ARO Weekly Newsletter #47 - 28November 2016

Careers and Employment:

-Careers Boot Camps – Wednesday 22nd – 24th February, 2017 - Whether you’re halfway through your degree or soon to graduate, it’s never too early to get career ready!

One-day intensives will include interactive workshops and activities facilitated by Career Development Advisors and Industry Professionals. Get involved and get ahead.

Register onCareerConnecttoday! Numbers strictly limited (recent graduates welcome to attend).

-Careers Week 2017– Monday27th Feb – 3rd March, 2017 - Careers Week 2017 is all about giving you the information and assistance you need to help you make a successful transition to employment. Employer presentations, Job Search Workshops, Panel Event and The Big Meet Careers Fair are all part of a busy Careers Week program.

Communications and Events:

Conversion updates

Conversion activities this week include:

-Sending new eDMs to International students encouraging them to submit their documents and accept their offer (please find attached an example of an “awaiting docseDM). We have an agreement with Sightseeing Pass which enables students who have accepted their offer to receive a 25% discount from Tours of WA. This agreement has been developed following research which shows that destination is a key factor in the decision making process for International students. Therefore one of our key conversion activities is not only to promote Murdoch but also Perth and WA.

-Telephone campaigns will be conducted by the Meet Murdoch Team to domestic students with a status of awaiting docs and pending offers.

-An eDM will be sent out to 800 students who did not respond to offers in Semester 2, 2016 and their status has been lapsed in Callista. The purpose of this eDM is to encourage students to reconsider Murdoch as an option.

-We are using Facebook as part of the campaign to encourage students to consider the International Welcome Scholarship and finish their application. Our recent IWS post received reached 6500 people with 1871 engagements and 132 Post Clicks.

-If you have any other suggestions of new cohorts which can be incorporated into the conversion schedule, please contact Jo Hulme on ext 6352. A recent suggestion to target deferred students who may be eligible for a Murdoch First Scholarship resulted in an extra 10 new applications for a scholarship in 3 days.

Hobsons transition

-As of today the Meet Murdoch Team will be dealing with all new International enquiries from Semester 2 2017 and beyond. Hobsons will still be answering enquiries for Semester 1, 2017. A new enquiry form has been published on the website which will automatically direct relevant enquiries to either Hobsons or Meet Murdoch:



-As a reminder – We have the International Welcome Scholarship(IWS) on offer and eligible students could receive up to $10,000 off their first year course fees at Murdoch. The IWS is not only on offer to eligible prospective international students but also current undergraduate students looking to study a Honours or Masters by Coursework at Murdoch next year. Feel free to spread the word!

-China BDM, Maple Fu attended the annual Year 12 WACE graduation ceremony at Golden Apple International school in Shanghai. Golden Apple school delivers the WACE curriculum in China. Joining with in country reps from UWA and other eastern state Universities, the evening saw a group of 30 graduates. Murdoch has offered a place in Animal Science to one of the graduates for 2017.

-Maple conducted a Murdoch Information session to a network of sub- agents hosted by Cann-Achieve (one of the largest agents in China). The session included information on the

-Popular “International Welcome Scholarships”. China BDM, Maple Fu will be on leave from 28 Nov to 2 Dec 2016.

-Murdoch alumnus, Mr Chen Xiaodong CEO of Intime Retail (Group) Co., CHINA Ltd has been awarded the Winner of - IELTS - Australia China Alumni of the Year Award (ACAA). Mr Chen holds an MBA from Murdoch. To see photographs from these events please click here.

Enrolments & Fees:


-This is the final week for course transfer applications. After this date late application will not be accepted with the exception of invitations to transfer from pre-2014 to post-2014 courses, and academic progression based ones. Transfer processing will commence as soon as results are released.

-The Team is continuing to deal with enquiries as students encounter the usual issues and request exemptions and approvals for their desired enrolments.

-Honours students continuing on from 2016 into 2017 are having their 2017 units added.


-Students can now calculate the fees for Summer units with a census date this side of 1 January 2017. Set-up for 2017 fees is continuing, and fees for units with census dates in 2017 will be available in 2017.

Graduations and Results:


-We have confirmed Graduation ceremony dates for February and March 2017. The graduations webpages should be updated by the end of this week


-The submission deadline for Semester 2 results is Thursday 1 December 2017

-The Board of Examiners is scheduled to run the week starting Monday 5 December 2017

-The results will be released on Monday 12 December 2017 and we will start graduating eligible students. We anticipate that we will have the bulk of eligible students graduated by Friday 23 December 2017.


Government Reporting

-Version 23 of the reporting software was rolled out late last week, providing some additional functionality. This week, we will be looking through the new validation rules to see which data values are no longer allowed from January 1, 2017.

-HEIMS have also supplied information regarding 2017 reporting deadlines, so our 2017 calendar is being finalised.

-We are also endeavouring to tidy up any outstanding data revisions from the last few years that may have been missed.

Student Support:

Special Programs

-Elite Athletes Support Fund panel meeting is taking place Monday to determine which applicant is to be awarded up to $2,000.00. We have two strong applicants from very different sporting fields. Winner to be announced soon!

Transition and Retention

-Major breakthrough this week and much relief to meet all partners deadlines the orientation publications have gone to print. This includes a postcard, key dates magnet, the Student Guide and the new orientation/UniEdge Z-Card. Thank you to all those partners involved in this process.

Student Retention Program

-Student Retention working group has been folded as Romy has commenced a new Task and Finish group of which Helen is a member. This group met last Wednesday and the group have another meeting scheduled for before the end of the year.


(Week 13 September Trimester - Study Break)

-Students in Singapore and Dubai are on study break this week. Final assessments for the September trimester commence this weekend and concludes 11th December.

-The next Transnational Consultative Group meeting will be held this Wednesday 30thNovember, it will be the last meeting of 2016.

-Dr Max Sully, Dubai Dean is in Perth this week.
