Argillite Elementary School Site Based Decision Making Council

Special Called Meeting

Monday, March 28, 2016 4:00 p.m. Location: Library/Media Center

Members Present:

Tom Crump, Chairperson Jacquelyn Martin

Clara Nemeth, Co-Chair Felicia Burnham

Debra Peterman Meredith Hall

Members Absent:

Guests and Staff Present:

Bette Parks, Secretary


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. with a welcome by Tom Crump. Bette Parks called roll. (At special called meeting only items on the agenda may be discussed.)


Following distribution and review Tom Crump recommended Council accept the March 28, 2016 agenda as written. Clara Nemeth made the motion to accept. Felicia Burnham seconded the motion. Council reached consensus to accept the agenda as written.


MAP testing began on Monday, March 14 and will continue through Friday, April 1. There is a Greenup County Board Meeting at GCHS at 6:00 on Monday, March 28. Leadership Day is Wednesday, March 30. Third nine weeks Academic Awards Day is April 1. Kindergarten Registration will be from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 5. Pre School Registration will be from 8:00 – 3:00 on Tuesday April 5. There will be kite flying on Wednesday, April 6. Thursday, April 7 and Friday, April 8 will be Spring Break. Monday, April 11 at 3:15 is a staff meeting. Evening with the Arts is Thursday, April 14 at Greenup County High School. The American Fidelity Sign off will be on Friday, April 15. Monday, April 18 there will be a Professional Learning Opportunity. Family AR Night and Parent Involvement is Tuesday, April 19 from 5:00 to 7:00p.m. There will be Pre School Registration at the Greenup County Board of Education Office on Thursday, April 21 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Monday, April 25 will be a staff meeting and a Board meeting. Wednesday, April 27 is Administrative Professionals Day. Our administrators are Tom Crump, Sherri Nickel, and Pam Evans (LMS).


Tom Crump recommended that the minutes of the February 23, 2016 regular meeting be approved as written. Jacquelyn Martin made the motion. Debra Peterman seconded it. Consensus was reached to approve the minutes.



Tom Crump gave the MAP data notebook to co-chair, Clara Nemeth, and asked her to take over for a little while. Clara reviewed the data for all grade levels in both reading and math and the overall growth. The overall increase from 2015 to 2016 was 10.66%. KPREP

Clara Nemeth announced to all members that KPREP testing will begin Monday, May 2 and continue through Friday, May 6. Monday, May 9 through Thursday, May 12 will be KPREP make up testing. She also added that Admin Code Training will be on Monday, April 18.


Monthly Review:

Tom Crump returned to chair the meeting. The CSIP was reviewed by Council. Some decisions were made for the next one. Goal 5 will read: Novice Reduction – We will Reduce Novice by 50% by 2020.

In Goal 2 “ Parents of fourth and fifth grade students can check grades on Infinite Campus” will be added to Strategy 1’s Parent Involvement Activity; “Centers” will be added to Activity – ELA and Math Strategies; and “Goal sheets are kept in Data Notebooks” will be added to the Accelerated Reader Program Activity. The Brigance Screening activity in Goal 6 will have the words “State wide” between take the and Brigance Assessment.

Strategy 2 in Goal 5 will have “District Wide Study Island” added as an activity.

Wherever the words MAP Testing are used they will be replaced with STAR 360 Testing. Tom Crump suggested these changes be approved as stated above. Meredith Hall made the motion. Jacquelyn Martin seconded the motion. Motion was passed by consensus of Council.



Tom Crump distributed and reviewed the Activity Budget. Council discussed 5th grade going to Wright Patterson Air Force Base Museum for their field trip. Clara Nemeth will check on price and date. Tom Crump suggested the budget be accepted as is. Felicia Burnham made the motion to accept and Clara Nemeth seconded it. Consensus was reached to accept the budget as is.

SBDM Parent Representative Packets

Bette Parks showed members the material for Parent SBDM Council Representatives Election. She will give this material to the PTO Chair, Kristine Willis.

SBDM Teacher Representatives

Following review and reflection Clara Nemeth made the motion to nominate teacher representatives on Monday, April 4 and vote on Monday, April 18. Jacquelyn Martin seconded the motion. Council reached consensus on these dates.


There were none at this time.


Quarterly Report

Tom Crump stated that he has the report ready on One Note and it is to be sent to the Superintendent of Greenup County Schools by Friday, March 31, 2016.

Student and Staff Attendance

February’s high attendance winners were Mrs. Bentley’s fifth grade classroom and Mrs. A. Peterman’s classroom with a tie. They both had 97.15%.

Tom Crump told members that student attendance District wide is up from 94.3 last year to 94.7 for this year. We are striving for 95%.


Council of Councils

Tom Crump explained this meeting to members. Mrs. Horsley, Superintendent, and Matt Baker, Director of Federal Programs, have invited all of the SBDM Councils in the district. Allocations are discussed and the five goals in the Greenup County School District 2015 – 2018 Strategic Plan will be reviewed and updated. Dinner is provided. Everyone can have input and receive information at this meeting. The date is Monday, April 21. Tom Crump will ask for the time of the meeting and let members know.


The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 26, 2016. Preliminary Agenda: Allocations and SBDM Teacher Representatives for the 2016 – 2017 school year will be announced.


Felicia Burnham made the motion to adjourn. Debra Peterman seconded the motion. Council reached consensus and the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


