Teller Elementary School: Passion Pursuit
- There are many websites with football trivia. Try several of them! Then create your own football trivia game. It could be a card game, a board game, a jeopardy game, etc.
- There are “how to” books for just about everything these days – even one called “Football for Dummies.” Imagine that you are asked to write a version of this book for kids. Create a list of chapters that you think should be included in this book. Pick one of them and write the chapter.
- Take the game of football and put in into futurist book, such as “The Hunger Games” or a futuristic movie. Tell how the game would be the same or different. What would the new rules be like? Teams? Strategies? Offense and defense? Winners and losers? Coaches? Playing field or arena? Prepare a PowerPoint slide show detailing how football evolved.
- Research a famous player that is of interest to you. Include his on-field accomplishments, as well as his off-the-field accomplishments. Then write a paragraph telling your personal opinion on whether his accomplishments have been greater on or off the field.
- Create a timeline of important football events (at least 20). For fun, add 5 events that you would like to see happen in football in the future.
- Make a dictionary or glossary of at least 15 football terms that are not familiar to you or that you want to learn more about. Here are a few ideas:
- Chop block
- Hot route
- Dime coverage
- K-ball
- Flea flicker
- Single wing
- Coffin corner
- Close line
Think of a clever way to display your terms and their meanings.
- Create your own football team:
- Determine in which city you will locate your team. Pick a city that currently does not have a professional football team. You might have to research cities that are hoping to host expansion teams.
- Name your team!
- Pick team colors, and then design a new team logo and uniform. You may need to do some research on the psychology of colors. Show your uniform on the figure provided.
- Write a formal business letter to the commissioner of the NFL. In your letter, ask for your team to be considered as an expansion team. Justify why you chose that city. Your reasons should be based on strong business sense. Try to convince him that your team would be a financially sound addition to the NFL.
- Research how much it costs to own and run a football team. Also, describe how much owners tend to make each year in profits. Find out what the financial risks are to being an owner.
- Within two years of retirement, 78 percent of NFL players are bankrupt or in severe financial trouble. With such high salaries, how can that be? Research this strange issue and write a paragraph of your findings.
- Native American images and nicknames are fairly common in American sports, including the NFL. Some people feel that their use is offensive, demeaning, or racist. Research this controversy and then write an essay telling which side you are on and why.
- If someone cannot play professional football, there are numerous other jobs in football that are extremely important to the game. Research and list other jobs associated with football. Pick at least ten and tell what these positions involve. Pick one and tell why you might be interested in this job.
- How long is the average career for NFL players? Make a graph showing 10 players of your choice and the length of their careers. Does that make sense with the average playing career?
- Professional sports players tend to make huge salaries – at least the ones that we hear about on the news. What is the average salary of an NFL player? Compare that amount to the average salaries of 5-10 other professions (pick a range of professions). Make a chart showing your results. Then detail your opinion on whether these salaries seem “fair.” (Take into consideration the length of the average playing career, and the rate and severity of player injuries.)
- Create the “perfect” Super Bowl.
- Determine the two teams you’d like to see play in your Super Bowl. Decide what city and stadium they will play in.
- Decide who will sing the nation anthem.
- Who will be the half time entertainment?
- What would you consider to be the perfect Super Bowl Sunday foods and snacks?
- Who would you like to watch the game with?
- Other ideas?
- Pull these thoughts together to make this day “perfect” for you. How will show us what this day will be like for you?
- Now it is your turn to create some activities for this independent unit!