Arholiadau Ysgoloriaeth Ionawr 2016
Scholarship Examinations January 2016
Amser a ganiateir : 2 awr ELECTRONEG
Time allowed: 2 hours ELECTRONICS
You may attempt any of the questions. Credit will be given for complete answers.
1. The circuit below has the following truth table:
0 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 1
0 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0
1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0
1 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0
Write a Boolean expression for the logic function that corresponds to the output of each component, A, B and C:
Component A: ______
Component B: ______
Component C: ______[3]
What single component would give the same behaviour as this circuit?
2. A logic diagram is shown below.
a) Complete the truth table for signals D and E.
C / B / A / D / E0 / 0 / 0
0 / 0 / 1
0 / 1 / 0
0 / 1 / 1
1 / 0 / 0
1 / 0 / 1
1 / 1 / 0
1 / 1 / 1
b) Redraw the circuit replacing each circuit with its NAND gate equivalent.
c) Cross out any redundant pairs of NAND gates in your diagram. [2]
3. Simplify the following Boolean expressions, showing all appropriate working.
B 0
a) = ______[1]
b) = ______[1]
c) By means of a Karnaugh map or the rules of Boolean algebra, simplify the following expression as much as possible.
BA 00 / 01 / 11 / 10DC 00
Apply DeMorgan’s theorem to the following expression and simplify the result.
4. An extract from the data sheet for an op-amp is shown below.
Input Impedance / 20MW
Output Impedance / 10W
Open loop gain / 105
Gain Bandwidth Product / 1MHz
Slew Rate /
a) Draw a diagram of the op-amp in a non-inverting configuration, with a gain of 40. You should choose the resistor values from the E24 series and ensure that the amplifier has an input impedance of at least 10kW.
The op-amp is powered from a ±15V supply and saturation occurs at ±14V.
b) How long will the amplifier take to change its output from -10V to +10V, on the application of a large step input?
c) If a 500 kHz sine wave with amplitude 250mV is applied to the input of this circuit determine whether the output is limited by the slew rate or the gain-bandwidth of the amplifier. [Hint: the maximum slew rate of a sinusoidal wave of amplitude A and frequency f is 2pfA].
d) The following waveform is applied to the input of your amplifier. Sketch the output waveform on the axes provided.
5. Use the information in the circuit diagram to find the values of the quantities listed below.
I1 ______
I2 ______
V1 ______
R1 ______
6. The output voltage Vout of the following circuit is going to be measured using a voltmeter.
Find and draw the Thévénin equivalent circuit for this potential divider.
Open circuit voltage, VOC = ______
Short circuit current, ISC = ______
Equivalent circuit resistance, RO = ______
Thévénin equivalent circuit
If the measured voltage is 5V, what is the equivalent resistance of the voltmeter?
State, with a reason, whether the meter is more likely to be a moving-coil voltmeter, or a digital voltmeter.
7. Complete the following diagram of a half-wave rectified power supply.
On the axes below sketch the output voltage, VOUT. The dotted line shows the input voltage.
Sketch below how the output regulation of your design can be improved by the addition of a Zener diode.
8. Design an oscillator, using a 555 timer, to produce a rectangular wave with a pulse repetition frequency of 50 kHz and a mark-space ratio (duty cycle) of 80%. Show how you arrived at your component values.
Explain how you could add a D-type flip flop to your circuit to produce a 50% duty cycle signal at the same frequency.
9. Draw a circuit diagram of a “simple” radio receiver.
Draw a block diagram of a superheterodyne radio receiver.
Choose three of the blocks in your diagram above and explain their function.
State two advantages of the superheterodyne receiver over the simple receiver.