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COURSE TITLE:Career Awareness OFFICE HOURS: 0730 A.M.-4:00 P.M.
COURSE NUMBER: 420105 Monday – Friday
PHONE NUMBER: 1-818-885-3647
TEACHER: COL ( R ) Steven L. Hartman E-Mail:
Room N-1
Course Description
The Vision of Grover Cleveland Charter High School is to nurture global citizens who pursue academic excellence, realize personal success, and demonstrate social responsibility. Cleveland’s Army JROTC Program focuses on leadership development, character education, student achievement, and social responsibility that facilitate the nurturing process. The JROTC missionof motivating young people to be better citizens is consistent with Cleveland’s vision and mission. One of the primary reasons our nations’ founders envisioned a vast public education system was to prepare youth to be active participants in our system of self-government. A responsible citizen understands the important of voting, volunteering and community service, the ability to speak out, civil debate, and critical thinking. This class will help a student who is coming from a different part of the world and is now living here in the United States. We want you to not only improve your English Language proficiencies, but to also learn what it means to be an American and why we believe what we do. For over 241 years America has been a beacon of freedom and hope to people from all over the world. We are a place where people who were being oppressed can find safety and a place to live and prosper. Most of the course will be from the JROTC Citizenship in American History and Government textbook.
LAUSD Mission and Vision
Embracing our diversity to educate L.A.'s youth, ensure academic achievement and empower tomorrow's leaders. We are L.A. Unified.
L.A. Unified will be a progressive global leader in education, providing a dynamic and inspiring learning experience where all students graduate ready for success
Grover Cleveland Charter High School Mission
- Maximize student potential and growth opportunities
- Implement support systems that address the needs of the whole child
- Strengthen parental communication and involvement
- Support innovative initiatives among stakeholders
- Incorporate current educational research and practices
- Optimize the allocation and utilization of resources
- Network with educational institutions and community agencies
Grover Cleveland Charter High School 21st Century Learner Expectations
Academic Excellence
- Think critically, read broadly, write effectively, listen carefully, and speak thoughtfully
- Research, process, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and resources
- Envision, create, and produce original works using multimedia applications
- Foster curiosity, examine ideas, and generate solutions
Personal Success
- Prepare for and adapt to constant change
- Develop positive self-identity, healthy life choices, and meaningful goals
- Value ethical principles, demonstrate personal integrity, and assume ownership
- Balance individual talents with educational pursuits and career interests
Social Responsibility
- Explore and appreciate different cultures and languages
- Contribute to the enhancement of civic life
- Collaborate with others to perform humanitarian efforts
- Respect and protect the local environment and global community
You will be expected to learn academic content and will be tested on this content. Here is a breakdown of the class in terms of your grade: Class Participation 60%, Tests and Quizzes 40%. Extra credit can be earned if you are interested in becoming a JROTC Cadet and participating in the program. It is not mandatory that you do anything with JROTC but you are welcome to.
JROTC Learning Outcomes Linked to Cleveland 21st Century Learner Expectations
Personal Success
Maximize potential for success through learning and self-management
Develop leadership and decision processes and skills
Incorporate principles of mental and physical wellness into behaviors and decisions
Academic Excellence
Apply physical and political geography to building global awareness
Relate events in U.S. History to choices and responsibilities Americans have today.
Social Responsibility
Correlate the rights and responsibilities of citizenship to the purposes of U.S. Government
Characterize the role of the military and other national service organizations in building a
democracy and maintaining peace in a democratic society.
Common Core Abilities
This class will also help develop life-long skills, preparing you for success in life beyond high school.
The follow represent examples of those skills and abilities:
Build your capacity for life-long learning
Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
Take responsibility for your actions and choices
Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
Treat self and others with respect
Apply critical thinking techniques
Materials and Textbooks
All materials for the class will be provided but if you have a computer at home; this will help with some of the work.
Classroom instructional methods include the usage of audio-visual equipment, demonstrations, lectures, group discussion, class work, classroom situational leadership, computers, CD-ROM, Hands-On-Performance-Oriented-Training (HOPOT), competitions, and field trips.
Grading will be in accordance with The Los Angeles Unified School District Policy Bulletin 1353.1. Cadets can receive Extra Credit if they hold and successfully perform in a leadership or staff position.
Academic Mark
Quality of
/ Demonstrates an exemplary level of understanding of content standards and tasks. / Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the content standards and tasks. / Demonstrates an understanding of the content standards and tasks. / Demonstrates a limited understanding of the content standards and tasks. / Demonstrates an inability to understand the content standards and tasks.Interpretation and
/ Demonstrates exceptional and fluent skills in analyzing, synthesizing, and drawing inferences from observations and other data or information. / Demonstrates fluent skills in analyzing, synthesizing, and drawing inferences from observations and other data or information. / Demonstrates satisfactory skills in analyzing, synthesizing, and drawing inferences from observations and data or information. / Demonstrates a limited ability to analyze, synthesize, and draw inferences from observations and other data or information. / Demonstrates an incomplete and/or inaccurate analysis of data or information that has been collected.Thinking and Reasoning
/ Demonstrates an insightful and thorough use of prior knowledge and skills to create innovative ideas, products or performances in a variety of contexts. / Demonstrates an insightful use of prior knowledge and skills to create innovative ideas, products or performances in a variety of contexts. / Demonstrates use of prior knowledge and skills to create innovative ideas, products or performances in a variety of contexts. / Demonstrates limited use of prior knowledge and skills to create innovative ideas, products or performances. / Demonstrates incomplete use of prior knowledge/skills to create innovative ideas, products or performances.Quantity of Work
/ Produces extra work in addition to assigned work, of both teacher-generated and self-initiated toward achieving standards for the course. / Produces extra work in addition to all assigned work, usually teacher-generated and self-initiated toward achieving standards for the course. / Produces the assigned work in achieving standards for the course. / Demonstrates a need to improve in the amount of work completed and effort expended toward achieving standards for the course. / Demonstrates no improvement of the work completed and in the effort expended toward achieving standards for the course.WORK HABITS / E / S / U
Effort / Demonstrates exceptional determination in accomplishing tasks and mastering standards. / Demonstrates determination in accomplishing tasks and mastering standards. / Demonstrates little determination in accomplishing tasks and mastering standards.
Responsibility / Accepts complete responsibility for personal actions and demonstrates honesty, fairness, and integrity. / Accepts responsibility for personal actions and frequently demonstrates honesty, fairness, and integrity. / Accepts little responsibility for personal actions.
Attendance / Maintains excellent attendance record by consistently avoiding unnecessary absences or tardies. / Maintains a satisfactory attendance record by avoiding unnecessary absences or tardies. / Makes little effort to maintain a satisfactory attendance record; is frequently absent or tardy without excuses.
Evaluation / Makes explicit effort to examine work using both teacher-generated and self-generated criteria. / Makes effort to examine work using teacher-generated criteria. / Makes use only of teacher-generated criteria to examine work on an inconsistent basis.
/ E / S / UCourtesy / Maintains courteous relations with the teacher and other students and consistently works without disturbing others. / Demonstrates courteous relations with the teacher and other students and generally works without disturbing others. / Demonstrates discourteous behavior towards the teacher and other students and consistently lacks consideration for others.
Conduct / Obeys rules, respects public and personal property and actively promotes the general welfare. / Obeys rules, respects public and personal property and supports the general welfare. / Shows disregard for rules; has little respect for public and personal property and often opposes the general welfare.
Improvement / Assumes responsibility for personal improvement and rarely needs correction. / Tries to improve and usually accepts corrections in an objective manner. / Makes little attempt to improve and shows indifference or resistance to corrections.
Class Relations / Demonstrates leadership ability to work with others in a variety of situations to set and achieve goals. / Demonstrates ability to work with others in a variety of situations to set and achieve goals. / Demonstrates little ability to work with others in a variety of situations to set and achieve goals.
Classroom Rules
Respect Hours of Operation 7:30-4:00 PM
Keep classroom areas clean at all times. Put trash in the waste can.
Respect designated staff areas. Students are not permitted in the staff area unless given permission by staff member or instructors.
All students will adhere to the Cleveland Charter High School posted rules concerning cell phone usage.
Be Respectful. Respect yourself and others.
Be on Time. Be in your designated seat, alert and ready for class to begin. This means having your notebook and pencil with you and ready.
No food or drinks allowed in class except for water.
No chewing gum in class.
No obscene language permitted.