Wednesday, April 9, 2014

All members participating (David J by phone from Catamount Arts)

Arbor Day/GreenUp Day - 2014 Canopy Grant

$1500 for grant awarded (another $1500 expected between town budget and in-kind donations)

We’re planning for five trees total:

2-3 at Jensens (no maples because of the road salt)

Dru Powden’s – corner across from Jensens

Next Steps

David J/Neil

Will order the five trees from nursery stock, to be delivered. Some combination of:

·  Red Oak

·  Hackberry

·  One sugar maple (limit because of salt risks)

David will order two truckloads mulch through Joe Layn and have delivered to roller barn

Neil and David to stake trees

Dig safe – Neil will call

Julie to contact Dru and Jensens; let them know our plans and ask about watering; invite them to join us for planting

Julie will talk to Andy Cochran about getting road crew to dig holes on Friday, May 2nd. First thing in the morning (6:30-7AM).

Dave S and Jim will look after trees once they are planted (watering, staking)

Bruce will record in-kind donations/time and satisfy all grant tracking/requirements

All to invite others to join us for planting:

Bruce – Tim; Dave Edwards

David J:

  1. Sean, Judith and Liam Markey
  2. Josh and Cornelia and kids
  3. Anna and Craig and Mosey


  1. Scott Sauter
  2. Gary Swenson & Bob Goss
  3. Annette Lorraine and Richard
  4. Dr. Schein


  1. Mel and Rod Reis

Who have I missed?

All hands on deck: 9AM start on Saturday, May 3rd

Arbor Day/GreenUp Day - Proclamation

Bruce to update Proclamation with current dates and ask Andy Cochran to sign

Proclamation to be read on Arbor Day (by Charlie?)

Peacham Ash Walk

Sunday, April 27

Time to be determined

Neil will lead a walk along Willowbrook Road; he’ll let us know the time once it is confirmed

Ash Inventory

Saturday, April 19th


Tree Board to meet at Fire House to flag ask trees and begin our ‘dot’ inventory

Dave S to find purple flagging tape (color chosen to match EAB boxes)

Neil to bring maps

Julie to bring PC


David J is working on a plan for the Peacham School. Will consider asking Tim McKay about his nursery trees for a sugarbush there

We’ll discuss maintenance later in the year – maybe a summer picnic

May be opportunity for planting trees around PHA Archival building in the autumn or next year