Outreach Notice- Initial Attack Handcrew Assistant Supervisor

Arapaho/Roosevelt National Forests Canyon Lakes Ranger District

Rocky Mountain Region

Arapaho and RooseveltNational Forests, Pawnee National Grassland

Canyon Lakes Ranger District



Please reply by March 29, 2016



The North Zone FireManagement Staff on the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forestplan to hire a GS-0462-06 permanentseasonal (18/8)Lead Forestry Technician-Assistant Handcrew Supervisor (IA Squad Assistant Captain).The incumbent will be supervised by the GS-7IA Squad Captain. This is a primary firefighter position under the provisions of 5 USC 8336(c) or 5 USC 8412 (d). Salary for this position is approximately $38,216 - $49,684 per annum and includes a 22.52% locality adjustment (Denver - Aurora - Boulder OPM rate).

Major duties include:

This is a primary fire fighter and supervisory position with responsibility for providing guidance and leadership to an initial attack squad consisting of one permanent IA Squad Captain, one permanent seasonal Assistant Captain and six to eight seasonal employees. The incumbent will be called upon to serve as an Incident Commander on Initial Attackwildland fires. Duty station is the Canyon Lakes Ranger District, Fort Collins, Colorado.

The North Zone Fire organization (Canyon Lakes RD and the Pawnee National Grassland) includes a Fire Management Officer, an Assistant Fire Management Officer, one Interagency Hotshot Crew, three Type 6 Engines, one Type 7 Engine and one Initial Attack Squad. All ground based primary firefighters participate on the Northern Colorado Interagency Type 2 IA Crew. Fire associated overtime and travel is a requirement of the position.

The North Zone Fire response area covers heavily urbanized forest as well as four wilderness areas. Due to the proximity of the Fort Collins, Loveland and Longmont metro areas, fires often result in a multi-agency fire response. Cooperation with County, State and Federal agencies is an important and challenging part of the job. The average workload on the Zone includes 30-40 fires per year in rugged terrain. The organization’s prescribed burning program is challenging due to its high visibility adjacent to a major urban area and numerous municipalities and unincorporated subdivisions. The focus primarily is on slash pile burning and supporting other agencies with broadcast prescribed fire.

Please Note:This is an arduous position and the incumbent must be able to pass a work capacity test (pack test) at the arduous level as a condition of hire. This position is categorized as a Handcrew Squad Leader in the Interagency Fire Program Management (IFPM) Standards Guide and Forest Service Fire Program Management (FS-FPM) as designated by the Washington Office, Fire and Aviation Management. Minimum qualifications are Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1) and completion of S-290 training. Previous fireline leadership experience is required.

The Fire Management Staff of the Canyon Lakes Ranger District intends to hire one Permanent Full-Time, GS-0462-7Initial Attack HandcrewSupervisor (FS-FPM: Handcrew Assistant Supervisor(AFM06A).Applicants will be solicited from both the Merit Promotion and Demo announcements, pay close attention to the ‘How to Apply’ tab.

Applicants must apply accordingly, have an active application, choose your duty location to be considered, and also meet basic qualifications and selective factors (if applicable).Meeting the quality group is strictly in the applicants’ hands. Duty location is Fort Collins, Colorado. Select Fort Collins as the duty location in AVUE when applying.This outreach will close on Sept. 24, 2010 and a request for a referral list submitted on or shortly afterSept. 27, 2010.The reporting date for this position is approximately January 16th, 2011.

Duty Station Information:

Arapaho &RooseveltNational Forests and Pawnee National Grassland

The Duty Station for this position is located on the Canyon Lakes Ranger District at the Forest Service Administration Site in Fort Collins, Colorado.The Canyon Lakes Ranger District is one of five Ranger Districts on the Arapaho/Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland.It is considered an urban forest because it is close to a large population center along the Front Range including Boulder and Denver.The forest also has one of the most complex ownership patterns in the country.Key statistics of the Forest include:

Four ski areas

Six scenic byways

1000 special use permits

8500 miles of boundary

3000 miles of roads

900 miles of trails

340, 000 acres of private land exists within the forest boundary.

Additional Information about the Forests can be found at:

Fort Collins, Colorado

Fort Collins is located about 60 minutes north of Denver and forty-five minutes south of the Wyoming border on Interstate 25.It is a full service community with several institutes of higher learning including ColoradoStateUniversity.Elementary and secondary schools rank among the States best.There also private and Church-affiliated schools and day care facilities.Fort Collins also has a large and excellent medical community with a wide variety of specialists, several clinics, and one hospital.Cultural opportunities include live theater, vocal and instrumental performances, art and history museums, ethnic festivals, and a full calendar of community special events.The driving time from Fort Collins to various ski areas range from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

More Information about Fort Collins Colorado can be found at:

General Population Characteristics (Based on 2000 data)

  • Fort Collins encompasses 46.98 square miles of area and has 403 street miles.
  • There are 48,084 housing units in the city.
  • Fort Collins has a population of 118,652 residents.
  • The average annual population growth rate for the past decade has been 2.9 percent.
  • Median age is 28.5 years old (including CSU students).
  • Median household income is $56,300 (family of four).
  • Approximately 42.7 percent of the population has completed four or more years of college.


  • Fort Collins is nestled against the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and alongside the banks of the Cache La PoudreRiver.
  • The city lies approximately 5,000 feet above sea level.
  • Residents enjoy a moderate, four season climate with an average of 300 days of sunshine and 14.5 inches of precipitation a year.

Finance and Economics

The Average Cost of a 2000 Sq ft home in Fort Collins is $250,000.

For a Cost of Living Comparison see

Position Information Contacts:

The purpose of this Outreach Notice is to determine the potential applicant pool for this position and to establish an appropriate recruitment method and area of consideration for the vacancy announcement (e.g., Forest-wide, Region-wide, Service-wide, Government-wide, or DEMO).Responses received from this outreach notice will be relied upon to make this determination.

If interested in this position please contact Chet Dieringer, Zone AFMO.


Phone:(970) 712-8503,Fax: (970) 419-4439


Canyon Lakes Ranger District,

300 W. Hemlock, Fort Collins, Colorado80524

Secondary contact: Dave Hamrick, Zone FMO (970) 295-6780,

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination on all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status.(Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGETCenter at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD).
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, WhittenBuilding, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW,Washington, DC20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD).USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

USDAForest Service

Canyon Lakes Ranger District,

2150 Centre Ave. Bldg E, Fort Collins, Colorado80526-8119

ATTN: Scott Nutt


Initial Attack Handcrew Assistant Supervisor GS-462-6

******PLEASE RESPOND BY September24, 2010******


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