Art Honors Syllabus

Proficient 3 /Advanced 4

Class expectations:

In this class I would like for students to be self-motivated workers. I want them to think for themselves. I will strive to create a positive and motivating environment for my art students, one which encourages creativity and expression. I will encourage my students to explore new techniques, experience old techniques and apply their own creativity, and to dive deep into the world of diversity and art history both past and present through hands on projects, art experiences, and research papers. Students will participate in group critiques and design their own Altered Books that are expressions of themselves. Students will also create a mini portfolio that begins to expresses their personal style.

Lesson One: What will students do?

The first few days we will spend reviewing rules and procedures. A brief introduction to the class will be presented.

Students will complete a Zentangle design, a handout will be provided for them. Students will also complete a review handout on the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design to be put in their notes.

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can apply the Elements of Art and Principle of Design in the planning and creation of personal art. I can use art vocabulary to analyze my composition choice.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.V.1.4 I can Evaluate the Elements of Art and Principle of design.

P.V.1.1 I can use art vocabulary to analyze my composition.

A.V.1.1 I can use art vocabulary to explain compositional choices

Lesson Two:What will students do?

Picking out Altered Book, planning for altered book.Students will be given the syllabus for their altered books. Students will use the internet to look for new and contemporary ideas for their altered books.

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can generate art based on a creative exploration of contemporary art concepts.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.V.1.2 I can understand the relationship between personal expression and design.

P.V.1.4 I can recognize contemporary styles themes and genres in art.

A.V.1.2 I can create art based on personal expression and applied design.

A.V.1.3. I can create art that responds to contemporary themes in art.

Lesson Three:What will students do?

Still life with shadows and reflections (clear grids may be used to assist students with layout during sketching process) Art four will do an advanced version of this project starting with detailed study drawings of the still life and reflective objects.

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can create art using my experiences and observation processes to represent my individual perspective on reflective surfaces. I can uses my best techniques to create reflective surface areas in my artwork.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.V.3.3 I can select appropriate process and techniques to create art.

A.V.2.2. I can create art using experience and observation to represent individual perspectives.

Lesson Four:What will students do?

Plein Air Landscape students will spend two days outdoor drawing then return inside to add color in watercolor or chalk pastel art three and oil paint for art four. Students must select a strong composition. Students can use a viewfinder if needed.

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can create original art in response to my environment, creating a realistic landscape composition.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.V.2.2 I can recognize how personal experience influence the perception of the environment.

A.V.1.4. I can analyze the compositional components of art.

Lesson Five: What will students do?

Poetry Art on Wood (wood burning techniques) Students will pick out a short poem or create their own haiku and wood burn it into a piece of scrap wood. Students will then paint or wood burn a matching illustration.

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can create art based on personal expression and applied design. I can produce art by using a variety of tools and media appropriately, safely, and effectively.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.V.3.3 I can select appropriate processes and techniques to create art.

P.V.3.2 I can analyze the relationship between media, process and results.

A.V.3.1. I can produce art by using a variety of tools and media appropriately, safely, and effectively.

Lesson Six:What will students do?

Great Tragedy Painting with 3 page paper on time period, event, examples of art that came from the great tragedy. This can be a tragedy from the past or a current event. (Examples the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, The Civil War) Art Three will focus on the United States and Art Four will focus on Tragedy outside of the US.

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can interpret visual arts from personal, cultural, and historical context.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.CX.1.1. I can understand the role of visual art in the Unites States history as mean of interpreting past eras within a historical context.

A.CX.1.1 I can interpret visual art from personal, cultural,and historical context.

Lesson Seven:What will students do?

Printmaking by creating carved rubber stamps

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can produce art by using tools and media safely, effectively and showing technique.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.V.3.3 I can select appropriate processes and techniques to create art.

P.V.3.2 I can analyze the relationship between media, process and results.

A.V.3.1. I can produce art by using a variety of tools and media appropriately, safely, and effectively.

Lesson Eight:What will students do?

Students will create a large painting that expresses an emotion based on a song and its lyrics. Students will work in a group of two. Art three will be given a different song and lyrics than art four. They will be given a song to listen to and the lyrics to read. Then they will have to create a painting based on what they hear and read. We will have a group critique to discuss if the artwork matches the lyrics and conveys the feeling of the song. A critique sheet will be provided for students to use.

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can interpret visual arts from a personal and emotional contexts. I can work as a team to convey a message. I can critique my personal art critically.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.CX.2.2 I can understand knowledge learned in other discipline is used to solve artistic problems.

P.CX.2.3 I can understand the value of collaboration with peers to arrive at effective solutions to artistic solution to artistic problems.

P.CR.1.1 I van differentiate between personal aesthetic response and objective critical response to art.

P.CR.1.2 I can critique personal art based on relative inquiry

A.V.2.1. I can create original art in response to artistic problems.

A.CX.2.2 I can create art using skills and knowledge learned in other disciplines.

Lesson Nine:What will students do?

Students will select a museum and take a virtual tour. Students can also reference a museum that we visited on our class field trip.Students must select a work of art from the museum and research that work of art and the artist Students will write a three page research paper on that work of art and artist.

This will be a major grade. A image of the work of art must be included with the paper as page four. This can be printed or shared on google docs with the teacher. Art three will select a contemporary piece and art four will select a work over 100 years old.

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can explore concepts of work history and relate them to significant works of visual arts and artist.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.CX.1.2 I can understand how personal perspective is influenced by temporal context.

P.CX.1.3 I can exemplify contemporary art and artist.

A.CX.1.1 I can interpret visual art from personal, cultural,and historical context.

Lesson Ten:

Creating a digital ad. Students will look at magazine and digital ads found on the internet, commercials. And their phones. Students will then have to design their own ad to save the environment. It is to be a pop up ad and the students can use any program to do this ad. The add must be done at home and shared with me on google docs. This will count as a major grade. Art three will focus on the recycling and art 4 will focus on conservation.

What will students learn? Learning Targets?

I can use a my phone or computer to create a digital ad to save our environment. I can use my design and art skills to assist me in creating this ad.

Essential standards Addressed:

I.CX.2.1 I can apply skills and concepts developed in art to daily life

I.CX.2.4 I can analyze how digital design affect communication in art

A.CX.1.5 I can apply environmental responsibility to the creation of art

IA.CX.2.3 I can understand the collaborative relationship between the artist and the community

A.CX.2.4 I can analyze the influence of digital media and technology on creating art

Lesson Eleven: What will students do?

Mini Portrait Portfolio with Artist Statements. Students will pick a theme for a portfolio based on portraits. Then they must create the portraits based on that theme using the following processes: (Art Three selects three process and art selects four processes) a
Packet explaining each process is given to the students.

Charcoal full figure drawings

Portraits out of Words

Clay Bust Portrait

Photoshop Portrait with filters (must be a photo you have taken)

Cultural Self-Portrait

Pen and Ink Hair Portraits

Unusual Acrylic Portrait

What will students learn? Learning Targets

I can explain the relationship of creative expression to the development of personal style.

I can design a portfolio to reflect personal choices and growth over time as an artist.

Essential Standards Addressed:

P.V. 2.3. I can understand the relationship of creative expression to the development of personal style.

P.V.3.1. I can compare properties of tool in the creation of art.

P.V.3.3 I can analyze the relationship between media, processes and results.

P.V.3.3 I can select appropriate processes and techniques to create art.

A.V.2.3 I can generate art based on a creative exploration of a concept.

A.V.3.1. I can produce art by using a variety of tools and media appropriately, safely, and effectively.

A.V.3.2. I can produce art by using a variety of processes appropriately, safely, and effectively.

A.CX.1.2 I can implement personal philosophy of art.

A.CX.1.3 I can apply artistic style while creating art.

A.CX.1.4 I can apply personal aesthetic to the creation of art

A.CX.2.1 I can design a portfolio to reflect personal choices and growth over time as an artist.

Semester Goals for Honors Art 3/4 :

Multiple works of art with a concentration on technique and breadth of media

Mini portrait portfolio with artist statement

Two Research paper Three pages each

Altered Book