

26TH April 2016

Dear Berkshire West GP

Arthritis Care Service Provision – Berkshire West

Arthritis Care has now been providing services to patients registered with GP Practices in Berkshire for two years. The services cover four CCG areas: Newbury & District, Wokingham, South Reading and North & West Reading; services are available to all GP Practices. These servicesare only accessible to patients via a GP referral to a dedicated NHS email address, held by Arthritis Care. This is compliant with the Data Protection Act.

Arthritis Care’s services support the Musculoskeletal Pathway in Berkshire which has embedded theShared Decision Making process as part of its pathway. Arthritis Care uses of the relevant Patient Decision Aid in all conversations with referrals, across all services.

Arthritis Care’s current NHS contract requires us to survey GP’s use and views of the services in Berkshire.

The current services available include:

  • Everyday Changes– Face-to-face peer support appointment offering patients, predominantly with osteoarthritis, the opportunity to have a structured conversation about their alternatives to surgery, empowering them to make an informed decision about surgery and managing their arthritis. The NHS Right Care Shared Decision Making tool is used to structure discussions with patients alongside Arthritis Care’s own resources.
  • Individual Support Call – Up to 2 one hour telephone support calls offering patients, predominantly with osteoarthritis, the opportunity to have a structured conversation about their alternatives to surgery, empowering them to make an informed decision about surgery and managing their arthritis. The NHS Right Care Shared Decision Making tool is used tostructure discussions with patients alongside Arthritis Care’s own resources.
  • Managing Pain – Two half-day workshops supporting people to learn new techniques to manage their pain.

Referrals can presently choose two of the three services, if they wish.

Originally, the year 1 Contract made available Pathways – an on-line, e-learning course for people with arthritis (all licences have now been used and this is now no longer available).

Please help us to improve our services by completing the attached form and returning it FREEPOST by 30th April 2016 to:


Arthritis Care

Floor 4, Linen Court

10 East Rd


N1 6AD

You can also complete this survey using the following link or alternatively I can forward you an e-mail with the survey attached as, a word document, to complete and return by 27th May.

Kind regards,

Sandy Marshall, Service Manager

Mobile No: 07834 418460

Patron:The DukeofWestminsterKGCBCVOOBETDCDDL President:JaneAsher

ArthritisCareisacharityregisteredinEnglandandWales(206563)andinScotland (SC038693)

ACompanyLimitedbyGuaranteeRegisteredinEnglandNo.529321RegisteredOffice:Floor4,LinenCourt,10East Road,LondonN16AD