Ards and North Down Borough Council – Mayoral Engagements

Engagement Information Form
To ensure the Mayor of Ards and North Down’s attendance, role and participation at your event, it is important that all details are completed and returned at least two weeks prior to the event. If you have any queries or if details change after returning this form, please contact the Mayor’s office.
Title of event:
Date of event: / Click here to enter a date
Event venue address, postcode and telephone number:
Event type: / Choose an Event Type
Full name of organisation / group holding the event:
Purpose of the event:
Arrival time:
Departure time:
Dress code:
Mayor (eg. informal, business suit, black tie)
Number of people attending:
Will refreshments be provided?
(eg. tea/coffee, buffet, lunch, dinner)
Name, email address and mobile telephone number for person on the day of the event:
Name and position of person who will greet Mayor on arrival:
Parking arrangements for civic vehicle if applicable:
The Requirements of civic dignitary:
Official Opening
Is a speech or toast required?
Please attach detailed bullet points for our approval.
Please bear in mind that it is inappropriate to ask the Mayor to speak at an event without prior notice. / Yes☐ No ☐
Names and titles of principal guests:
Please provide further details
Biographical notes
Other speakers
Order of proceedings
Detailed itinerary
Seating plan
Guest list
Background information on the organisation / event
Will a press release be issued?
Yes☐ No ☐
If so, please forward at least five working days before event for approval to:
Claire Jackson, Corporate Communications Manager:
Please return this completed questionnaire to:
The Mayor’s Office, Bangor Castle, Town Hall, Bangor, BT20 4BT
Email: Tel. 0300 013 3333
Data Protection
Ards and North Down Borough Council values your right to personal privacy. We at all times try to be open about the reasons why we collect, hold and use your personal information. We collect information about you in order to fulfil our statutory obligations and provide you and other people with services. Some of the information we gather may be used to help us provide you with improved services. We at all times aim to comply with the Data Protection Principles, ensuring that information is collected fairly and lawfully, is accurate, adequate, up to date and not held any longer than necessary. If your personal data needs to be used for purposes other than those mentioned, we will contact you to seek your consent. You have a right to see information held about you (with a few exceptions allowed for in the Data Protection Act 1998). If you wish to see any personal information held on you please put your request in writing,stating clearly who you are and what information you would like to see to the address below. A fee is chargeable up to £10.00 which covers the cost of gathering, copying and redacting the data.
Compliance Manager, Ards and North Down Borough Council, Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor, BT20 4BT

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Official Use only
Booking checked Monday phonecall
Should a gift be presented?
Can a guest attend? Details of guest.
Permission to wear chain of office sought?
Dietary requirements advised? / ☐

Information for Mayoral Visits

The Mayor is a representative of all the residents of Ards and North Down. Therefore, during his/her term of office, the Mayor will seek to accept invitations from all sections of the community.

Every endeavour will be made by the Mayor’s office to ensure that the Mayor’s visit to your function is a success. You are more than welcome to contact the office, where appropriate advice and assistance is readily available.

The address for general correspondence is

Mayor’s office
Ards and North Down Borough Council
Town Hall
The Castle
BT20 4BT

Telephone:0300 013 3333

Letters should begin with “Dear Mr Mayor” or “Dear Madam Mayor”

Mayoral Protocol

Invitations to the Mayor’s office should be in writing with as much notice as possible prior to the date of the event.

At the Mayor’s acceptance of an invitation, the Mayor’s office will contact you to find out details of your event and if there are any duties for the Mayor to perform while present.

The following are guidelines which may prove helpful when you have invited the Mayor to your event. Please remember that the Mayor is the first citizen of the Borough and should be afforded every privilege as such.

  1. The Mayor’s secretary must be told at what time you would like the Mayor to arrive at your event, where he/she should be met by the host ie. chairman/president /leader of your group/organisation, and escorted by such a person into and throughout the event.
  2. That person should then make any necessary introductions to other organisers/officer bearers or special guests present.
  3. When addressing the Mayor the correct term is “Mr Mayor” or if it is a female in office “Madam Mayor.”
  4. The Mayor should be accompanied by the host of the event at all times, this includes being guided around the event or seated next to at a concert. If refreshments are served, it is usual that the Mayor would take precedence.
  5. Should the Mayor have a participating role in your event, the Mayor’s secretary should be informed well beforehand. For example, a speech to make, a trophy to present, a ribbon to cut etc.
  6. The Mayor will know from his/her briefing from the Mayor’s secretary exactly what is required from him/her, but you, as the organiser, should confirm all the details with the Mayor before your event begins.
  7. Precedence – The Mayor has precedence inside his/her own Borough, that is, the Mayor should walk first, be announced first, should be spoken to/introduced first etc. The Mayor surrenders precedence only when the Lord Lieutenant is present in his official capacity representing the Queen. The Mayor will give precedence to Her Majesty the Queen and members of the Royal Family.
  8. Unless the Mayor occupies the chair at a gathering, he/she should be seated to the immediate right of the chairman. If a speech is requested from the Mayor it is usual that the Mayor would speak first.
  9. The Mayor and Mayoress should always be seated on the platform or at the top table.
  10. At the conclusion of your event, when the Mayor is leaving, he/she must be escorted to either the door or outside to the Mayoral car.
  11. When the Mayor is invited to other council districts, it should be checked with the Mayor of that district (or his Secretary) whether he should or should not wear chain.

The Mayoress or Mayor’s Consort

When a male Mayor is in office, his spouse/partner is known as the Mayoress/Mayor’s Consort of Ards and North Down and should be addressed as “Mayoress/Consort.”

When a female Mayor is in office, her spouse/partner is known as the Mayor’s Consort and should be addressed as “Mr/Consort”.

The Mayoress or Mayor’s Consort should be treated with the same courtesy as the Mayor when accompanying him/her to an event.

The Deputy Mayor

In the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor is entitled to the Mayor’s right of precedence within the Borough and similar arrangements to those listed earlier should be made if the Deputy Mayor is attending a function in place of the Mayor.


At most functions the Mayor/Mayoress/Mayor’s Consort/Deputy Mayor will wear their Chains of Office. Civic robes are only worn at major civic cccasions such as Remembrance Sunday. Wearing of robes is only at the discretion of the full Council.

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