Item / Excellent / Good / Average / Below Average / Failing
Explains the diversity of cultures and the commonalities of human experience reflected in the literature of the world. Logical Argument / 10-9
Presents a logical, coherent argument relating to the assigned topic. / 8
Presents a mostly logical argument relating to the assigned topic. / 7
Presents a somewhat logical argument relating to the assigned topic. / 6
Presents a mostly illogical argument relating to the assigned topic. / 5-0
Fails to present an argument relating to the assigned topic
Uses critical thinking (analysis &evaluation) skills to gain insight into the cultural, historical, and literary contexts of major Western and non-Western works.
Research / 10-9
Integrates effective and appropriate research to support that argument; provides working URLs to 3+ external sources. / 8
Integrates mostly effective and appropriate research to support that argument; provides working URLs to 3+ external sources. / 7
Integrates some appropriate research to support that argument; provides all but one working URL to 2+ external sources. / 6
Integrates mostly inappropriate/inadequate research to support that argument; provides one working URL to external sources out of the required three. / 5-0
Fails to integrate appropriate/adequate research to support that argument; fails to provide working URLs.
Examines oneself and one’s culture through multiple frames of literary and artistic reference. Multimedia Presentation / 10-9
Utilizes the chosen multi-media tool in an effective way, such that it enhances the viewing & learning experience. / 8
Utilizes the chosen multi-media tool in a mostly effective way, providing a mostly positive viewing experience. / 7
Utilizes the chosen multi-media tool in a somewhat-effective way; viewers will require clarifications. / 6
Utilizes the chosen multi-media tool in an ineffective way; viewers will require many clarifications. / 5-0
Fails to utilize the chosen multi-media tool either in an effective way or at all.
Demonstrates an awareness of the tools of literary analysis, including knowledge of appropriate terminology and of literary criticism.
Literary Criticism / 10-9
Demonstrates clearly the form of literary criticism selected and posted in the Outline. / 8
Mostly demonstrates clearly the form of literary criticism selected and posted in the Outline. / 7
Somewhat clearly demonstrates the form of literary criticism selected and posted in the Outline. / 6
Unclearly demonstrates the form of literary criticism selected and posted in the Outline. / 5-0
Fails to demonstrate the form of literary criticism selected and posted in the Outline.
Uses effective academic writing skills including Standard English usage and ethical handling of primary and secondary sources.
Documentation / 10-9
Commits few, if any, grammatical/mechanical errors; commits few, if any, formatting errors with MLA in-text citations & WC. / 8
Commits relatively few grammatical/mechanical errors; commits relatively few formatting errors with MLA in-text citations & WC. / 7
Commits a number of grammatical/mechanical errors; commits a number of formatting errors with MLA in-text citations & WC. / 6
Commits an excessive number of grammatical/mechanical errors; commits an excessive number of formatting errors with MLA in-text citations & WC. / 5-0
Fails to communicate using Standard English conventions; plagiarizes or fails to use any MLA formatting.


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