Please email completed forms to your Grants Team contact by the relevant internal deadline for your scheme

1) Murdoch Project leader (1st named Chief Investigator)

Name: / Phone:
School/Institute: / Email:

2) Project title (up to 20 words)

3) Please tick scheme:

Linkage Projects / ☐ / Project / ☐
Discovery Project / ☐ / Career Development Fellowship / ☐
Discovery Indigenous / ☐ / Early Career Fellowship / ☐
DECRA / ☐ / NHMRC Other, please state: / ☐
ARC Other, please state:
Field of Research Codes – up to three

4) Please provide the names of at least two reviewers (requirement for Fellowship and DECRA applicants):

Reviewer / Name / Email Address
A discipline expert external to MU with a record of successful grant applications to the relevant funding body and experience of the peer review process.
A field expert, ideally with complementary expertise to the lead CI. (can be internal/external)

5) Is this a resubmission of a previously unsuccessful application?


If yes, please provide:

a) Application ID number:______
b) Ranking: ☐Top 10% unsuccessful☐Top 25% unsuccessful☐Not in top 25% unsuccessful
c) Reviewer comments and response to referee comments
d) Brief overview of proposed changes to be made (300 words)

6) Proposed Research Team

MU CI Team
First name / Family name / School, Centre or Insitute / Employment status (e.g. contract, ongoing) / Employment FTE / Area of expertise
e.g. Joshua / Jones / VLS / Permanent / 1.0 / Cell Biology
Partner Organisation details
Name of eligible Partner Organisation / Area of Expertise / $ Cash contribution
CIs from other Eligible Organisation
First name / Family name / Affiliation / Employment status (e.g. contract, ongoing) / Area of expertise
e.g. Joshua / Jones / University of Melbourne, School of Medicine / Permanent / Cell Biology

(add more lines as necessary)

7) Please provide a summary of the project, including the research question(s) and the aims/objectives. Outline the approach and methodology you plan to use (600 words)

8) Briefly describe the significance and innovation (500 words), including:

  • What is new /novel/innovative?
  • How does the project adddresses a significant problem? Is this a critical problem that needs solutions? Does the project refresh an old problem to address the changing environment?
  • How does this project build on past success?

9) Briefly describe the project outcomes and how they will: (500 words):

  • address your research question(s)
  • advance the field(s)
  • contribute to partner organisation needs (if applicable)
  • provide national benefit and impact (include reference to National Research Priorities as appropriate)?

10) Outline how the proposed project/fellowship compliments and enhances existing research activity at Murdoch University (300 words)

11) For Fellowship and DECRA applicants (300 words) please summarise:

a) Your research achievements and contributions to the field(s) to date:

b) The suitability of the proposed mentor/supervisor and department:

12) Please note any circumstances that will impact on Chief Investigator or proposed Fellow Track Record Relative to Opportunity, e.g. career interruptions

13) Indicative resources to be requested from the funder to conduct this project:

ITEM / Comments
PhD Stipend
Maintenance and consumables

14) Please attach a short 2 page CV for each Chief Investigator or proposed Fellow, including

  • qualifications
  • relevant employment history
  • competitive grant funding for the preceeding 5 years
  • awards and prizes
  • A list of other relevant publications from the preceeding 5 years under the following headings: Books, Book Chapters, Refereed Journal Articles, Refereed Conference Papers, Other Publications
  • Any other relevant information

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