South East WiSCV Regional Meeting
14th June 2012 @ UCL – WiSCV National Gathering
1.Welcome, apologies and introductions
- Katharine Broomfield, Solent Volunteering Team – Southampton Solent University
- Phil Simcock, Community Action Volunteer Manager – Royal Holloway, UoL
- Judy Challis, Volunteering Co-ordinator, Canterbury Christ Church University
- Clem Mulcahey-Banks - Volunteering & Training Coordinator, The University of Surrey Students’ Union
- Amy Anderson,Support Officer,Oxford Hub
- Suzanne Payne – Employability Coordinator, Kent Union
- Jake Wells, SU VP Student Activities – Royal Holloway, UoL
- Steph Hughes – Volunteering Coordinator, Kent Union
- Alex Britton, Volunteer Co-ordinator, Kingston University and Students’ Union
- Nina Lazarski, Volunteering Co-ordinator, The University of Winchester
- Beth Thomas-Hancock, Student Volunteering Manager, University of Brighton
- Liz Dimmack, Student Liaison & Enrichment Team Leader, Guildford College
- Hannah Knapp, The University of Surrey
- Naomi Ashman, Volunteering Placement Co-ordinator, University of Sussex
- Michaela Rossmann, University of Sussex
2.Worker’s Updates
a)Clem Mulhaney-Banks (Surrey) –
- Undertook assessment for ‘Investors in Volunteers’, waiting to hear result.
- Planning for Freshers.
b)Phil Simcock (Royal Holloway) –
- Celebrated Volunteering Week a week early and held an awards evening. It was their first year of providing the VInspired Awards and the CEO of V was there to present the awards. They also presented the Mayors Cup for ‘Student of the Year’.
- That week they also ran 20 projects in the community.
- Currently recruiting new student team members (voluntary) and support staff (paid roles).
- Looking at planning a community partners event in order to see how they can work together, what support they can offer and to keep them informed.
- Planning for Freshers.
c)Amy Anderson (Oxford Hub) –
- Currently monitoring and evaluating this year – students are analysing data.
- Collecting feedback with community partners
- Held the Vice Chancellor Civic Awards
- Finalising plans for next year
- Finalising student committee for next year
d)Judy Challis (Canterbury) –
- Held awards ceremony in Volunteers Week with the local Volunteer Centre
e)Katherine Broomfield (Southampton Solent) –
- Eco-Ernie project currently running
- Held awards eve in May
- Students’ Union are organising a Olympic Gardens Legacy Project
3.New WiSCV South East Co-Chair Selection
The group discussed Steph’s nomination and we have decided to elect her as the new Co-Chair for the South East Region. Steph will take the place of Judy who was covering the role temporarily – Well Done Steph!
4.Discussion of NUS document entitled ‘Supporting student volunteering: Developing a way forward’
The group discussed the document that was presented to us by Fiona from NUS. Action: Phil to collate together views of the group and send to Fiona.
5.Anything to report from National WiSCV Committee
This was already covered in the AGM.
Everyone felt that the WiSCV National Gathering was really useful and recommend it to those that did not attend.
7.Date of next meeting
It was agreed that the last week of November would be preferable and that London is the best location. Action: Phil to send out a Doodle Poll to find out what day is best for everyone.