Archdiocesan Council of San Antonio

Twinning Policy for Conferences

Adopted January 2017


Built upon the spirituality of twinning, the Archdiocesan Councilmember Districts and Conferences must embark upon a program to share it resource of time, talent, and treasure among its member organizations. Twinningwill build relations within the Archdiocesan Council which will strengthen our communal contact, specialized needs, Conference revitalization, and member fellowship, a core value of the Society. Twinning can offer a means to share resources with areas outside Conferences boundaries. Finally and very importantly this form of twinning can strengthen relationships with Pastors and the senior leadership of the Archdiocese.

Twinning differs from Networking (Help Alerts)in that Twinning provides the opportunity to create stronger, longer term relationships between Conferences. Networking addresses a Conference need when it is unable to meet the needs of an individual family. Twinning can involve not only ongoing financial general assistance but also the sharing of time and talent.


Outlined below is the general process Conferences should engage in when considering the need to ask for twinning assistance or the ability and willingness to help out another Conference.

Conference in Need of Assistance:

When Conference Members determine the Conference is unable to meet the ongoing needs of brothers and sisters due to low funds, not enough Vincentians or unavailable talent, the Conference needs to reach out to their District President. The decision to request a twinning partner should be voted on by the members of the Conference.

The District President will review the reasons for the current situation and together with the Conference decide if this is a temporary setback or an ongoing, longer term situation.

If it is determined this is a longer term situation that cannot be resolved within the Conference or the particular District, the Conference completes the Twinning Request Form and forwards to their District President who subsequently approves and sends to the Twinning Coordinator.

Conference Able to Provide Assistance:

Once Conference Members decide they would like to provide time, talent or treasure, the Conference shouldcomplete a Twinning Request Form indicating they are able to provide assistance. The completed form should be forwarded to the District President.

Completed Twinning Request Forms will be sent to the Twinning Coordinator. The Twinning Coordinator will be responsible for advising all other District Presidents of the need or the ability to help and work to obtain a Twinning partnership.

Twinning Agreement Made:

Once an agreement is made between the Conferences, assisting Conference will complete the Twinning Agreement. Both Conferences must indicate their approval on the Twinning Agreement. District Presidents should also indicate approval by providing their signature on the form. The completed signed form is then forward to the Twinning Coordinator.

Additional Points:

Conferences currently providing twinning assistance should also complete the Twinning Request Form indicating the Conference being helped, the timing of the assistance and the type/amount of assistance being provided.

In any twinning agreement, communication between the Conferences is critical. The better Conferences understand the need/ability to help, the stronger the twinning relationship.

Make sure the Pastor is aware any Twinning Agreements whether the Conference is receiving assistance or providing assistance.

Ongoing communication is essential to create a true feeling of partnership between the twinning partners. Situations can change for one or both partners which can affect the twinning agreement. Conferences should

Additional Points cont’d:

decide how often to communicate, the type of information to provide, how the assistance is being used, etc.

There is no term assigned to the agreement. The Conferences decide when/if the agreement needs to change/end as circumstances for either Conference (one helping or the one being helped) change. A minimum of 30 day notice should be provided. This will allow some time to find another Twinning Partner when needed.