2014 By-Laws

Article 1General Information

A This organization shall be known as Culpeper Football Association, INC. hereinafter referred to as “CFA”.

B The following guidelines will be adhered to by CFA.

C This document expires annually at the end of the calendar year and must be reviewed annually.

D These By-Laws set specific ground rules for all coaches, parents, spectators, volunteers and participants.

E Participants are defined as both football players and cheerleaders.

F CFA will guarantee any youth the right to participate.

Article 2Team Sportsmanship

A Participants should be taught to be competitive, but to learn how to win and lose graciously.

B Unsportsmanlike comments or actions will not be tolerated.

C Both teams will shake hands in a sportsmanlike fashion at the end of each game; this includes the cheerleaders, football players, cheerleading coaches and football coaches.

D All coaches, parents, spectators, volunteers and participants are encouraged to display and maintain a positive atmosphere at any CFA functions.

Article 3Code of Conduct

Codes of Conduct are essential in youth programs and the adoption of the following code is a method devised to help develop sportsmanship, character, safety and fair play.

A Football and Cheerleading Coaches: All football and cheerleading coaches should refrain from:

1. Use of foul language.

2. Abusing participants.

3. Harassment and abuse of players and coaches in social media will not be tolerated

4. Harassing the officials.

5. Riding of opposition of fans by word or gesture.

6. Permitting an injured player to enter or re-enter a game.

7. Disobeying or attempting to circumvent rules and regulations or the intent thereof.

8. Use of tobacco, drugs, or intoxicants while going on or coming off the field of play or while on the field of play, be it at practices or games.

9. Misconduct resulting in ejection by an official or referee. Any coach who is ejected (removed) from a game is automatically suspended from the next game his team plays. This rule is not subject to protest or review. Removal from a game shall be interpreted to include the playing field and spectator area. A second offense by the same person will result in suspension from all future team activities for that year.

10. All football and cheerleading coaches will uphold the rules and regulations of the League By-Laws and decisions of the CFA Board. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action or suspension. All disciplinary action meetings will be held as a closed session Executive Board meeting, including the Division Coordinator; all decisions will be made based on a majority vote.

11. If a coach is suspended they may still attend practices during the week. The suspensions are only for game days unless otherwise stated by the Board.

B Parents, Spectators and Attendees:

All parents, spectators and attendees shall:

1. Conduct themselves in a sensible manner at all games and practices. Riotous, boisterous, threatening or indecent conduct or the use of abusive, threatening or indecent language at all games and practices will not be tolerated.

2. Never harass the officials, the opposition or the coaching staff.

3. Harassment and abuse of players or coaches in social media will not be tolerated.

4. Refrain from the use, consumption or presence of any tobacco products, drugs or intoxicants at all games and practices. There is NO SMOKING anywhere in the Culpeper County Complex or Canavan. This is a County rule.

5. Refrain from any unauthorized presence on the playing field or practice field.

6. Refrain from interacting with the participants and coaching staff during the course of the game.

7. Obey the league established sideline boundaries. Failure to comply may result in a penalty up to 15 yards for the team the infraction is on.

8. Obey the CFA officials if asked to keep the end zones clear during play. Failure to comply may result in a penalty up to 15 yards for the team the infraction is on.

9. All Parents, Spectators and Attendees will uphold the rules and regulations of the League By-Laws and decisions of the CFA Board. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action or suspension. All disciplinary action meetings will be held as a closed session Executive Board meeting.

C Participants

All participants shall not:

1. Refuse to abide by an official’s decision.

2. Show disrespect to any official, any coach or any other participant.

3. Harassment and abuse of players or coaches in social media will not be tolerated

4. Use unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game against the body and person of an opposing participant.

5. Use tobacco, drugs, or intoxicants while going on or coming off the field of play or while on the field of play, be it at practices or games.

6. Use of abusive or profane language.

7. Alter equipment to gain a competitive advantage or to inflict injury to an opponent.

8. If a participant is ejected from a game, for any reason, they must sit out the next game. A second ejection will result in the suspension from all future activities for current season.

9. All participants will uphold the rules and regulations of the League By-Laws and decisions of the CFA Board. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action or suspension. All disciplinary action meetings will be held as a closed session Executive Board meeting.

10. If a player is suspended they may still attend practices during the week. The suspensions are only for game days unless otherwise stated by the Board.

Article 4Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

A All participants are expected to be on time and in proper uniform for all practices and games. Parents/Guardians are responsible for transporting children to and from all practices and games.

B If transportation arrangements have to be made with someone other than the parent/guardian, please provide to the Head Coach in writing who will be picking up and/or dropping off your child.

C Please escort your child to and from the practice and game locations. We do not want children to be left unattended.

D Games could be played in inclement weather, so please dress your child appropriately. This includes all participants, Football Players as well as Cheerleaders.

E If your child has special medical needs or allergies, please provide written instructions to the Head Coach.

F It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure all equipment has been returned. Parents must sign the Equipment Usage Agreement before equipment is distributed.

G Playing Time –

1. Excessive tardiness/absenteeism will result in limited participation, at the discretion of the Head Coach.

2. Mighty Mites and Midget Divisions’ minimum playing time is 6 plays per half.

3. Bandit Division minimum playing time is 10 plays per half.

H If your child has officially quit the team/squad, please notify the head coach and return all uniforms and/or equipment to him/her within seven (7) days. Failure to return uniforms/equipment within the seven (7) days will result in you being charged for the actual cost of all the uniforms/equipment plus a $50 service fee.

I In case of injury, it is highly recommended for a responsible adult to be present during all practices and games.

J CFA will not be responsible for personal items such as broken glasses, retainers, etc.

Article 5Coaches

A Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches & Athletic Directors of all teams/squads in CFA shall be annually reviewed, selected and approved by the Board at a duly constituted meeting. Only those persons who are in good standing with Culpeper Football Association shall be eligible for appointment to a Coaching position.

B Selection of coaches for football and cheerleading shall be based not only on knowledge of football or cheering but on leadership, character, communication skills and sportsmanship.

C Head Coach – overall responsibility for and organization of the team/squad; must be 18 years of age; Must go through interview process, if required as outlined by the CFA Coaches Selection Committee; must uphold rules and regulations of the CFA By-Laws, as well as the decisions of the CFA board; Football Head Coaches must attend and complete the annual CFA Coaches Clinic offered free of charge each July; if they do not attend or attend but leave early they must then complete the USA Football online class at their own expense. Coaches with excessive complaints may be asked to take the USA Football online class at their expense at the discretion of the Executive Board; if they have already completed the class, the next step will be reviewed by the Division Coordinator and Executive Board.

D Assistant Coaches – maximum of 3 per football team; maximum of 2 per cheerleading squad; Must be 18 years of age. Assistants must go through a back ground check and be Board pre-approved.

E Athletic Director – football team only; the person in charge of ensuring that all players have received their minimum number of plays and provide any other assistance to the coaching staff. Must be 18 years of age. Athletic Directors must go through a back ground check and be Board pre-approved.

F Cheer Jr Helpers – Cheerleading only; this person will assist the coaches and cheerleaders throughout the season. Must be at least 15 years of age and if under the age of 18 must have parental consent. This person must be Board approved.

G Team Parents- all teams must appoint a team parent, responsible for attending any scheduled meetings during the season and relaying information to the coach and team from the Board.

H Coaches’ Meetings/Responsibilities:

All Football teams are expected to have representation (Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or approved volunteer) at the following:

1. Pre-Practice meeting to be held in mid- July.

2. Player evaluations

3. Player draft and supplemental drafts (for MM, Midget and Bandit coaches)

4. CFA Coaches Clinic to be held in July

5. Pre-Season meeting to be held in August.

6. Opening Day festivities to be held in August

7. Scheduled Anklebiter referee duties

8. Scheduled Field Manager duties

9. Scheduled Field Maintenance duties

10. Pre-Playoff meeting to be held in October

11. Any additional meetings that the board and/or President and/or VP of Football call.

12. Head Coaches without proper representation at any of these events are subject to automatic suspension of their next game.

I All Cheerleading teams are expected to have representation at the following:

1. Pre-Practice meeting to be held in July

2. Cheer draft

3. Summer Cheer Camp to be held in July

4. Pre-Season meeting to be held in August

5. Opening Day festivities to be in August

6. Scheduled concession duties

7. Pre-Competition meeting to be held in September

8. Any additional meetings that the board and/or President and/or VP of Cheerleading call.

J All Football and Cheerleading Head Coaches are expected to:

1. Communicate any information passed on to them by the CFA board to their team/parents.

2. Provide at least one email address (accessed frequently) in order for CFA to communicate with their team.

3. Be responsible for the overall organization of their team.

4. Go over the Code of Conduct with their parents and participants at their initial meeting with their team/squad.

5. Show up for all scheduled Anklebiter, Field Maintenance, or Concessions duties.

6. Carry all participants’ Registration/Medical Release forms at all times when their team/squad is practicing or playing.

7. Be responsible for his/her sideline, fans and coaches throughout their game. Should any problems arise that the head coach cannot handle, they should consult with the designated Field Manager for assistance.

8. Ensure sidelines/bleachers are clear of any trash after their game is over.

9. Be responsible for collecting all equipment in the event that a participant quits. Contact the equipment manager to schedule to get the equipment back to CFA headquarters. Contact the league information officer to update the league records with the name and the date that the player quit.

10. Contact the insurance director in the event of player injury that results in medical attention.

11. Signing for and picking up all team uniforms/equipment and to hold a team meeting immediately to distribute the uniforms/equipment.

12. Coaches are responsible for all return of equipment and to keep track of the equipment agreement forms.

13. Be responsible for ensuring the team athletic director (or selected person) is filling out the team play sheet properly. Board Members and Field Managers may check play sheets at any time during a game. If the play sheet is not filled out, filled out ahead of time or falsified in any way then the game is subject to suspension of head coach for one game; a second violation is subject to suspension for the remainder of the season. This sheet must be signed by the Athletic Director of the team and must be given to the Field Manager at the end of the game.

14. Be responsible for the score board operations for their game, when scheduled as the home team.

15. Be responsible for finding a crew to operate the chains for their game, when scheduled as the visiting team.


17. Must attend mandatory meetings and fulfill mandatory coaches duties

K Chain of command for any team/squad issues are:

1. Head Coach

2. Division Director

3. Vice President of Program (Football or Cheerleading)

4. CFA President

5. CFA Board

L Coach Selection Process:

1. Fill out Coach’s application form.

2. Read and sign the Coach Duties form.

3. All applications will be evaluated and background checks will be performed by the Coaches Selection Committee.

4. An interview with the Coaches Selection Committee if required. Any coach new to CFA or new to a Division will be interviewed, ranked, and assigned to a ream by the Committee. During ranking, consideration will be based on interview, history with CFA, years of coaching, prior complaints, evaluations, etc.

5. Any approved existing Assistant Coach will be given 1st preference of current team.

6. All Coaching recommendations will be presented by the Coaches Selection Committee to the full Board for a vote.

7. The Coaches Selection Committee will contact all applicants with the Board decision.

M League breakdown:

1. All ages are based on the participant’s age as of October 1st of the current year.

  1. Anklebiters – ages 5+6
  2. Mighty Mites- ages 7+8
  3. Midgets – ages 9+10
  4. Bandits – ages 11 – 13
  5. Cheerleaders must be between the ages of 5 and 13. Squads will be made up of all ages.
  6. The number of participants per team per Division will be determined by a Board decision each season.
  7. Culpeper Football Association football players may not participate in more than one football league. This includes but is not limited to middle school and travel teams.

N Refund Policy:

1. If a participant quits anytime between registration and prior to the drafts, all of their registration fee will be refunded with the exception of a $15.00 processing fee and the online fee. This fee does not apply to Middle School registrations. If a participant quits anytime after draft but before the first game, 50% of their registration will be refunded. All equipment must be returned before any refund is given. All refund requests must be submitted online at Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.

2. Any returned checks will be charged an additional $25 fee and no further checks will be accepted.

O Middle School Football Team:

1. All CFA participants trying out for the Middle School Football Team will be required to pay the full registration fee. Refunds will be given, if the participant makes the Middle School Football team, Please notify the league VP of football if/when Middle School team has been made.

P Middle School Cheerleading Squad:

1. All CFA participants trying out for the Middle School Cheerleading Squad will be required to pay the full registration fee. Refunds will be given, if the participant makes the Middle School Cheerleading Squad. Please notify the league VP of cheer if/when Middle School squad has been made

Q Registration Cut-Off/Waiting List/Late Registration

1. The last scheduled evaluation date will be the cut-off for all participants to register at the current registration fee. Any participants that want to register after the last scheduled evaluation date may be charged a late fee and will be placed on a waiting list. Completed registration forms and payment must be received in full prior to being placed on the waiting list. The board will determine the need for these players on the waitlist to participate based on the roster availability. If participants register after the drafts they are considered hat picks and assignments to teams will be made:

  1. To maintain balance of rosters and then
  2. Order of the draft

Article 6Player Evaluations

A All new contact players for the Mighty Mites, Midget and Bandit Divisions, all players trying out for the Middle School Football Team and all players waived from previous teams must attend one scheduled evaluation.

B Any player not attending one of the scheduled evaluations will not be assigned to a team through the draft process. They will be assigned to a team by drawing the participant’s names out of a hat by the division director.

C All contact Head Coaches will be expected to attend all evaluations.

Article 7Uniforms/Equipment

A Equipment Distribution

1. All equipment and uniforms will be distributed prior to the 1st practice date of the season.

2. A coach must sign for all items received at the league’s designated equipment distribution date.

3. All parents/guardians will be required to sign an equipment usage form in which they agree to return all equipment or they will have to pay the full cost of replacing the equipment before they can register again. This agreement also is an understanding they could face collections and legal fees if not returned.

4. Distribution of the football uniforms/equipment by the coach should happen at a team meeting immediately following the coach receiving the uniforms/equipment. Any sizing discrepancies should be handled at that time with a board representative

5. Care must be taken to prevent misuse of the League Uniforms/Equipment by Participants.