Area III Conference
Hosted by the Junior League of Athens
Becoming a Pillar in Your Community
June 22 – 24, 2012
Course Descriptions:
Fundraising in the 21st Century
Learn to evaluate and enhance fundraising strategies in order to maximize your League's fundraising potential. Know how and when to improve upon that "old faithful" fundraiser, or when to get back to the drawing board and start from scratch. In addition, learn techniques to cultivate donors inside and outside of your League.
Led by Martee Horne, Sr. Director of Development & Alumni Relations, UGA Terry College of Business and Past JLA President
Placement:Finding the Right Fit
Learn how to tailor volunteer opportunities to meet the needs of the community, organization and the individual all at the same time. Develop strategies for placing volunteers in a manner that develops their competencies while providing them the opportunity to affect change in their League and community.
Led by Katherine Segars, President & Principal Consultant, Branch Options Consultants
Developing Leaders Within Your League
The future of your League lies within its membership. Just because a person does not express an interest in leadership when they join, does not mean they aren't your next council VP or committee chair. Learn how to recognize and cultivate leadership in your league.
Led by Vicki Clark, Organizational Development Consultant/Trainer
Crisis Communication and Dealing with the Media
Whether it’s an unexpected situation or an event that you want covered- effective communication with the press can raise public awareness and/or provide recognition for your League. Develop the skills to communicate the Junior League Mission in the best light possible.
Led by Kim McCoy, Director of Victim's Assistance, Office of the District Attorney, Cobb Judicial Circuit
Engaging Sustainers as Doers, Not (just) Donors
Being a sustainer doesn't have to mean that members take on a passive or inactive role. Learn about different ways to reengage sustainers into your League. Find valuable resources and manpower within your League's alumni.
Led by Michelle Turner, Event Designer, UGA's Georgia Center for Continuing Education and Owner, Consultants Unlimited
Community Impact I, II and III:
Carol Scott, AJLI Presenter
Issue-based community impact provides the platform on which Leagues leverage their commitment to being community and civic leaders creating community impact. Community impact must target lasting and meaningful change, which requires that Leagues must shift from being project-focused (tactical short term) to issue-based (longer term impact) and engage in working partnerships with stakeholders in a multi-pronged effort to build better communities. Issue-based community impact is a bigger, deeper, longer term focus than a project-based focus.
Issue-based Community Impact Session Part I: An Introduction to Issue-Based Community Impact (IBCI)
At Annual Conference 2010, AJLI introduced the concept of Issue-Based Community Impact designed to provide a framework that enables Leagues to strengthen their community platform. An introduction to IBCI is the first phase of the issue-based community impact platform. In this session, we will explore the issue identification and selection phase.
Issue-based Community Impact Session Part II: Planning the Program
In this session, we will move to the program development phase and illustrate the varied ways Leagues can develop a “menu” of choices that create short and long-term opportunities for community impact and that offer multiple opportunities for community and civic engagement of your members.
Issue-based Community Impact Session Part III: Building Community Relationships and Networks that Sustain Impact
This session will focus on how Leagues may approach and manage relationships with the many community stakeholders that are either interested in or affected by the issue that the League has chosen to focus on. The aim is to better understand the critical elements of successful collaborating, partnering and coalition building.