Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Updated

Corrections Section

Midterm Report

July 25, 2013

Section Executive Members


Kelly Ann Cheeseman, PhD

Chair, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

Messiah College

One College Avenue Suite 3057

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

717-796-1800, Ext. 2103

mailto:lected January, 2009.

Term: 2012-2014

Vice Chair

Jeff Bouffard, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Criminal Justice,

Box 2296

Sam Houston State University

Huntsville, TX 77341

Ph: (936) 294-4941

Fax: (936) 294-1653

Term: 2012-2014 ascends to chair in March 2014


Valerie Callanan

Department of Sociology

The University of Akron

Akron, Oh 43325-1905

330 972-6863

330-972-5377 (fax)

Elected February 2011

Term: 2012-2014

Executive Counselors (3)

David C. May

Professor and Kentucky Center School Safety Research Fellow

Department of Criminal Justice

205 Stratton Building

521 Lancaster Avenue

Richmond, KY 40475

859 622-6681

Elected February, 2011

Term: 2012-2015*

Cheryl Lero Johnson

Assistant Professor

Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice
Northern Kentucky University
431 Founders Hall
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Phone: (859) 572-5526
Fax: (859) 572-6184

Term: 2012-2015

Deborah T. Vegh, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Central Connecticut State University

1615 Stanley Street

New Britain CT 06050

860.832.2705 (work)

Elected January, 2010

Term: 2010-2013

Accomplishments and Information:

Since our Annual Report, we have accomplished the following:

Corrections Now Newsletter

·  We are in the process of producing a summer/fall newsletter.


Annual Meeting

In Dallas, Board members and other volunteers worked at a Corrections Section booth selling T-shirts to members and answering questions about the Corrections Section. We sold many T-shirts, and the remaining were given to charity.

Corrections Section members were represented on numerous panels and roundtable discussions. Members also toured the Hutchins State Jail correctional facility.

Annual Awards Breakfast

At the 9th Annual Awards Breakfast in Dallas we had approximately 30 people in attendance. The speaker at this year’s breakfast was Cary Welabob, Texas State Director of Probation. She is known as a leader in the field and provided valuable insight into best practices about parole and community corrections diversionary programs that are being implemented in Texas.

On-Line Journal

A mission statement has been developed for the proposed on-line corrections journal and will soon be distributed to the Executive Committee and other interested members..

Proposals for the 2014 Annual Meeting:

·  Continue fundraising efforts primarily through selling T-shirts.

·  Continue Membership drives to increase student members and practitioners.

·  Present to the membership a draft of a proposal for a new on-line journal in corrections sponsored by Sage Publications.

·  Provide members correctional facility tours in the Philadelphia metro area

·  Consider options for social/awards event

Items For ACJS Executive Board Action:

·  The board has surveyed the section and is in the process of disseminating that information to the Executive Board for review


·  We have 35 student members and 147 members.


A review of the 2012-Budget shows that expenses exceed revenue by 2051.20 . Our Carryover from 2011-2012 is $9304.18

Appendix A Budget Fiscal Year 7/1/12-6/30/l3

Corrections Section

Fiscal Year Through 4/30/13

Actual vs. Budget 2012-2013

As of April 30, 2013

2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2012-2013
Actual / Approved Budget / Actual
$2,620.00 / $2,400.00 / $2,545.00
$885.00 / $1,080.00 / $0.00
$3,505.00 / $3,480.00 / $2,545.00
$600.00 / $600.00 / $25.00
$1,451.80 / $1,976.00 / $0.00
$182.00 / $100.00 / $0.00
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
$416.46 / $495.00 / $468.80
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
$0.00 / $25.00 / $0.00
$2,650.26 / $3,196.00 / $493.80
$854.74 / $284.00 / $2,051.20

Carryover From 2010-2011: $8449.44

Only 1/2 Carryover may be used to cover current year expenses.

Carryover From 2010-2011: $9304.18