/Sign-Out System 1302.47
DHS 340:110-3-281.2(c)(5), 340:110-3-281.4
Policy COC Basic,
All children enrolled in KI BOIS Head Start will be signed in and out of the classroom daily to maintain an accurate attendance count.
- Parents must list at least two persons, other than themselves, who are authorized to pick up child, as documented on Child Pick Up AuthorizationKHS-300. This form should be updated as frequently as needed to ensure that each person is still authorized to receive the child.
- Parents may not be excluded from their own child without proper legal documentation.
- Parent or guardian is responsible for notifying staff of changes for other persons to pick up child. This should be done in writing.In an emergency, staff will determine if verbal authorization will be accepted. In such cases, the Verbal Authorization to Pick Up Child KHS-300A will be completed.
- The Daily Active Sign-In and Out Attendance KHS-301will be used to sign children in and out of center. Only authorized persons will be allowed to sign children out of center.
- Bus Monitors will document the child’s pick-up and release daily on KATSPassenger Checklist KHS-302.
- Children who are transported by KATS will only be released to parents or authorized persons whose names are listed on the Child Pick Up AuthorizationKHS-300.
- If center staff or bus monitor does not know the person requesting to receive the child, they must ask for photo identification to verify they are authorized to receive the child. If this is not shown, the child must not be released to the person.
- Children who leave the center for services during the day should be signed in and out by whoever is authorized to transport them. (Parent, center staff, FSW.)
- Staff should make every effort to contact parent or authorized person if child is not picked up at center or bus stop. If no authorized person is found, staff is to contact their local law enforcement.
- If unauthorized personleaves with a child, parent or legal guardian will be contacted and staff will call local law enforcement.
- If the person picking up a child appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, Head Start staff will not release the child to that person. Staff will offer to call another person as listed on the Child Pick Up Authorization KHS-300 to assist the child and adult in getting home. If the parent or authorized person will not cooperate with staff and the situation warrants, staff will call local law enforcement.