Each site is responsible for hiring the intern for its own site. Fatimah is the point person in the Minneapolis office for intern hiring. Tammy McBroom is the contact person in HR: , 612-330-1216.
Key Responsibilities of Intern Supervisor:
-Ensure that hiring paperwork is properly approved and submitted to HR
-Notify HR of end date of intern and if need readjustment allowance
-Notify all OIP staff on intern hiring/departures
Key steps/documents:
What / When / Who Provides / Who ReceivesComplete Position Requisition form / When know a position is available – ideally 9 to 12 months in advance of start date / Intern supervisor / HR, Fatimah, Regina
Announcement about intern position being available / When the position requisition form has been approved by HR / Intern supervisor / Jesse (for GNN and web), Fatimah, Tammy (if want to put on Augsburg job web page), Regina
Intern new hire form and application form, indicating if intern will be paid locally / When new intern is hired and at least 2 weeks prior to starting work / Intern supervisor / Fatimah, Tammy
Bio on new intern / When new intern hired / Intern supervisor / Fatimah (to send to all OIP), Jesse (to put in GNN)
Intern hiring letter AND relevant paperwork if US citizen (W-4, direct deposit, HRIS) / When new hire form and application received / Tammy McBroom / Intern with copy to Regina (who will confirm with intern supervisor that paperwork processed)
Information on how to purchase ticket (see below for details) / As soon after hiring as possible to get best possible price / Intern supervisor / Regina, Fatimah
Information for health insurance – start and end dates, social security number, birthdate / At least 1 week prior to starting position / Intern supervisor / Margaret, Fatimah
I-9 form for interns who are US citizens VERY IMPORTANT! / Within first 3 days of starting work –THE INTERN CANNOT BE PAID WITHOUT HR RECEIVING THIS / Intern supervisor or someone else at site / Tammy McBroom
Notification of ending date and relocation stipend / At least 2 weeks before last day of work / Intern supervisor / Tammy McBroom, Regina
Intern contact address / By last day of work / Intern supervisor / Tammy, Fatimah
ADVERTISING AVAILABLE POSITIONS - list an email address in your site to have resumes sent to. Acknowledge receipt of the applications and keep applicants notified throughout the hiring process. You may work with Tammy to have people apply via the Augsburg online system, if you wish.
HEALTH INSURANCE –Please also find out if they will have insurance coverage in the US during their internship. They would need that if they returned to the US at any point during the internship or if they were medically evacuated. If they are not covered under another policy (like a parent), then they are able to purchase a major medical policy for up to US$100/month.
TRAVEL - Give the intern contact information for our travel agent and any parameters that they need to keep in mind with booking the ticket. Copy Regina and Fatimah so that she can give the travel agent authorization to book the ticket. Travel agent: Terry Zats, Village Travel, 651-690-1571, . (Namibia should have interns check with Marion at Protea Travel, 1-888-927-5255, ).
Please let Regina or Fatimah know if you have any questions.
J:\apps\Administration\Personnel\Interns\PROCEDURES FOR HIRING INTERNSHIPS Mar 2011.doc
Last updated December 9, 2014