Art in the Gardens Open Art Selection Days
Art in the Gardens 2016
Sheffield Botanical Gardens Saturday 3 and Sunday 4September
Preview Evening Friday 2 September
Dear Artist
We are delighted to invite you to submit work for the Art in the Gardens Open Art Exhibition. Please find enclosed the Open Art Exhibition Submission form (with Terms and Conditions of entry on the reverse). Information about the Selection days and exhibition process is on the reverse of this letter.
Your Story
We are always looking for personal stories that would interest the press to help promote the event. If you have anything you are willing to share about your art journey then please email us or write it down and bring it on your selection day. If we think we can use your story we will be in touch.
Many volunteers are needed to help with the smooth running of the event, especially around the Open Art Exhibition. We also get very positive feedback from the professional artists and craftspeople who exhibit and sell work about the role that the volunteer stewards play.
In return for your help we provide a free ticket for the Preview Evening, free entry to enjoy this lovely event outside your volunteering times and refreshments when you are on duty.
If you would like to volunteer to help with this event please see the enclosed form. If you are already a volunteer, we greatly appreciate the help you give and you will be automatically contacted.
To book a stall as a professional artist or maker please contact Lesley Webster by e-mail at
For all other enquiries please contact me. We look forward to seeing you there.
Howard Simpson
Howard Simpson
Event Manager – Art in the Gardens
- Bring your artworks to either Selection Day - Saturday 11th or Sunday 12th June 2016.
- Bring the completed Submission Form with your artworks
- All artwork must have your name, address, telephone number, title of work, medium and retail price clearly marked on the back or it will not be accepted.
- Deliver your works in the morning and leave them for the attention of the Selection Panel, return to collect them in the afternoon.
- Bring your artworks to the School Hall, Westbourne Junior School, Westbourne Road, Sheffield S10 2QT, following the arrows from the front gates on Westbourne Road.
- On street parking will be necessary and it may not be possible to park directly next to the School.
- You will be asked to pay the hanging fee of £5.00(small works) or £10(large works) for each artwork selected when you collect your artworks.
- When you have paid your hanging fees, the Submission Form will be receipted and is your authority to bring artworks to the Open Art Exhibition Marquee at the Botanical Gardens on the Exhibition set up day.
Delivery to the Exhibition
- Bring selected artworks AND the Submission Form to the Open Art Exhibition Marquee at Sheffield Botanical Gardens, between 10am and 12 noon on Friday 2nd September.
- Enter the Gardens on foot via the main entrance on Clarkehouse Road - the Botanical Gardens will be closed to the public for event set up.
- The Submission Form is also your authority to collect your unsold artworks after the Show.
Collection of Unsold Artwork
- Please collect your unsold artworks at the end of the event on Sunday 4th September, between 6.30pm and 7.30 pm.
- YOU WILL NEED THIS SUBMISSION FORM, which is your authority to take the artworks away
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