94 Pin Oak Ln
Hempstead, TX 77445
979-826-7019 Office/Fax
713-705-2576 Cell
/ Innovative executive with 30 years experience in the seismic exploration industry. International experience includes W. Africa and S. America. Learned the business from the ground up. Turned around problem companies. Strong strategic thinker and team builder.Areas of Expertise
/ · Team Building· Transition Zone Operations
· Contract Development, Negotiating, and Management
· Quality Control Management
· Safety Program Design and Implementation
· Logistics
· Client Liaison
· Marketing-Sales
/ EAGLE GEOPHYSICAL, INC. / 1993-2007President, Director
Built the Onshore Division into an $80 Million a year business in 4 years. Operated 3 crews in the US and 1 crew in South America.
KEY Responsibilities
Business development
Management of day to day operations
Client Relationships
Governmental regulatory agencies
Strategic planning
Board of directors
Coastal Bend Exploration / 1989-1991
Vice President/Owner
Built and managed the first seismic front end company in the industry.
KEY Responsibilities
Day to day management of $5-8 million a year front end seismic service company.
Solely responsible for marketing, bid preparation contract negotiations and administration, accounting and tax preparations utilizing outside CPA. Arranged banking facilities and setup all company financing
Responsible of all personnel, scheduling, logistics, equipment maintenance and field support activities
Western Geophysical, Inc / 1976-1989
Party Manager
Built and managed seismic crews throughout North America and Africa
KEY Responsibilities
Managed dynamite crews throughout Texas, Louisiana, and Northwest Montana-highland, swamp, marsh, and heliportable, using conventional and remote telemetry recording systems (Opseis, SGR, and Sercel). Managed heliportable camp crew in Gabon West Africa
Responsible for every aspect of field operations, cost control and public relations
Aggressively maintained data quality and client satisfaction through close and effective communication