Friday, September 11, 2015

9:00 – 10:30 AM

FAC 228D

I.  2015-2016 Priorities – Confirmation

All items approved unanimously. Added “Manage Drupal” to list.

II.  Office 365 Toolset Project Charter (Trice Humpert, Bob Gloyd, Chris Carter)

Trice Humpert, Bob Gloyd, and Chris Carter gave an update on the Office 365 Toolset Project and charter. Right now, departments are using it more to increase efficienc. Athletics and Development has interest in it being used for donor information. There is also interest across campus.

Requesting an endorsement to proceed in engaging with ITS to have a central authentication and a discussion about who would have ownership of those accounts. The contract has already gone through with Office 365. An ISO has already been done as well.

Q. How much are the licenses?

A. We have a 50 user licenses. We pay over 6,000 for that. There is a new licensing structure that will come soon and will give a committee an update on that.

Q. Would Athletics join your instance?

A. No, we would get a University level instance. They would pay for licensing.

Q. Give me highlights on Sharesheet

A. Has ability to make workspaces, share outside the organization, share inside; Overall, very collaborative.

Comment: This would be a good cornerstone on how to do collaborative project management on campus.

Response: There is already a plan made by ITS managers on project management methodology.

Will vote when charter includes a budget.

III.  Casper System – Introduction (James Lewis)

James Lewis gave an introduction to Casper and is seeking an endorsement for the exploration of JAMF Capster product for systems management solution for Mac OS. Also the mobile OS use as well. Focusing on Researchers, Faculty, and Staff. Value found in printer management and software management tracking. Will focus on compliance and end user experience. Added system management and federating ability per committee’s request.

Committee discussion:

-Concern about costs. Another company bought Absolute Manage, so that could go good or bad.

-Can we look into how discovery works? Are there limitations to the package?

- Would like to see if it could federate well. Need to evaluate enterprise and federating capability. Define success criteria and apply success criteria as well so we can compare them.

Q. Do you see this replacing Absolute Manage?

A. There is a possibility.

Q. How does this integrate with Identity management?

A. I do not know this at this point. But I think it does.

Q. Do you have an idea of how many university owned devices that are Macs?

A. 5,000 devices.

Motion to endorse moving forward with exploration of this project. Endorsed unanimously.

IV.  TSC Training Survey Feedback Processing Update (Cam Beasley, Susan Roy)

Cam Beasley gave the final update on TSC Training Survey Feedback Processing. Decision is to leave it up to the supervisors for being responsible for ensuring proper training for all new IT support staff. Eighty-five percent of IT support staff have 5 years or more of experience. They are considered compliant with the training requirements.

Policy handout includes requirements for compliance, available training options for compliance standards, and ___. Recommended that supervisors allocate 1-2% of their IT support salary budget to ongoing IT training efforts.

Will be backing out of SANS onDemand (?) to pay for SkillSoft, a more curriculums based training option. Slightly less better but a much better deal. It will be available in the next couple of months. Will have a landing page for it to be announced to campus.

We are still looking for an annual updating of IT skill every year.

Q. Does it have other areas like PMP?

A. Yes.

Q. How is IT training at

A. They have more focus tasked videos.

Q. Does this have any conflicts with Cornerstone?

A. I’m not sure yet.

Q. Can internal audit use this?

A. There is an opportunity for them to use this.