Lythe Church of England Primary School
Friday 14th July 2017
Telephone: 01947 893373 General email enquiries:
Confidential email enquiries to Mrs Armstrong:
Always check our website for information on or our Facebook page.
Attendance Award This Week
It’s a tie this week: Classes 2, 3 AND 4, all with over 98% and
no unauthorised absence – thank you and well done everyone! / Diary Dates
See “Term Dates” on the School Information page of the website for all holiday dates up to July 2017.
Monday 17th July Sports Day for all children if weather is good: please check Facebook or ring school to confirm if the weather is uncertain.
Tuesday 18th July Whole-school trip to Flamingo land – Please return your slips and voluntary contribution as soon as possible.
Wednesday 19th July - FoLS School Disco 3:30 – 5:00pm - for children in Reception and above. Tickets available in office. Children in Nursery will be having their own party in class.
Thursday 20th July Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly - 9:15am
Friday 21st July Last day of term
Tuesday 5th September Back to school!
Monday 11th September Harvest Festival
Working Together
Following our family learning course for parents of children moving into Reception and Year 1, Whitby Adult Learning Service will be offering craft workshops at Lythe School on Monday 18th September 10- 12 and 1-3pm, with new 5 week courses starting on 25th September.
These events are open to all families of all year groups.
These 5 week courses will be an Autumn Craft Course Exploring Science. More information to follow – watch this space.
30 Hours Nursery Entitlement
Are you eligible?
Parents need to apply and have their code validated on the Childcare Choices website
by 31 August for the autumn term; by 31 December for the spring term and by 31 March for the summer term.
Parents will need to re-apply each term.
Payments Outstanding
Please could you make sure that all outstanding payments are made to school before we break up next Friday – this includes dinner money, Seashells invoices and any trip contributions?
Don’t forget to collect all personal belongings to take home at the end of term!
Holidays 2017-2018
Attached is the school holiday list for the next academic year. To try and give a bit more flexibility of choice for family holidays, and avoid unauthorised absences, training days have been re-arranged to give a long weekend in November – we hope that this will be helpful.
We will continue to strive for excellent attendance next year. We thank you for your support this year and ask you to continue to work with us to ensure that unless there is a serious reason why your child cannot be in school, your child will attend every day.
Level of concern / Why does this matter? / Attendance Policy – actions to be considered.
96% or above / - No action required.
91% - 95% / 95% attendance is the equivalent of missing 10 days of school over the year. / - Attendance will be monitored by the school and attendance history considered.
- Contact with parents / carers if deemed necessary.
90% or below / 90% attendance is the equivalent of missing 20 days of school over the year, or half a day of school a week. / - Contact with parents / carers asking them to work with the school and/or Prevention Service to improve attendance.
- Discussion with parents / carers to develop a plan of action.
85% or below / 85% attendance is the equivalent of missing 6 weeks of school. / - Discussion with the Prevention service re possible referral for consideration within NYCC policy and practice guidance.
School News
Brought to you this week by Amy-Leigh
Today, Nursery, Reception and Classes 1, 2 and 3 have been to the beach. They thoroughly enjoyed it and even want to go again! In addition to fun on the beach they had ice creams, which Class 4 would have died for during cricket!
Class 4 have been cricketing all morning, whilst the rest of the school were out. Matthew Harrison (our usual coach) was at a final coaching, so we had his colleague, George. Class 4 have also walked to East Barnby Outdoor Centre, to help out with their new wildlife area – we had some fun!
Spotlight On Learning and Looking Forward
Brought to you this week by Molly
Class 2 We have been talking about dreams and have met Beth Mead, (an amazing football coach for Arsenal). We have also been to Mulgrave Gardens to look at flowers. We are so excited about Flamingoland next week!
Class 3 The new Class 3 have been designing and making smoothies, and today have had a brilliant day on the beach. They have also made volcano pictures and some fantastic flip books. They are looking forward to Sports Day on Monday.
Class 4 In Class 4 we have been practising for Leavers’ Assembly and have welcomed the Year 4 children into Class 4 for two days. We have been writing “Message in a Bottle” stories and are super excited for the Leavers’ Assembly next week. We know there won’t be a dry eye in the building!


Are you over 18? In receipt of Income Support, Incapacity Benefit or Employment Support Allowance?

We are here to help you!

Lone parent mentors offer you mentoring and support to overcome challenges to help you move closer to volunteering, work placement, employment or training. We are positive and non-judgemental.

Our aim is to help you grown in confidence and achieve your goals.

Please contact Sue Walsh at The Opportunity Centre on 0797 394 7811 / 01723 373009

Or email