School: AHS Teacher: Jamey Crawford

Phone Number: 770-651-6137Email:

Course: Spanish II School Year: 2017-2018

Course Description:

The Level II language course focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that the students have successfully completed a Level I course or are at a Novice-Mid level of proficiency.

Students begin to show a greater level of accuracy when using basic language structures, and they are exposed to more complex features of the language. They continue to focus on communicating about their immediate world and daily life activities, read material on familiar topics, and write short, directed compositions.

The major means of communication between students and instructors will be in the target language. An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world. The integration of technology is an important tool in accessing authentic information in the target language and in providing students the opportunity to interact with native speakers.

By the end of Level II, students will exhibit Novice-Mid level proficiency in speaking and writing and Novice-High level proficiency in listening and reading (ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 1999).

Performance Standard/Objectives:The Georgia Performance Standards are on line at

Anticipated Classroom Format and Strategies for Students Learning:

Because this is a college-prep course, my expectations of the students are at this level.

Attendance: Class attendance is essential to achieve the course objectives. In case of illness, unavoidable conflicts or school-sanctioned events the students are responsible for contacting their classmates or Ms. Head before class to catch up on their missing work and participation.

Oral Participation: Participation is encouraged and expected at all times. It is essential to achieve proficiency in the language. Students will work individually, in partners, and in groups. There are certain rules for participation that I expect the students to abide by at all times:

-respect other students, the teacher, and selves

-never laugh at the mistakes of others

-both instructor and the students will aim to use only Spanish in the classroom. Once a student has learned to say something in Spanish, saying it in English will negatively affect the participation grade.

Daily Class Work Grade: Spanish is a very interactive class and participation will be essential to achieve proficiency in the language. This grade will be entered weekly into Infinite Campus as DC.

To EARN your Daily Class work you need to: / Speak only Spanish when instructed to.
Be ready on time for each activity.
Stay on task
Have your materials
You will NOT EARN points when: / You do not have the materials or are not ready.
Speak English when Spanish is required.
Are off task
Are sleeping (or head down)
Are grooming

Attentiveness: Be attentive during class,sitting in your assigned seat, facing forward, having note-taking materials on your desk at all times and refraining from using cell phones and other electronic devices, side-conversations, writing/passing notes, and class work for other classes.

Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products:

Every unit includes vocabulary quizzes, grammar quizzes, a test and/or project. Detailed instructions and rubrics for projects will be provided to the students. If a parent/guardian or student has any concerns with any material discussed in class or any assignment, he or she must notify the teacher immediately.

Make up work, quizzes, tests, and exams: Scores for makeup work will be entered as zeros until the student turns in the work or takes the quiz/test. Make-ups for quizzes and tests will take place before or after school. Failure to make up a missing assignment before the allotted time period results in a 0 score.

Tests and quizzes will be announced in class, in Infinite Campus and I will also try to send e-mail reminders to parents who provide me with their address. Tests and Quizzes will be given in a variety of formats. If a student is absent the day of a test, quiz or project due date, the student should be prepared to make the test up or turn in the assignment the day of their return.

Midterm/final: Students will take a comprehensive midterm and final on the dates scheduled for school-wide testing. These exams will cover all topics covered in class.

Work deadlines: We assign projects and homework in a timely manner to provide students with plenty of time in class or at home to prepare. Late homework, bell work/warm-up, projects or assignments will not be accepted.

Grade Distribution:

  1. Summative Assessments / Major Assignments (50% of Final Grade): tests after each section or chapter, skits, presentations, and projects.
  2. Formative Assessments / Daily Assignments (30% of Final Grade): homework, class work, lab work, & quizzes.
  3. Cumulative Final Exam(s) (Written and Oral) (20% of Final Grade)

What are CDAs? They are Common District Assessments at the end of each unit developed collaboratively by a group of foreign language teachers in the district, peer reviewed by other foreign language teachers in the district, and revised by the original writing team.

Extra Credit: There will not be any individual extra credit assignments available. However, the course contains built in procedures to help students learn the material and improve grades throughout the semester.


Realidades 1 –



Tutoring: Will be available throughout the year on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays from 4:00 to 4:45. You need to notify me in advance of your attendance as well as the specific area you need help with in order to make the most of the tutoring session.

Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty shall be defined as copying in part or whole information from another student’s work or external source, (ie. Electronic translators, internet, neighbor, family member, etc.), leaving answers exposed in such a way that another student can copy them, sharing any information about the exam, test, quiz, or assignment before all students in all sections of the course have completed it, or plagiarizing. Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work (as defined on Never assume an assignment allows partner/group work, as sharing work is deemed cheating. Photographing, copying, or retaining a copy of a quiz, test, or exam is cheating. Students suspected of cheating in any form will receive a zero for the full assignment without any opportunity to make it up and it will be handled according to the school discipline policy.

Use of cell phones:Cell phones are NOT to be used during instructional time UNLESS authorized by me. What is instructional time? The 45 minutes students are in the classroom. We will use electronic devices from time to time, but misuse of that privilege will create issues between the teacher and student.