Judicial Internship
Winter Quarter 2015
4 Unit Class - CLS 381/381A
Are you thinking about being a lawyer, interested in the legal system or social justice?
See the courts in action!
- Meet judges, district attorneys and public defenders.
- Watch criminal cases, drug cases, juvenile court, jury
selection, and much more!
• Sophomore, Junior, or Senior with overall GPA 3.0
• Must commit to 8-10 hours per week in Winter Quarter.
• This is a 4-unit course and will meet Mon. Wed. and every other Friday 9am-12.
• Obtain a letter of recommendation from a Cal Poly Professor
• Interview with Internship Selection Committee
Application Deadline: 5pm Tues.October 27, 2015
Submit completed application to the Political Science Department 94-303.
For more information contact: Dr. Jill Hargis, , 909-869-3882
The application form is available at:
Previous intern: “This hands-on experience changed my understanding of our laws and courts. It was fascinating.”
Application for Judicial Internship
(Please type or print)
Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone: (day) ______(evening) ______
E-mail address: ______
No. of Units completed toward degree as of Fall Quarter 2015: ______
Overall college GPA: ______Major GPA: ______
Briefly discuss how this internship will support your education and career plans.
(Attach additional pages if necessary.)
Do you have any experience with the judicial system? Yes _____ No ____
If “Yes”, please tell us about it.
Return completed form by 5:00 p.m., October 27, 2014, to the Political Science Department Building 94 room 303.
Judicial Internship Faculty Recommendation
(Student should fill out top portion. Please type or print)
Name of Student: ______
(Optional: By signing below, you waive your right to read this letter.)
Name: ______Date: ______
Faculty Member making recommendation: ______
To the faculty member: You have been asked to comment about the above-named student. The application is due to the Selection Committee by October 27, 2015. Please return this recommendation to the student in an envelope with your signature across the sealed flap.
How long have you known this student? In what capacity?
Please comment on his/her written and oral communication skills. (Attach additional pages if necessary.)
Have you found this student to be reliable and conscientious about meeting deadlines, keeping appointments, and completing coursework in a timely fashion?
Is there anything you would like to tell the Committee in support of this student’s application? (Attach additional pages if necessary.)
Signature: ______Dept.: ______Date: _____