Revised May 6, 2015
Section A. The name of this organization shall be the Sequoia
Section. This Section is composed of eleven chapters
and is a member of the San Joaquin Region.
Section B. The primary aim of the Sequoia Section, is the
development of agricultural leadership, cooperation, and
Section A. The following Chapters are members of the Sequoia FFA
Dinuba Monache
Exeter Porterville
Farmersville Strathmore
Granite Hills Tulare
Lindsay Woodlake
Porterville -Summit Charter
Section A. Each active chapter in this section shall be entitled to two
(2) voting delegates.
Section B. Sectional Officers shall be able to vote, except for sectional officer elections. If a tie should occur, the President shall cast one vote to break the tie.
Section A. The officers of the section shall be: President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel, Regional Vice President (ex-officio) and
Section B. The election of all officers shall be by secret ballot counted by the current and future section advisors as well as the current section officer team.
Section C. Those members wishing to be a sectional officer must
submit an application to do so 6 weeks before the
election meeting held in May.
Section D. Section officer candidates must have participated in at least 50% of the section activities the year preceding election; to be verified by the chapter advisor.
Section E. Elections
1.) Officer candidate interviews will be conducted by the
current section officer team and both the current and incoming section advisors one month prior to the
election meeting.
2.) Officer candidates will be selected and slated for
offices as determined by the current section officer team.
3.) Only two candidates per office will be slated, totaling twelve (12). A standard “bio” including each candidates top 5 qualifications and picture will be compiled and distributed by the current section secretary two weeks before the elections.
4.) Any member not slated may be nominated to run “off the floor” on the election day provided they have participated in the interviews prior to elections.
5.) Candidates not selected for office may slide to a lower office of election only once.
6.) The President will be slated and voted upon at the same times as the other five constitutional offices.
7.) Officer candidates will give no longer than a two minute speech at the election meeting and will not be allowed to use props of any kind (i.e. posters, pictures, other members, etc.). Additionally, no promotional materials of any kind, by any person, may be used prior to the elections or at the election meeting (i.e. buttons, email, posters, flyers, etc.) Candidates may be available one hour prior to the election meeting for introductions and discussion. Any candidate who does not follow these rules, knowingly or not, will be removed from the ballot prior to election or from the officer team if a problem is discovered at a later time.
Section F. The chapter advisor of the President shall be the advisor
of the section.
Section G. All elective officers shall hold the office for one year
after election or until their successors are elected, unless
removed from office for violation of the “FFA Code of
Ethics”. All vacancies may be filled by the president until
the next regular meeting.
Section H. A maximum of 2 officers per chapter shall be represented on the sectional officer team. If there are less than 15 members total that submit applications to be a sectional officer, then there may be more than 2 officers that are from the same chapter on the sectional officer team.
Section I. The Regional Vice President from the Sequoia Section will serve as an ex-officio member of the Sequoia Sectional Officer team to relay business between the sectional and regional officer teams. The Regional Vice President will not have voting rights as an officer.
Section A. Meetings shall be called by the president at regular
intervals to conduct business.
Section B. All section officers are required to be at every section meeting and/or function unless excused by the section advisor.
Section A. Annual dues will be $50 per chapter. Dues are due to
the permanent section treasurer by October 15th each
school year. Dues will be used to offset activity costs,
purchase awards, and section officer expenses; the section will pay half of the cost of section officer jackets.
Section B. Failure to pay section dues will result in the loss of voting delegates to the section elections and members being banned from running for sectional office along with the loss of participation at any sectional activities or competitions including but not limited to speaking contests and COLC. Once dues are paid the delinquent chapter may participate.
Section A. Parliamentary Procedure used in all meetings will be in accordance with “Roberts Rules of Order” – Most current edition.
Section A. Proposed amendments to this constitution of the Sequoia Section FFA for adoption shall be submitted in writing to the executive committee for consideration. After reviewing the proposed amendment the executive committee will send a copy to each chapter prior to the next sectional meeting. At the next meeting, following the completion of the above acts, the proposed amendments shall be presented to the voting delegation.
Section B. Amendments to this constitution may be adopted by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the voting delegates present at any regular or special meeting.