Saint Mary’s Little Lambs Preschool

Four Year Old Progress Report – 2015

Date ______

Child’s Name ______Teachers______

Attention Span: usually focused ___ at times needs refocusing____ often needs refocusing___

E+= exhibits skill often E= emerging skill E- = needs work NA=not applicable


Can state first and last name
When asked, states: age birthday address phone number
Follows school rules and procedures (taking turns)
Separates from parent(s) willingly and likes coming to school
Plays and shares cooperatively in group activities
Prefers playing alongside someone but doesn’t play with that child
Is confident and joins in discussions and familiar songs, finger play
Seeks help when needed
Accepts responsibility for his/her actions
Demonstrates good manners
Indicates a good self-image; smiles and happy much of the time
Attempts to put on and remove outwear independently
Attempts to hang up outerwear and book bag independently
Is aware of God and follows in prayer


Follows daily routines; circle time
Follows one and two step directions
Uses material appropriately
Helps in cleaning up materials
Works independently
Completes tasks in a reasonable amount of time
Needs repeated redirection and guidance to complete tasks
Transitions well from one activity to another
Is curious and asks questions

FINE MOTOR SKILLS (small muscle development) JAN. JUNE

Demonstrates hand dominance right____ left____
Holds pencil properly with fingers and not fist
Can paint and paste fairly neatly
Can recreate a pattern (stringing beads, building blocks)
Attempts to zip snap button clothing independently
Holds scissors properly
If modeled, can form: vertical horizontal diagonal curved lines
Can trace and cut specific patterns (shapes)
If modeled, can reproduce a: square triangle cross circle

Gross Motor Skills (large muscle development) JAN. JUNE

Jumps on two feet
Can run with control over speed and direction
Can throw catch a ball
Is confident when playing on outdoor playground equipment
Can skip gallop hop on one foot
Beginning to clap in rhythm to music

Language Development (listening and speaking skills) JAN. JUNE

Speaks clearly
Waits turn when speaking in a group
Listens and enjoys hearing stories read
Shares ideas and makes connections to text (predictions, sequence main idea)
Usually communicates in complete sentences
Engages in conversation with others
Memorizes and repeats simple rhymes, songs, finger play etc.
Responds to a story by asking and answering questions
Can name body parts (head, arms, legs, hands, fingers)
Understands positional words (in, out, on, off, top, bottom, above, below in front of, behind, in back of

Math Concepts/ Relationships JAN. JUNE

Can sort objects by characteristics ( color, shape, size )
Can name basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, diamond, heart)
Names basic colors (blue,black,brown,green,red,orange,yellow,white,pink and gray)
Can rote count 1-10 10-15 15-20 higher
Can count with one to one correspondence 1-5 6-10 10-20 higher
Can name numbers 0-5 1-10 1-15 1-20 higher
Can write numbers 0-5 1-10 1-15 1-20 higher
Understands concepts of more: less big:little tall:short full:empty

Pre Literacy Skills

Can recognize own name in print first first and last
When given a model, can print own name first first and last
Can spell own name aloud first first and last
Can draw a picture with details and describe what is happening
Attempts to write words to describe illustrations
Understands that words are separated by spaces
Understands that words have syllables (beats, parts)
Can name all most a few upper case letters consistently
Can name all most a few lower case letters consistently
When modeled, can write most some letters independently
Can identify words that rhyme Y N Can produce two words that rhyme Y N
Knows sounds for all most a few consonants

Teacher Comment______


Parent Comment ______


Director’s Signature (Jan.) ______June ______