A. Kelley
The report of the committee on H.M.S.B. Convention was read and discussed by JS Wiley and adopted as follows.
We, your committee, beg leave to report as follows: That the work of the Home Mission Board covers a territory of sixteen states and Cuba.
We are glad to report that there has been a great increase in the work. There was an increase of $37,529.15 in money raised for this work during the past year. There were 47,367 additions to the churches; 24,668 were by baptism and 22,699 by letter. There were 959 Sunday Schools organized.
We believe this to be one of our greatest and most promising fields of labor in the bounds of the Home Mission Board and appeal to every pastor, missionary and layman to give this work their heartiest support.
Respectfully submitted,
J.S. Wiley
G.E. Hanson
J.E. Smith
The report of the committee on Ministerial Consecration and Support was read and discussed by J.M. Wright and adopted, as follows:
We, your committee on Ministerial Consecration and Support, beg leave to make the following report:
Your committee recognized the fact that the Scripture fully justifies us in insisting on a consecrated ministry, and also no less justifies us in insisting on a consecrated membership.
We greatly deplore the fact that far too many of our churches are without pastors, which leads us to believe that our churches are derelict in their duty to pastors. It should be an inspiration to us to know that "the laborer is worth of his hire" and that "they who preach the gospel shall live of the gospel." We insist that the churches adopt the scriptural plan of giving and see to it that no worthy pastor fails of support.
Respectfully submitted,
P.P. Funderburk
J.M. Wright
The report of the committee on Aged Ministers' Relief was read by JM Griffin, and pending its adoption a cash offering of $10,00 was taken and given to Brother WJ Collins. Report adopted as follows:
We, your committee, beg leave to submit the following:
We learn from the information obtainable that there are about forty aged ministers dependent in whole or in part upon the Board for their support. We observe from looking over the letters from the churches of our Association that this part of our work has been crowded out or neglected, which, we believe, is a shame and a dishonor to the name of these servants of God. We earnestly entreat that every child of God give of his means that these may have plenty in their declining days.
Respectfully submitted,
J.M. Griffin
J.C. Shaw
R.R. Morrow
On motion the body adjourned until 2 PM for dinner. Prayer by WF Dorris
Christian Education
The report of the Committee on Christian Education was read by J.E. Stack and discussed by W.T. Hillsman, and pending its adoption a collection was taken in cash and pledges amounting to $440.05.
The report was adopted as follows:
We, your committee on Christian Education, submitted the following report:
Christian education in Texas among Baptists is about as old as our denominational work. Its history has been fraught with many trials and many victories. Only two schools have outlived the many trials, Baylor University and Baylor Female College.
In San Antonio, in 1897 steps were taken for the correlation of our schools, which has led to our magnificent correlation with its Educational Board. We have in this correlation ten active schools, with 38 buildings. Value of the plants, $1,211,000.00. Capacity of these plants take 4,500 students with 150 teachers and 3,000 attendant students. Besides this we have under the leadership of faithful and tried men a number of other schools, among which may be numbered Simmons College of Abilene, under President J.D. Sandifer; San Marcos Academy, under J.M. Carrol; Wayland Baptist College of Plainview, under I.E. Gates.
These schools have in the years past turned out their thousands, and at present are doing a greater work than ever before. Their sons and daughters have gone into all quarters of the earth as messengers of the cross. They are found in every quarter of our State, and in every position and walk of life.
Everything that is great and good among us is due largely to these schools. Christian education is fundamental to everything in the progress of God's kingdom. It gives us better citizens, better fathers, better mothers, more intelligent and consecrated Christian workers, more intelligent and princely preachers.
In all the broad expanse of East Texas, with its hundreds of thousands of population, we have only one school 00 our own beloved Rusk Academy. The importance of Rusk Academy for East Texas will appear upon consideration of the great development of Middle and West Texas Baptists through the magnificent work done by Baylor University and its correlated system of Schools.
No denomination can rise higher than its preachers -- no church can rise higher than its pastor. These schools and academies are set for the education and training of the preachers and workers. Every East Texas Baptist should therefore rally around Rusk Academy, which stands for the highest development of the denomination in all departments of Christian work. We emphasize the absolute necessity of ministerial education and urge our people to contribute liberally for its support. In view of this, the Board of Trustees have created a Bible department of which Bro. W.T. Hillsman is teacher. Already eight young ministers have entered the Academy and others are contemplating coming. They receive their tuition free.
We recommend:
1stThat this Association endorse the action of the Board of Trustees in creating this Bible department.
2ndThat the churches contribute for the support of the teacher of this department and that our executive board apportion the amount of the salary ($300.00) among the churches and ask them to forward their amounts to W.T. Hillsman, who will report the same to the Treasurer of the Association.
3rdThat the Executive Board of the Association ask the churches for a liberal contribution for Ministerial Education, same to be used in assisting such young ministers as need help while they are prosecuting their studies in the Academy.
4th That we take a collection in cash and pledges for the General Educational Fund, same to be applied to meeting the obligations of Rusk Academy.
J.E. Stack
W.F. Dorris
J.W. Williford
The report of the Committee on State Missions was read by A.M. Wester, and on motion the subject was to be discussed at length by W.T. Hillsman at the evening hour, 7:45. The report was adopted as follows:
We, your committee, submit the following:
At the present time we consider State Missions the most important of all our work. In Texas we have our homes, our interests of every kind, and it is of the utmost importance that Texas be won for "Baptist Truth." State Mission work cultivates this field and safeguards all that we hold dear, by producing favorable conditions and a mighty public sentiment.
We have under the employment of the State Board 435 missionaries, fifteen General Missionaries; seventeen doing work among the 300,000 Mexicans that are in our boundaries. A great number are doing work in the southern part of the state among those who are fast filling our land from foreign countries. Thousands of converts are being baptized, and hundreds of Sunday School organized, besides many other important achievements.
In view of the present need and the nearing of the close of the conventional year we insist that there be a thorough and systematic campaign made, reaching every church and each church reaching its every member.
Respectfully submitted,
A.M. Wester
B.F. Rogers
J.M. Griffin
The report of the Committee on Books and Periodicals was read by W.F. Dorris, and after discussion was adopted as follows:
Your committee would call attention to the fact that the mind and soul must be nourished, trained and developed if the individual ever attains to the high standards of moral excellence for which God designed in His creation. As one 'thinks in his heart, so is he.' The moral nature is largely the product of one's reading. Hence the absolute necessity of pure, wholesome literature in the home, and the exclusion of light, trashy and poisonous literature from the family circle.
We recommend first of all, and above all, the daily, systematic study of the word of God. It is the only correct basis of a pure heart, and a righteous life. Then the reading of good books as helps to the understanding of the Bible.
We recommend also the Baptist Standard as a high-grade denominational paper. It should be in every home, and faithfully ready by every member of the family who can read. Also the Home Field and Foreign Mission Journal.
We also recommend the establishing of the East Texas Baptist, now under the process of projection, as the most efficient means of co-operation, unification, training and development of our churches in East Texas.
W.F. Dorris
L.D. White
The report of the committee on Associational Missions read and after discussion was adopted as follows:
We, your committee on Associational Missions, submit the following report:
We have had two missionaries on the field, Rev. J.S. Wiley for the full associational year ending October 1st, 1910, Rev. J.M. Wright since December 16, 1909, at an aggregate salary of $1,720 for the associational year, one-half of which was paid by the State Board.
We recommend:
1That the whole matter of Associational Missions be left to the discretion of our Executive Board for the next associational year.
2That if at all feasible, colportage work be initiated and vigorously prosecuted.
3That a plan be devised to use our young preachers in Rusk Academy, so that their time and talent may be counting much for the salvation of souls.
Respectfully submitted,
A.M. Thompson
J.D. Campbell
W.T. Hillsman
Missionaries' reports read and adopted.
On motion, the body adjourned until 7:45, State Missions being a special subject for discussion at that hour.
The association reconvened at 7:45 P.M., L.M. Saul in the chair, and the house was led in prayer by J.W. Collins. State Missions was discussed by W.T. Hillsman. The report of the committee on Buckner's Orphan Home was read by Brother Hillsman, proxy, in the absence of committee. Pending its adoption a collection was taken amounting to $15.45. The report was read and adopted as follows:
We, your Committee on Buckner's Orphan Home, beg to submit the following:
It is needless for us to present to this body the needs of this honored institution. There are over 600 inmates in this home dependent upon Christian charities for support. The Home is just now in great need of our financial aid to meet its pressing obligations. We believe that as children of God we should contribute liberally to this great Home.
Respectfully submitted,
J.Q. Adams
James Hutchinson
Mrs Jno. Coker
The body reconvened at 10 A.M., L.M. Saul in the chair, and the house was led in prayer by A.M. Wester.
The report of the committee on S.S. and B.Y.P.U. work was read by A.M. Wester and adopted as follows:
We your committee on Sunday School and B.Y.P.U. work, submit the following:
In building up our denomination we must look to the future and train the young people in our churches. For this work the B.Y.P.U. was organized, and it has passed the experimental stage. Thousands of young people have been trained through it and are now in every department of church life honoring God by such service as they never could have given without the training they received.
The B.Y.P.U. is the church itself at work in, among and for its young people. It receives large considerations by the Northern and Southern Baptist Conventions as well as the different State Conventions. For years the State Board of Texas has given practical encouragement to the B.Y.P.U. work by employing a Field Secretary to look especially after this work.
We could recommend that this association amend its 'Order of Business' to include a report on this important work at its session each year, and would further recommend that the office of 'B.Y.P.U. Secretary' be created and that a young man be elected annually to fill the office, making it his duty to look after the B.Y.P.U. work and organize new Unions in this association.