20 February 2007
Location: Teleconference, 1604 CST
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1600. BG Robb welcomed and thanked the Board of Governors members. Roll call:
Members Present:
BGen Doug Robb President
Col Dan Wyman President Elect
Maj Scott Cummis Executive Officer
Col Margaret Matarese Awards Committee
Col Tim Robinette Elected Member 07
Col Ken Knight Constitution & Bylaws Chair
Col Steve Hetrick Elected Member 07
Lt Col Don Christensen Elected Member 07
Lt Col Charles Clinton Flightlines Business Editor
Lt Col Doug Files History & Archives Chair
Lt Col Thomas Clarke Treasurer (deployed)
Lt Col Rawson Wood Flightlines Editor
Lt Col Alden Hilton Elected Member 06
Lt Col David Sarnow Information Systems/Webmaster
Lt Col (s) David Duval Flightlines Editor
Lt Col John Andrus Nominations Chair
Members Absent:
Lt Gen James Roudebush Honorary BOG Advisor
Lt Col Eveline Yao Secretary (deployed)
Col Mark Mavity ANG Representative
Col Mike Torres AFRC Representative
Col Joseph Anderson Elected Member 06
Col Elizabeth Clark Reinartz Chair
Col Charles Fisher Past President
Col Ken Knight Constitution & Bylaws Chair
Col Thomas Luna Elected Member 06
Lt Col Thomas Clarke Treasurer
Lt Col Peter Kovats Program Committee
Lt Col Jeanine Czech Membership Chair
Lt Col Mark Coakwell Resolutions Chair
2. Review of Minutes: BGen Robb asked if there were any comments, corrections, or issues with the previously distributed minutes from the Oct Board of Governors Meeting. No issues were raised. Minutes were approved as written. (Approved)
3. Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s report was given by Maj Cummis as Lt Col Yao is deployed. The last BOG meeting was held on 26 Oct 07 via teleconference. A quorum was met. Summary of minutes is as follows:
- The Treasurer’s Report was encouraging. The Society should net about $5,300 for the quarter after due outs are paid due to Heritage Foundation revenues and Society dues.
- Col Matarese, Chair of the Awards Committee, proposed changes for SoUSAFFS award/scoring criteria. The changes were discussed and accepted. Changes reflect more defined criteria for each award and implementing a scoring system to increase consistency and objectivity. The proposed scoring system will take effect with this year’s awards and will be “hotwashed” for further recommended improvements.
- The History and Archives CD project is in the ordering phase. The BOG decided to order a “small” quantity for trial sale ($5.00 per CD in plastic case) at the AsMA meeting in Boston. Future quantities will be dictated by sales projected from this initial printing.
- Current membership roster shows 517 SoUSAFFS members; a gain of 55 members since May 07. Lt Col Lea Brockway will assume the President position.
- PDA version of the Flight Surgeon Checklist is on hold per the Reinartz Committee. The RAM 09 class is re-writing the checklist as their project.
- Col Mavity discussed the reconciliation of the ANG Society membership with AsMA membership. Col Mavity recommended the BOG encourage and better define the “subscription only” category of membership allowing ANG members to receive Flightlines without paying for membership into AsMA, the parent organization. A DRAFT formal proposal to amend the Constitution and By-laws will be presented at this meeting and was left as an OPEN item.
- AFRC RSV training will be accomplished at AMSUS this year.
- Maj David Duval will replace Lt Col Wood as the next Flightlines Senior Editor as of Apr 08. Flightlines will continue to contract with Alpha Graphics despite change in ownership. Lt Col Clinton reiterated that the Flightlines staff will maintain cost under $3,500.
BOG checklist was redistributed by Maj Scott Cummis, BOG Exec
4. Treasurer’s Report: Submitted by Lt Col Tom Clarke from 19 Sept 07 – 20 Feb 08
1. As of 20 Feb 2008, the balance of the society accounts were as follows:
Account / 19 Sept 07 / 20 Feb 08 / Interval ChangeCash on Hand / $220.00 / $185.00 / ($35)
Checking Account / $3095.41 / $7679.85 / $4584.44
Total Cash Assets / $3315.41 / $7864.85 / $4549.44
2. Cash Flow during this period was as follows:
IncomeInterest / $22.11
Dues / $605.00
Heritage Foundation Sales / $17,335.48
Add Revenue / $3,200.00
Donations / 0.00
Total Income / $21,162.59
Fall Flightlines / $2,399.57
Winter Flightlines / $1,949.57
Heritage Foundation Stock / $11,291.30
Taxes / $972.71
Total Expenses / $16,613.15
Net Cash Flow / $4549.44
3. The continued control of Flightlines costs in addition to continued strong sales from the Heritage foundation have continued to strengthen the Society’s financial health. There are some items that need to be purchased for the Heritage Foundation which will negate some of this apparent improvement. We continue to function in a status where costs are essentially equal to income.
4. As discussed previously, the upcoming BRAC move will likely have significant impact on the Heritage Foundation and the ability to continue to rely on this essential income stream. Further thought should be undertaken as to options for continued sales and/or alternative funding strategies. Gen Robb recommended developing a Liasion Relationship with the Air Force Museum, and he would communicate with the SGP/SqCC at Wright-Patterson to see about developing this relationship. (Perhaps Col Bachmann past President could be of assistance as he is transitioning to Wright-Patterson to establish the IAM) (OPEN/Gen Robb)
5. In summary, we remain solvent at a relatively steady state.
5. Awards Committee – Col Matarese was present at the meeting. Currently the awards committee has received 5 MAJCOM nominations for Malcolm Grow Award, and 4 MAJCOM nominations for the Ops Safety FS Award. Even though the deadline was last Friday, she is encouraged by the response and will send out a reminder. Her committee is functioning well, and receiving good assistance from the members. Gen Robb discussed the creation of a joint/foreign flight surgeon award (OPEN/Gen Robb/Col Matarese)
6. Constitution and By-Laws Committee – Col Knight was present at the meeting. He submitted the following proposed changes. He recommended that all BOG members review these changes to be voted upon at the next BOG meeting in May.
Proposed Changes
Several changes have been proposed to me to present. These changes mainly come in two cagetories.
1) Review by Col Mark Mavity as a part of the AsMA Bylaws Committee. He reviewed past minutes and found some amendments that were not incorporated. Also, he received some additional feedback from the AsMA Bylaws Chair to look at how the organization's bylaws address the specific constituent organizational requirements spelled out in the AsMA bylaws. In short, we don't, and these are important errors of omission we need to fix (see Col Mavity's suggested inputs for each in attached document). To summarize, we must specify how we select our representatives to both Council and the AsMA Nominating Committee, and how we ensure that we send the name of the Council representative to the AsMA Exec Director, as well as a current roster of the Society by 1 Jan each year. These deficiencies have actually been discussed on numerous occasions by the BOG and are documented in the following minutes" May 04, New Business Item c., Sep 04, Old Business, Item 2h., and May 05, New Business, Item a. All of these items in the minutes were left OPEN without closure. I think this supports the need for inclusion to the bylaws as the sustaining continuity for our Society is resident within that document.
2) Relook at subscriber membership: What duties and privileges they should have.
Issue/Justification: ARC flight surgeons maintain professional society currencies in their civilian specialties, often at significant cost. Though engaged in the practice of aerospace medicine, most do not have the time or level of interest to fully participate as AsMA members. In fact, with the ANG focus on Readiness Frontiers attendance, and AFRC focusing on AMSUS for training opportunities, ARC participation at AsMA has significantly diminished. Both the Alliance of ANG Flight Surgeons and the Association of USAF Reserve Flight Surgeons are AsMA Affiliates, not Constituent Organizations like the SoUSAFFS. As such, their members are not required to be AsMA members, unlike the Society. The main driver for our ARC members to be Society members is to receive Flightlines. However, we risk driving potential ARC flight surgeons away from the Society if we mandate AsMA membership as well, particularly since it is not required by their Affiliate organizations.
Proposal 1: Revise Art II.6 (Subscriber Membership) from:
Individuals not eligible for membership in the Society may subscribe to The Society of USAF Flight Surgeons Newsletter. The subscription fee will be determined by the Board of Governors. They will have no duties or privileges associated with membership.
To the following:
Proposal 1:
II.6. Individuals not eligible for membership in the Society may subscribe to The Society of USAF Flight Surgeons Newsletter. Additionally, Air Reserve Component flight surgeons may elect Subscriber Membership at the full annual dues rate if they are a current member of their respective Affiliate organization (Alliance of ANG Flight Surgeons or Association of USAF Reserve Flight Surgeons). The subscription fee will be determined by the Board of Governors. The subscription fee for other Subscriber Members will be $$ (need decision from the BOG). Subscribers will have no duties or privileges associated with membership.
Proposal 2:
II.6.1. Individuals not eligible for membership in the Society may subscribe to The Society of USAF Flight Surgeons Newsletter. The subscription fee for Subscriber Members will be established by the Board of Governors. Subscribers will have no duties or privileges associated with membership.
II.6.2. Air Reserve Component (ARC) flight surgeons may elect Subscriber Membership, at the FULL ANNUAL DUES RATE, if they are a current member of their respective Affiliate organization (Alliance of ANG Flight Surgeons or Association of USAF Reserve Flight Surgeons). ARC Subscriber Members will be non-voting members but may have a voice at membership meetings. In addition, ARC Subscriber Members may participate in all member activities and are entitled to any member discounts offered in conjunction with such member activities. ARC flight surgeons who are not members of their respective Affiliate organization may not apply for this category of membership.
Gen Robb recommended that Col Knight write a brief summary of this in order to publish in the Flightlines for membership review. (OPEN/Col Knight)
7. History and Archives Committee – Lt Col Files has 100 SoUSAFFS history CD's, each with 63 pages ofphotos and text in a Microsoft Word format. He also has a bill for$300.00, Lt Col Clarke will arrange for reimbursement.. The Board agreed we could sell each one for $5.00. He is not certain if he will be able to make the AsMA conference timeline. He will discuss with Sheila at the Heritage Foundation to get the CDs to her in order for them to go to AsMa for sale (OPEN/Lt Col Files)
Lt Col Files will be separating from the Air Force in September 2008
and will no longer qualify as a member of SoUSAFFS. He will work on
finding a replacement (OPEN/Lt Col Files and BOG)
8. Membership – Lt Col Czech was not in attendance. Report submitted. Lt Col Givens was appointed as Membership Committee assistant since Jul 07. He will collect dues, send out membership certificates and act as liaison to the Aerospace Primary Course. He works closely with Flightlines editorial team and the SoUSAFFS Exec to ensure appropriate distribution to Flightlines to members. His effectiveness as liaison and representative may be the cause of the surge in membership. He will take over membership committee chairmanship in May 2008.
Currently our membership roster shows 542 SoUSAFFS members; this is a gain of 25 members since October 2007, total 75 since May 2007.
a. Active members 385
b. Active-Life 68
c. Emeritus 45
d. Emeritus-Life 13
e. Honorary 3
f. Organizational 11
g. Provisional 0
h. Subscription 17
2. In Mar 08 Membership Chair will send out notices to all members who will need to renew at/by AsMA 08. At that time we will also coordinate our membership roster with AsMA’s to make sure that all SoUSAFFS members are also members of AsMA.
3. In May 08 Lt Col Howard Givens will be taking the reins as SoUSAFFS Membership Chair. He’s done a great job as RAM membership POC; we expect to see a continued rise in membership during his tenure!
9. Program Committee – Lt Col Kovats was not in attendance.
10. Reinartz Education and Training – Col Clark was not in attendance. Maj Cummis relayed the report on the PDA version of the FS Checklist. This project is on hold due to the re-write of the FS Checklist by the RAM 09 class. The other issue is the pricing of the electronic version of the FS Checklist vs. the published version of the Checklist. Major Rob Spence at Scott AFB is capable and willing to the Checklist. The goal is to have the FS Checklist available as both a PDA version and a blue-notebook published version by the AsMA 2009 meeting. Lt Col Koda will assure that the RAM re-write of the new FS Checklist is PDA compatible for both Palm and Windows Mobile operating systems. The electronic version may be delayed in respect to the hard copy. Col Robinette queried about HMSR/initial response in the new checklist. Lt Col Koda stated that this topic may be a good thing to add but the concern of the length of the checklist is an issue. (OPEN/Lt Col Koda)
The need to repurchase goods for sale at the Heritage Foundation was discussed. Lt Col Thomas Clarke, Treasurer, will work directly with Sheila at the Heritage Foundation to ensure that items are purchased for sale. (OPEN/Lt Col Clarke)
The issue of transporting goods to AsMA was discussed. The two options are having Mr. Siedlecki transport the goods in his truck. Major negative is need to reimburse him for mileage. The other suggestion was to divide up the goods amongst people attending from USAFSAM in their luggage and recollect items at the AsMA site. Sheila is against this. (OPEN/Maj Cummis)
11. Resolutions Committee – Lt Col Coakwell was unavailable for the meeting and was not able to submit a report. Status of the RPA resolution proposal is pending. (OPEN/Lt Col Coakwell).