BTEC National Diploma in Art and Design
Year Group:
/ 1 /Issue Date:
/26th November 2007
/ 12 /Block:
/ Pete Gill /Deadline Date:
/Dec 2007/Jan 2008
Assignment Title:
/Shape, Pattern, and Colour – ‘Reworking the Masters’
This assignment for Unit 12, Computers in Art and Design, complements your main assignment, by looking at some well known artists andhow they have approached the discipline of still life (or portrait) representation, by ‘reimagining’ one of their signature works using digital tools.
Use the illustrations provided as starting points, produce your own ‘reworkings ‘ of works by other artists, using digital tools available (Photoshop on the Apple Macs, digital photography or scanning etc.). Take note of the example provided and the sample subject picture references – which you may use if you cannot quickly find a suitable subject yourself.
Reference should also be made if possible to artists and movements contained in the full brief for Shape, Pattern and Colour you received on 29th October, including;
Matisse, Paul Klee, Piet Mondrian, Morandi, Frank Stella, Georgia O’Keefe, Bonnard
To accompany your final visual work, you should produce a short written report providing historical background for the original work chosen, your planning decisions on how to treat the work and finally how your digital artwork(s) came to fruition (software techniques used).
Work Requirements/Evidence:
A range of preparatory ideas, notes and references for any final digital artworks produced. Also any rough sketches made prior to producing digital artwork. Proof prints (black and white laser) at significant stages of artwork and notes on techniques learned during use of software programs
Examples of extended work
Final digital artworks should show skill and understanding of the usage of software for required results.
Subjects chosen and treatment of them should be appropriate and show discrimination between potentially successful and unsuccessful subjects.
An example ‘reworking’ of George Braque’s ‘Guitar’ in Photoshop
1. 2. 3.
1. George Braque ‘Woman with Guitar’ – the original cubist painting
2. Found image of a guitar
3. An artwork created in Photoshop ‘mimicking’ the cubist style of the original work
To view the rationale behind the digital work and a Photoshop tutorial on how it was created, visit the link above.
Other web references
Examples of original works to use as subjects
Van Gogh – Chair with Pipe Picasso – Portrait of a woman – collage
Roy Lichtenstein – ‘Cubist’ still life Salvador Dali – Persistence of Memory
School of Creative Arts
Assignment Task Sheet
/Computers in Art and Design
/ 12 /Day/ Time:
/Mon/Thurs 1.30 – 3.45
Learning Outcomes:
Be able to select suitable image(s) to work withUse different Photoshop techniques to create the reworked image (distortion, drawing, colouring)
Use layers in Photoshop to compose an image
Task 1:
Task 2:
Task 3:
Work Requirements/Evidence:
Print outs of original images used
Notes on proposed Photoshop techniques used.
Evaluation of final image(s) produced.
Finished image(s)
For how to achieve Merit or Distinction grades please see attached grading criteria sheet for the unit.
School of Creative Arts
Assignment Task Sheet
Action Plan:Evaluation:
For how to achieve Merit or Distinction grades please see attached grading criteria sheet for the unit.