Reaching Up For the BlacNahlej That Forever Confronts Them

Are BlacZcholarz Morally Incapable Of Reaching Up For theBlacNahlej That Forever Confronts Them?

Outline of Essay

  1. Introduction2
  1. I refuse to accept the ideal2

III. Appeal to Your Cultural Consciousness3

IV. Ntelajenzz Is Not Validated By Ignorance4

  1. Ntalextuwl Genius and Eurological Fame and Wealth4
  1. End The Marginalization Of BlacZcholarz5
  1. Blacological Conclusion6

VIII.Explanation of Coined Blacological Words and Definitions7



“Blacologically speaking, I refuse to accept the ideal… that the presence of the Eurological Scholars makes the BlacZcholarz morally incapable of reaching up for the BlacNahlej that forever confronts them.”


Profesa W. Cross, Coined Blacological Words and Terminology, Blacology Research and Development Institute (BRDI) Inc., , BLACOLOGY.COM, Landover, Maryland 20784, Fall Semester 2002

  1. Introduction

This is an essay from the ZcyNzz of Blacology. That elaborates on the topic, “Are BlacZcholarz Morally Incapable of Reaching Up For the BlacNahlej That Forever Confronts them?” Blacology may also consist of its own Cultural Linguistics or Ebonics. In addition, it is not restricted to the Eurological Language Arts. This gives Blacology its own significant identifiable writing forms. In the Eurological Culture, BlacPeople have been taught to hate everything Black and African. The Cultural ZcyNzz of Blacology is to undo this type of self-hatred by giving importance to all that is Black and African. One may distinguish a Blacological Research by the capitalization of all words that are associated with this Cultural ZcyNzz. It is done to give honor, respect, and importance to these words and BlacPeople. This is also a way to acknowledge and identify the evolution of Blacological Research and the ZcyNzz of Blacology. (See Attachment for Explanation of Definitions and Blacological Words for update in spellings following the conclusion.

There is a pervasive notion that only Eurological studies are significant in the acquisition of Nahlej. There is an assumption that only Eurological scholars can develop fields of Study. There is this insinuation that goes without verbal articulation in the atmosphere of academia that suggests it is morally wrong for BlacZcholarz to seek or contemplate autonomous Blacological Nahlej. BlacPeople are made to feel and think as though BlacNahlej is inferior or uncivilized.This is equalto teaching a Jew that Hitler is greater and a superior thinker than Jewish Scholars.We have been culturally conditioned to believe this fallacy. This is how BlacZcholarz were to perform even when the Eurological scholars were not there. There is this silence and ignorance that controls the intrigue and curiosity for the natural propensity of BlacNahlej. But there is a matter of evolution nothing stays the same BlacZcholarz must evolve. With the advent of the information highway the Ntalextuwl Genius of the BlacZcholarz has need of a Blacological vehicle to take them past the wilderness and the frontier to carve highways into stratospherewith ZcyNtific Thult.The BlacZcholarz must reach up for the BlacNahlej the forever confront them.

  1. I refuse to accept the ideal

“Blacologically speaking, I refuse to accept the ideal… that the presence of the Eurological Scholars makes the BlacZcholarz morally incapable of reaching up for the BlacNahlej that forever confronts them.” It is an offense to BlacPeople to be forced to accept and study Europeans as though they are superior and more [1]Ntelajent or more honorable then ourAncestorz, Elderz and BlacZcholarz who have given their lives in the uncompromising struggle for freedom, justice, and equality for BlacAfrican People. It is even more so an offence to be held up to the standards of those who have colonized BlacPeople and oppressed their Culture in this Era of Redevelopment of BlacAfrican Culture. BlacPeople gave their lives that one day BlacZcholarz would be able stand and say Blacology a Cultural ZcyNzz. These are the shoulders upon which BlacZcholarz must stand and be validated by. This is my Heritage, Tradition and Cultural Obligation. To study Eurological Studies is to retrogress in the development of Blacological Creative Genius. In BlacCulture to study Eurological Studies as the bases and foundation of your Nahlej is to surrender to the perpetration of Eurological intellectual supremacy as superior to my own Cultural Integrity.

III. Appealto Your Cultural Consciousness

This is an appealto your Cultural Consciousness. BlacZcholarz have been thinking about this issue for some time, since the first rime they translated Eurological language so as to take over the ships of captivity. . Even though we are in the European year of 2005,Ntalextuwlly we are still being trained and indoctrinated as though we are in the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries. It is time that BlacZcholarz evolve. The evolution of the BlacZcholarz are becoming so informed, educated, and efficient in their research and study of BlacAfrican Culture the Eurological scholars are no longer needed to supervise or direct the BlacZcholarz in the evolution of theirNtalextuwl Genius. BlacZcholarz have evolved to a point of independent Autonomous Nahlej.

Are BlacZcholarz inferior to the Englishscholars?BlacAfrican Culture does not need Eurological Language Arts to validate Blacology. This is a conflict of interest as an independent Ntalextuwl Entrepreneur ZcyNzz.As Blacologiztz, we want an end to the marginalization of BlacZcholarz and their Creative genius in the BlacAfrican Culture and Institutions of higher learning by the perpetration of Eurological Studies as the only curriculum and superior thought. This is a violation of the human right of BlacZcholarz to practice and educate our self on BlacAfrican culture.

IV. Ntelajenzz Is Not Validated By Ignorance

There was a time when we did not know any better, we were [2]mis-educated. Once you know better you do better. As BlacZcholarz one can not participate in their own subjugation. In the Eurological culture BlacPeople were taught that BlacPeople were inferior and white people were superior. The manifestation of this indoctrination is that BlacPeople are underestimated, marginalized, and devalued. You can find an example of this everyday in this country. This places Blacology as an inferior Cultural ZcyNzz and infers thatBlacZcholarz are inferior. According to Elder Dick Gregory, Blacologically speaking, “My Ntelajenzz is not validated by ignorance”. We do not need Eurological language Arts to validate BlacAfrican Culture nor to validate Blacology. Blacologically speaking, this is a conflict of interest. We do not need the Eurological scholars to be overseer of the Ntalextuwl Cultural ZcyNzz of Blacology. The only ones to be given mentorship in BlacAfrican Culture are those from our culture who have given their lives in the advancement and redemption of BlacPeople and the redevelopment of BlacCulture.

BlacZcholarz must confront the privilege that it is okay to be Eurological but it is not okay to be Blacological. If you are thinking Blacological you are not acceptable. If you are thinking in the tradition of the uncompromising struggle of BlacAfrican People, you are integrated but not equal, do not stand for this injustice. BlacZcholarz must validate themselves by the spirituality and culture of our heritage.If you are thinking Blacologically you must do it with dignity in the schools, churches, and institutions. If you practice BlacAfrican Culture you must practice it with faith everyday not only practices it in February or in your home or personal environment, but everywhere. We who believe in freedom can not rest until it comes. Blacologically speaking,we must believe we are somebody.

  1. Ntalextuwl Genius and Eurological Fame and Wealth

The BlacStory of Ntalextuwl Genius, and its direct relationship to the fame and wealth of a number of Eurological scholars, is an old tail that could easily find a companion in the career of Zcholarz. Blacologically, this relationship between Ntalextuwl Genius and Eurological fame and wealth is by no means isolated to song and dance. Europeans not only exploited BlacAfrican for their labor and material resources, but also have spent a lifetime portraying BlacZcholarz as having made no significant contributions to the Ntalext and culture of humankind. All the while, the Eurological scholars were stealing our ideas and culture. Remember, it was BlacAfricanz who taught Europeans how to grow rice and managed most agricultural development in the western hemisphere while being held in captivity. For centuries Europeans, now on both sides of the Atlantic, have been stealing and continue to steal ideas from BlacAfrican People on the continent, in the underdeveloped colonies, plantations and ghettoes of the BlacDiaspora, which have been our home, our existence and under oppression.

  1. End The Marginalization Of BlacZcholarz

Blacologically, as we turn our attention to the collective rage of BlacZcholarz who see their current conditions as the outcome and sum total of the Europeans greatest crime against humanity, is “the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade”. The only issue today of any merit isBlacologically, we want the end to the marginalization of BlacZcholarz and their Creativity and Genius in the BlacAfrican Culture and Institutions of higher learning by the perpetration of Eurological Studies as the only curriculum and superior thought to come to an end.

.[3] According to Talk-Show host Joe Madison on WOL-1450AM, he said, “In this world and in the United States, BlacPeople and white people have been taught that white people are superior and BlacPeople are inferior. The manifestation of this is that BlacPeople are underestimated, marginalized, and devalued”. When you teach Eurological Studies at HistoricalBlackColleges and Universities(HBCU) and private and public schools as the mandatory courses and superior knowledge, then you teach that BlacNahlej is inferior and should not be taught or should only be taught as an elective. This is Eurological Cultural Supremacy.Blacological research has revealed to study Eurological Supremacy is to retrogress in the development of Blacological Thult. To study Eurological studies as the bases and foundation of your Nahlej is to surrender to the perpetration of Eurological supremacy as superior to your own Cultural Ntalextuwl Integrity. Thisdoes not give consideration to the evolution of the BlacZcholarz into their Autonomous Cultural Nahlej.[4]Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., II said, “I refuse to accept the idea that the “isness” of man’s present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the “oughtness” that forever confronts him”.“[5]Blacologically speaking, I refuse to accept the ideal… that the presence of the Eurological Scholars makes the BlacZcholarz morally incapable of reaching up for the BlacNahlej that forever confronts them.” By Profesa Wulta Zamani Xrozz

  1. Blacological Conclusion

Blacologically speaking, it is my Cultural Obligation and Responsibility to promote,study, and live my culture whenever and wherever I exist. When one is educated on his culture he or she can not go on as though they are not Culturally Conscious. To act as though they have not any Nahlej of their culture is to lack cultural responsibility and show disrespect to my Ancestorz. When BlacPeople were mis-educated, we did not have Cultural Nahlej and we acted accordingly. Whatever the Eurological scholars said that is what we did.

BlacZcholarz did not get an education to act and live like they were not educated. They are educated and as an educated people we believe it is their right to have, exercise, and utilize the orientation, spirituality, and Cultural Nahlej we have acquired through education. 95 % to 100% of the BlacZcholarz degree plans require training and working daily with computers. 100% involve critical analyses of past documents and contemporary thinking on a daily basis and involved writing research papers, term papers, thesis, dissertations and Ntalextuwl books on BlacAfrican Culture at least once per week. It is not necessary to be tested by non-technical procedure because we are in the age of computers. The computers are equipped with spell check and thesaurus, and these features aid in the punctuation of the written word.

Eurological validation creates for the BlacZcholarz a feeling of worthlessness and despair because he/she has prepared him/herself for a task that has no career acquisition or entrepreneurial opportunities. Although BlacZcholarz are an autonomous group, their educational attainment is weakening when they are relying entirely on Eurological scholars. This ignores differences in modes of learning each of culture and creates a single hierarchy based on one type of intelligence and learning style for a particular Cultural Supremacy. It does not allow for the BlacZcholar to contribute to the growth of linguistics from his/her autonomous Ntalextuwl Nahlej. Ntalextuwlz who respond to Eurological learning will come out worse in the use of their own Creativity and Genius. To say that we are validated by English only marginalizes, underestimate and devalues the evolution of BlacAfrican Culture as it own Body of Nahlej in the commerce of the Ntalextuwl Studies Industry.

VIII.Explanation of Coined Blacological Words and Definitions (Attachment)

These definitions and coined words are developed from the research and study of the Cultural ZcyNzz of Blacology. In order to develop a ZcyNzz, it must be define by the findings and development under this process of research, study, experiments, and daily experiences of the Cultural ZcyNtizt or Blacologizt. In the manifestation of Blacology, these coined words have materialized themselves into existence. These coined words are evidence of the constant evolution of BlacPeople and their culture. They have also taken on their own authentic spelling and definitions. The word “Blac” is synonymous wit the ZcyNzz of Blacology. It is a prefix that indicates a specifically cultural distinction. The dropping of the “k” from the word Black - ology is the ZcyNtific perspective or connotation; it is also technological and computerized. It is from the linguistics of Ebonics. It is also the Innovative Authentic Monolithic Ntalextuwl Creative Genius (IAMNCG) of BlacAfrican Culture and its people. The dropping of the “k” is also the joining of Black and African into one. This is a Cultural component, a Cultural icon and a symbol that BlacAfrican Culture is evolving into its own identifiable redeveloping entity. It is no longer a color and a continent it is an extended international culture. Wherever you see BlacAfrican People they are drawn together by their color and the land of their Ancestorz. This brings about a common bound and establishes cultural continuity of their experience that is apparent in their art, music, dance, ideals, speech and actions. It is the Nahlej of the people’s color and their land, which brings about a conscious understanding of a common struggle. It is the evolution of the BlacMind through the BlacAfrican Cultural phenomenon (i.e. Blacology, BlacMan. BlacThult, BlacWorld, BlacWoman, BlacZcholarz, BlacAfrican Culture, BlacNahlej, Ntalextuwl or BlacNtalextuwl, Etc.). These words evolved from the words Black Man, Black thought, Black World, Black woman, Black Scholars, Black/African Culture, Black knowledge, intellectual, etc. the merger and change of these words signify the evolution of BlacAfrican Culture in its own right and Ntalextuwl ZcyNzz phenomenon. The N in the word Ntalextuwl is derived or taken from the African name Nkrumah. The N is taken from the African heritage of Ghana. Kwame Nkrumah isand was the founder President of Ghana the first IndependentAfricanState. The Z is taken from the Zulu People and their language. The Z and N are applied to words that are names and titles to show the evolution of the merger, change, contributions, and impact of the creative genius of BlacAfrican Cultural linguistics to the script of European language and literature. The reason why the spelling of words is different from the European is that it is symbolic of the physical difference of BlacAfricanz from Europeans. There is distinction between the BlacAfricanz and all other people when you see them you know they are BlacAfrican. It is only proper and fitting that a Blacological ZcyNzz is symbolic of the people it has manifested form. This is the reason for the spellings, so that upon view one will know and recognizethis Blacological ZcyNzz by it appearance even though it sounds the same it is operatively of the BlacAfrican Culture.

  1. Blacological - the logic of BlacAfricanz, from the experience, the struggle, logic that is based on the chronology and evolution of their thinking, logic that is of, from, by, for, and about the survival and advancement of BlacPeople past and present both oral and written.
  1. BlacZcholarz – those BlacAfricanz who have achieve self-education, academic, and professional careers in the studies and research of multiculturalism and Eurological Studies. Which are also interested in the advancement of BlacAfrican Culture and the redemption of its people?
  1. BlacAfrican – the merger of Black and African as an evolutional cultural phenomenon and icon. Not separate as a color and a continent but as a distinct humanitarian entity that is evolving autonomously for self determination and the use of it own creative genius for the betterment of the people and culture, a culturally autonomous people.
  1. BlacPeople – the joining of the words Black and people as one word is symbolic of linguistic authenticity, to show the evolution of the merger, contributions, and impact of the creative genius of BlacAfrican Cultural linguistics to the script of European language and literature.
  1. BlacAfrican Culture – The perpetuation and utilization of the ideals, theories, beliefs, concepts, and notions of your mothers, fathers, grandparents, ancestors of BlacAfrican People as your established way of life. The uncompromising struggle of BlacAfrican People as an evolutional reality and Ntalextuwl development.
  1. BlacNahlej (or Nahlej) – The Innovative Authentic Monolithic Ntalextuwl Creative Genius (IAMNCG) of BlacAfrican People. The ability of the BlacMind to think, discern and be creative for the advancement, development and evolution of BlacPeople and their culture.
  1. BlacNtalextuwl (or Ntalextuwl) – to think or do Blacologically, one who has acquired self-education and institutional education of the BlacAfrican Culture and utilizes or perpetuates that Nahlej for the advancement, redemption of BlacPeople, and the redevelopment of their culture.
  1. Ntelajenzz – one who exemplifies or utilizes BlacThult as a means of evolving in BlacNahlej. A word developed in the research and study of the Cultural ZcyNzz of Blacology. (See BlacNtelajenzz) (An Ntalijent BlacPerson) is one who knows how to use the BlacAfrican Culture for the advancement of his/her people.
  1. BlacStory – the story of the evolutional existence of BlacAfrican People in the universe past and present. A documented account of BlacPeople oral and written that is of, from, by, for, and about the total existence BlacPeople and their culture by Blacological Zcholarz. (Also BlacStorical)
  1. Eurological – the training, teaching and perpetuation of European thinking and logic as the dominant thought and worldview.
  1. Eurological Intellectual Universal Supremacy (EIUS) – the perpetration of a conceived European intellectual universe. This is an ingrained fact. The fact of living in a European conceived universe. This conceived fact became confirmed in the 15th and 16th Centuries. The way you look at people and how you see them vicariously through a Eurological sphere. (See Dr. John Henrik Clark Video in a Special Ten Part Series Africa Profoundcopyright © 1987, Part # I, Human and Spiritual Values in Africa before European Contact.
  1. ZcyNzz – proven through time and space, through research and study, taken from the BlacAfrican linguistics and U.S. Ebonics. The Z is taken from the ZULU people who fought 100 years against colonialism. The N is taken from Nkrumah founder President of Ghana and the Ghanaian language and is pronounced like the letter ‘N”. The Y comes from Julius Nyerere found President of Tanzania and the Kiswahili language. This word is symbolic of the evolution and manifestation BlacAfrican Ntalextuwl Cultural ZcyNzz or BlacAfrican Ntalextuwl ZcyNzz. ZcyNzz is to be taught of the Nahlej of the BlacStori, Existence, Culture, and struggle of BlacPeople by BlacZcholarz. It is also the development of BlacNahlej. The autonomous Ntalextuwl Thult of BlacAfricanz and their Culture. The word was founded and coined in the research and study of Blacology.
