Art History 20B, Syllabus
Art History 20B, A Survey of Art History from the Renaissance to the Present
N. Ruiz, Instructor
Cabrillo College, spring, 2011
About this Course
This course provides an overview of significant periods in Art History beginning with the Renaissance in the 15th Century and moving into the 21st Century. The main focus is Western Art History with some discussion of the impact of other artistic traditions. Each student will develop skill in distinguishing the art of the different time periods covered in the course. Students will learn how art works reflect their historical time periods, the cultural ideals of a given period, and the influences on our culture in the present time. Students will be expected to use text assignments, lectures, and classroom discussions to deepen an understanding of art as our human inheritance. The format used for each class is lecture and discussion. Students will need to take notes, read required text assignments and study information given in handouts.
For optimum success in this class, it is very important that you have a reading and writing skill level that is at least equal to eligibility for English 100.
As a transferable course, Art History 20B is designed to meet requirements at both CSU (California State University) and UC (University of California) campuses. For specific transfer questions, please consult the course catalogue and your college counselor.
Art History (vol. II) Portable Edition (volume II is broken down into three smaller volumes (Third or Fourth Edition) Edited by Marilyn Stokstad. This is a required text. I am making an allowance for other editions of the text, especially where cost is a significant factor.
Class Meeting Times
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:10-12:40, Art History Lecture Hall in the Arts Education Complex, Room 1001
Grades are strongly influenced by the following factors:
- Regular class attendance(Missing more than 2 classes will lower your grade). Arriving on time and attending the full class session is expected. Being tardy more than two times, or leaving class early two times will be counted as an absence. If you need to leave early for an appointment, please inform your instructor before class begins. If you are not able to attend class, be sure to leave an email message for your instructor.
- Participation in class discussions. Questions are always welcome.
- Completion of assignments on time. Make-up assignments will only be given at the instructor’s discretion. There will be a final paper/project in this class. It is described on a separate page. There may also be a field trip (full details will be given later) for which extra credit will be given.
- All students must take all tests and the final exam in order to pass the course. If you fail to take one of these, you cannot pass the course. A makeup exam will only be given at the discretion of the instructor for a student with a serious illness or other emergency. Cell phone use during a test will result in an automatic failing grade for that test. If you are planning summer travel, please be sure your departure date is after the final exam.
- If you decide to drop the class, it is your responsibility to take care of the necessary paper work. Please do not assume the instructor will drop you automatically.
- Your grade is based on averaging the following: Attendance and Participation, 10%; Final Paper/project, 20%; Final Exam, 20%; Tests, 50%.
- Your instructor will not be responsible for providing additional handouts or replacing lost handouts. A website will be available for accessing these.
Behavioral Expectations
- All students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner, toward one another and toward the instructor. Students are also expected to arrive on time for class and remain in class until dismissal.
- If you have a cell phone please be sure it is turned off. Do not text or check messages during class. Please do not leave class to take a call. It is expected that students will not need to leave class to use the restroom.
- Please do not bring food or drink into the lecture hall. We in the VAPA Division have made it a policy not to do this.
- The instructor reserves the right to drop any student whose behavior violates classroom decorum.
How to reach your instructor
I have office hours after each class session. I will make every effort to meet with any student who needs to see me at other mutually agreed-upon times.
My school email address is:
My mailbox is located in the VAPA Office . Messages may be left there,also. The VAPA office telephone # is 479-6464.
Final Exam Date: Thursday, June 2, 10:20 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Art 50L—Art Viewing Lab
Cabrillo College requires two semesters of Art 50L for any student enrolled in studio art or art history classes. Unless you have already completed this requirement, you should be concurrently enrolledin it. There is a printed packet which explains what each student needs to do. You will receive this at the first or second class meeting. The completed packet is turned in to the Gallery, not to your instructor in Art History 20B.